Chapter 2

Operation: Moving Out

I’m feeling like an absolute mess right now, my body unconsciously placing all the items my mum wanted me to buy for her on the checkout counter in front of a female worker who starts scanning all of them and placing them in plastic bags. My mind is elsewhere though, thinking again about my encounter with Mark Tuan the prince of my school.

I feel like I’ve totally ruined my chances of gaining a good first impression from him and we’ve been attending the same school since eighth grade. But mind me I’ve only started to like him when a friend of mine was in trouble with her ex-boyfriend who tried to physically abuse her in front of the whole class, which was two years ago. Mark was never the bad boy type in the past, he saved my friend from being beaten up by a total a-hole. He was my hero even though I was nowhere near the situation.

The reason why my encounter with him at the bus stop is the first is because we’ve never really been in the same classes and I’ve only heard rumours about him with this and that, as well as occasionally (and unintentionally) passing by him by the school halls.

I don’t even notice that I’ve been thinking to myself for such a long time until someone from behind me nudges my arm with their elbow.

“Excuse me pretty lady, standing there thinking about life is not going to magically pay for your groceries.” He says with a playful smirk on his face.

Snapping out of my thoughts I turn to see who rudely interrupted my flashback, “Oh hey! Taehyun, how have you been? I haven’t seen you all holidays.” I excitedly greeted as I give him a friendly hug.

Kim Taehyun, the only guy I’m only ever comfortable being with in school. He’s been one of my best friends since kinder and I can’t imagine my life without him. He’s a strange guy - in a good way I mean – having this personality that no one can ever replicate. He has fair skin, an adorable smile and a baby-like face, but don’t underestimate his killer gaze when he’s in serious mode.

So many girls fall head over heels for him, but not me. I don’t see him that way. Yes, from time to time I would think to myself that he’s pretty good-looking and I’m lucky to have him by my side, but I would never really see him as something more than a close friend.

“I’ve been here and there… Killing time, selling drugs… What about you?” he replies back as I take all the plastic bags filled with food, while he pays for his snacks and pack of beer.

I roll my eyes at him as we head out the mart, “No seriously, where have you been? You’ve been so a-wall, you even turned down Minji’s party invites. Bro you even cancelled last minute on our kickback sesh last week.”

“It’s a long story but it’s nothing serious.” He shrugs off, immediately changing the topic, “Don’t worry about it and let’s worry about your look. Dude you look like you’ve gained a lot of weight! Are you planning to bulk or what?”

I roll my eyes yet again as I playfully punch his arm, Taehyun pretending to be in massive pain as he rubs the spot where I punched him. Then he takes half of the bags I’m carrying, “Let me walk you home since I owe you that kickback sesh.” I thank him as we walk towards my apartment build instead of taking the bus.

“So… school officially ends in less than six months, are you excited?” Taehyun asks all of a sudden after a few minutes of silence between us, which isn’t awkward at all, but the comfortable kind of silence.

“I guess I am, but it’s not as exciting if you don’t really know what you want to do after high school.” I confess as I watch as the ground below me moves with every step I take.

“You’re right, but I’m sure you’ll be able to think of something you love to do and make it into a job you’ll never get sick of doing.” He assures as he lets out a light chuckle.

“Thanks for that inspirational speech Taehyun, I really do, but you should head home yourself it’s getting late and we don’t want your little sister waiting for you back at home. Anyways how is she?” I ask.

He fidgets with the handles of the plastic bags he’s holding, refusing to meet his gaze with mine. Taehyun has a little sister that he takes care of as well as his grandmother, they’re the only family members he has left and he’s been left as the person in charge to take care of them and as well as the expenses.

So those questions I was asking him about how he was doing, I knew the answer to. He’s my best friend and I worry about him a lot but he refuses to let me see him with pity and concern. He always says, “I’m perfectly fine and there’s nothing I can’t handle on my own, so don’t look at me like that, as if you’re looking at an abandoned puppy on the streets. I know I’m adorable, but not that adorable you’d want to take care of me out of pity.”

“She’s fine, growing well. She can dress herself now and she know how to count from one to twenty.” He informs with that foolish smile you see only on fathers who absolutely adore their daughters. I nod in understanding.

“I want to meet with her again sometime, I haven’t seen her in a while. Maybe go out to an amusement park or something, yeah?” I suggest.

“Oh I don’t know, she’s still young for those rides, it’s really not worth it.” He says as he hands me back the grocery bags he was holding for me, “Maybe you can just come by my place and I’ll cook you up with some good food.”

“Okay. Is this Saturday good for you? I’m free all week anyways.” I ask.

“Yeah Saturday is good, call me okay? Have a good night and dream about me~” He says as he walks off.

“Okay~~ Thanks for walking me home!” I shout as he walks farther and farther away.

I hadn’t notice that I’d spent the whole afternoon out of the house just to buy some eggs and veggies and some snack of my own. Mum would probably be angry with me when I get home, and dad’s probably home from work. I let out a sigh as I walk through the automatic doors of my apartment building, walking past the guard by the info desk and into the elevators.



Second chapter up and ready to read! hahaha this took me longer to write up than expected it (I thought I'd be able to write it in a few hours but I ended up procastinating and all...) Anywaysssss till next chapter!

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