
The Nanny
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“ It was nice spending a day with you Miss Yoon Bomi. “ Chen mutters. Bomi turns to look at him and flashes a smile. “ It was so nice. thank you for everything. “ Bomi replies. The car that Chen drove stops in front of a tall building, a quite old apartment in the neighbourhood. Chen takes a look outside the window before Bomi interrupts him,

“ This is my house. I live on the third floor. “ 

Chen stares at her and nods before replying, “ Are you sure you’re safe at this hour? Should I walk you to your house? This apartment looks dark and quite unsafe for you. “ 

Bomi replies his stare in disbelief, “ Did he just mock the place where I live? “ Bomi whispers by herself. “ No, it’s totally fine. I’m used to it. And furthermore, security guards here are good. Don’t worry about me, just get home safely. Bye and thank you so much again. “ she says.

 Bomi unbuckles her seatbelt and is about to open the door when suddenly Chen grabs her shoulder. The skin ship sends shiver throughout her whole body before she turns her whole body to look at Chen with her eyebrows twitch in confusion. Chen clears his throat before opens his mouth, 

“ Well, look I don’t want be too straight forward or what, but I would like to meet you again. And if you don’t mind, my friend is holding a party next week, can you be my sort of date on that day? “ 

Bomi is out of her mind. She can’t believe this guy just asked her out again. She escapes a fake laugh, “ Date? Are you sure you want to invite me? I don’t think you want to be seen with me. I’m not classy lady that up to your standard for me to be your date though. “ She adds sarcastic statement.

Chen heaves a disappointed sigh. “ I never think of you that way. Eventually, I find you better than those kind of girls. Can you please just for this once? I promise that I won’t bother to take you on date anymore if you don’t like it this time. “

The last statement statement struck Bomi’s mind. No, she still wants to go out with Chen. She just doesn’t want this guy in front of her to distance himself from her. From the first time she met him, she knows she wants to be with him.

“ I’ll go to that party. “ Bomi replies short. There is a light in Chen’s face when he plasters a smile right after Bomi replied.

“ Cool, then I’ll pick you up next Saturday here. “

Bomi nods before excuse herself to go back to her house. They wave each other goodbye before both figures disappear from each other’s sight.




Bomi unlocks the house door quietly in purpose not to wake her housemate up. When she is about to lock the door back from inside, a voice greets her from behind,

“ You’re late today. Overnight shift? “ 

Bomi turns her head after locking the door and simply plasters a smile. She is about to walk to the room before the voice stops her,
“ Wait, you took a leave this morning. There is no way you have overnight shift. So tell me miss Yoon Bomi, where did you go? “

Bomi’s shoulders slump and her feet slowly make a way towards the owner of the voice,

“ Chorong ah, you might not believe me but i went for a date just now. “

“ WHAT?!!!! “ Chorong almost shouts on the top of her lungs. Bomb hurriedly covers her best friend mouth while doing the shh pose. “ Ya! it’s freaking 12:00 a.m. You would wake the neighbours up. “

Chorong removes Bomi’s hand from before speaks up

“ Bomi, is it the guy you had love at the first sight? The one you told me that night. “ 

Bomi nods repeatedly, “ I feel different around him, my instinct keeps telling me to stick around with him. Moreover, he is a nice guy with honourable job. “

“ Wow, you only spent a day with him and you talk like you know him for a long time already, huh? “ Chorong throws a smirk.

Bomi giggles and smacks Chorong’s hand. “ You indeed fall hard for that guy. “ Chorong adds.

“ At least I have someone that I truly like. When will you, Park Chorong? Can’t you just get over your long-time old crush and move on? “

‘ Old crush ‘ the word hits Chorong hard. she flashes a faint smile. “ Shut up. Go shower and change. It’s late already. “ Chorong starts walking to her room before she can hear Bomi shouts from behind. “ Chorong, I forgot to tell you, next week Saturday, I’m going to a party with the guy. So i’m probably coming back late. Just go to the bed first, don’t wait for me. “

Chorong chuckles, “ I don’t think I would. I probably would be late too. I have extra work at Junmyeon’s house that day. “ Bomi just nods.




The bell rings signalling lunch time for the students. Hayoung pushes Namjoo’s wheelchair to the cafeteria with Sehun following them from behind. Sehunn is busy reading the comic on his hand.They take a seat before Hayoung takes their order and takes food for them.

“ Sehun, go follow Hayoung “ Namjoo instructs.

“ She would probably chase me away. So i rather stick here with you. “

Namjoo giggles in amusement. Not soon after, a guy hops into one of the seats beside Namjoo and flashes a smile. Name replies his smile.

“ Kyungsoo, where did you go just now? “ Sehun interrupts

“ I went to Mr. Kang to help me with my final assignment for this term. Sorry for making you guys wait. “ 

“ No, it’s okay. But I’m afraid you have to take your food by yourself because Hayoung went already. “ Namjoo utters.

“ No problem. “ Kyungsoo holds up an ‘ok’ sign before walking away.

Kyungsoo has been eating with them frequently nowadays. It is sort of Kyungsoo has been one of them. Sehun, Hayoung and Namjoo had always been friend since their primary school days. Before, they have another close friend called Kai but he moved to the states during their first year in high school. You can say Kyungsoo could be the replacement for him for time being. Name chuckles just with the thought of it.

“ Just confess to him. You looked like you want to eat him when you stared at him. “ Sehun speaks out of the blue. 

Namjoo stares at him in confusion and simply shakes her head, “ What are you talking about? “ she replies shortly. 

“ I’m a guy, so I know everything a guy should know. You’re being so obvious. And he looks like he is interested in you too. “ Sehun adds.

Namjoo lets out a snort, “ Nonsense. So when will you confess to Hayong then? I mean how many years has it been since you were hiding your feelings towards her? “ She drops a bomb

Sehun shoot him a sharp stare, “ Don’t drag my case in this conversation. “ Namjoo just giggles.

“ Sehun, next week Saturday, Sunmi’s birthday party in my house. “ Namjoo invites Sehun. Sehun stops reading his comic and looks at Namjoo with a shocking expression. 

“ Are you for real? “

“ Yes and don’t get too excited. You never met that wrench. “ Namjoo mutters

“ I always meet her in magazines you little brat. I can’t believe my wish finally comes true. “

Namjoo hits Sehun’s arm lightly.
“ You should invite Kyungsoo too. “ Sehun butts in.

“ What? Why would I? “

“ Just for fun? I mean you should introduce your new friend to your brother right? “

“ Should I? “ Namjoo asks again.

Sehun nods in agreement. Namjoo is thinking hard but suddenly the sound of the metallic tray drops onto the ground wakes her up. Her attention diverts into the middle of the cafeteria with suddenly a lot of people surrounds two students in the middle. Namjoo turns to look beside her but Sehun is out of her sight. She pushes her wheelchair slowly while excuse herself to squeeze in the middle of these students to get a better look. She squints her eyes to get a better look before her jaw drops

“ Hayoung! “ She utters.




“ Can’t you look when you’re walking. “ A guy shouts. Hayoung bows repeatedly,

“ I’m so sorry. It’s totally my fault. I promise I won’t do it again. “

“ You think a simple apologise would make me just let go of this situation, huh? Do you know how expensive these shoes are? “ the guy flashes a smirk.

Hayoung grabs tissues on a table nearby and hurriedly bends down to clean the shoes for the guy.

“ Go away. Don’t touch me. “ The guy pushes Hayoung lightly but strong enough to make her stumbles.

Kyungsoo hurriedly gets into the scene and carefully pulls Hayoung to stand on her two feets again.

“ Wow, a hero come for rescue. New student right? You better go before I do something worst to you. You d

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 11: Double date....
Please update...
tiana_pluviophile #2
Chapter 11: I do hope you will continue writing this story.. This story is really good, you r amazing author.. Please keep on writing until the end
tiana_pluviophile #3
Chapter 8: Already following you ^•^
I really love your story btw do you hv wattpad acc?
tiana_pluviophile #4
Chapter 1: I just read your story... This story is amazing tho i only read first chap..can't wait to read the next part
exopink_kyungjoo #5
Chapter 11: update plssss
Chapter 10: THEY KISS OMG
astricia #7
Chapter 11: wow! can't wait for the next chap, this make me really curios >.<
mamegoma #8
Im so happy that you updated so fast, cannot wait for the next chapter ........
sp1995 #9
Chapter 11: You are the best :)) Thanks so much for the new update..... I hope you will update the next chapter very soon..... :)))
sp1995 #10
Chapter 10: OMG Please update fast.. I am really curious