Chapter 3

Operation: Moving Out

“Where have you been all this time?! I send you out to buy me some simple things but you take, what, five hours just to buy a carton of eggs and some vegetables?! Where’d you go, did you go to your grandparents back in America to ask for some eggs and then came back here or what? Did you personally go to the farm to gather the veggies by yourself?” My mother rants on again as soon as I enter the apartment.

I let out a sigh as I set the groceries down on the kitchen counter, moving towards the fridge to grab a glass of water. Why is being so over-dramatic? She was the one that asked me to get out the house and now she’s scolding me for staying out for too long? Five hours out the house isn’t even long and plus, I was having a small catch-up with my best friend so what does it matter if I’m gone out of the house for more than an hour.

As my mum is about continue to tell me off, my dad comes in the house from work, “Honey, kids I’m home~ why don’t I smell food being cooked today like every other day? Are we having takeaway food today?” He wonders as he greets my mum by giving her a peck on the cheek.

“No, we’re not having takeaway food. It’s just that I asked Layla to get me some vegetables but she came home just before you did.” My mum complains as she points an accusing finger at me. I roll my eyes without them noticing and I head to my room after placing my cup in the sink.

Seriously, if she told me she was going to cook the veggies for dinner I would’ve gone home sooner. I closed my door to block out my mother’s voice coming from the kitchen, throwing myself onto my bed, and letting out a heavy breath. Thanks for caring about my safety mother, I can see how much you love me hahaha I think to myself as I scroll through my instagram, letting out an unamused laugh.

While I look through my news feed on Facebook, my phone rings.

I look at the caller ID as I swipe the screen to the right, “Hello?” I answer.

“Hey I just called to make sure you got to your place safe and sound. You are at home now right?” Taehyun answers back through the phone as he laughs in a sort of goofy way I find adorable.

“Yes, I’m home and comfortably laying on my bed. Thanks for your concern, unlike my lovely mother who only cared about the veggies for dinner.” I sigh.

He lets out a soft chuckle, “Of course I care about, why would I not be concerned about you?” He states in a matter-of-factly way, “And I’m sure your mum cares about you too and wanted to feed you on time for dinner” He jokes, laughing.

“Ha, ha, ha that’s very funn-” I’m interrupted by my dad.

“Everyone to the dining table please, I have an announcement to make.” He says loudly so everyone in the house can hear.

“I’m gonna have to call you later, my dad’s calling for a family meeting.” I tell Teahyun. After saying goodbye to each other I hang up.

Walking to my door and opening it wide enough for myself, I walk out seeing everyone already gathered around the dining table. Taking my seat next to my sister, we all wait for my dad to start talking.

“Well, I went to work today, as everyone obviously knows hahahaha.” He jokes, “We had a board meeting and good news came out that our business is running extremely well that I can leave it to the hands of the vice president. This means we can go back to America and start living there from now on.” He explains.

I’m lost for word. What? Go back to living in America? I thought we’re going to be living here in Korea since my mum and I were both born here. This is not fair, not that I don’t want to go back to America, I do. But I’m so used to living here, I know my way around Seoul, I have many people I’m close to and I don’t want to leave all that behind and start again. I’ll miss all my friends, I won’t be able to see them anymore…

“Dad this isn’t fair. Why do we have to move, I only have half a year left till I graduate.” I complain.

My dad lets out a santa-like laugh, “Ho, ho, ho, of course you’ll be able to finish your studies at your current, school but after that you’ll be attending university back in New York. I’ve already asked my assistant to call and send your application to a few universities to put you into consideration.

I breathe out heavily, “This is bullcrap.”

“Language woman!” My mum scolds at me.

“It’s not even a swear word!” I state, raising my hands up in surrender.

“Any questions? Anymore comments or complaints?” My dad asks. When no one speaks, we all disperse.

Stomping my feet towards my room, I slam my door close. I slump on my bed, covering my whole body with my blanket. I then ring up Taehyun.

After a few rings, he answers, “Yo! How’d your family meeting go?” He asks.

“Ughhhh it went terribly bad. We’re moving out and we’re going back to America to officially live there.”

“Oh wow really? Are you at least going to graduate here?” He questions.

“Yeah… But I don’t want to leave, it’ll mean that I won’t be able to see you and Jessi again.” I sadly say, my voice becoming muffled because of my blanket still over my head. My eyes start to sting from the tears that threaten to fall but I manage to keep it all in.

“Naww babe, just because you’re going to start living somewhere miles away, does not mean you’d stop being friends with us. We can always contact each other through skype or whatever. Bro technology is the new way to meet up!” He assures. I don’t even take notice that he had called me babe.

A warm smile forms on my face but Taehyun doesn’t see, “Thanks Taehyun, I love you.”

“I love you too, veeeery much.” He says, emphasising on the word ‘very’. “But I’m not going to let you leave me without accomplishing something grand, okay? I’ll tell you more about it when you come over on Saturday. Good night and have sweet dreams about me~” He hums.

I end the call, taking off the blankets off my head as well. I stare at the ceiling for a few moments before drifting off to sleep, while thinking about what his plans might be and how I’m going to miss all my close friends and as well as what I think my life would be when I start living in America.



Crap chapter but at least i've uploaded it heheheeh. if there are any parts that you don't understand please don't hesitate to ask or comment below :) Also sorry for the typos or wrong grammar.

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