Looking at each other


“The eyes that are too late, the eyes that lost you.”

EXO, What If


Chanyeol was not a big fan of library, he only came if he really needed to; to sleep, to sneak out of boring classes, to get away from that annoying Byun Seonsaengnim (remind him again to ask his best friend on how in the earth that scary teacher could give birth to a fun but sarcastic best friend of his, Byun Baekhyun), and to find another beautiful short poem on a colorful post-it.


The first time he went to library was when he sprained his ankle at the final game because somebody of the opponent team tripped him intentionally. As the result, Chanyeol was dismissed from the game and that guy named Kris, his eternal rival, replaced him to play. He went ballistic and got really mad. But again he needed to thank Byun Seonsaengnim for giving birth to Baekhyun because he consoled him and said he should spend some time alone until his ankle healed.

When Chanyeol asked where, Baekhyun led the way to the library – to somewhere that Chanyeol didn’t even know ever existed before in his life.

That is also how he met the librarian, Goo Seonsaengnim. Goo Seonsaengnim has known him for a while – ever since he was dismissed from basketball team for few weeks and liked to sleep here instead at the infirmary, waiting for Baekhyun finishing his English club stuffs. She was a sweet middle-aged lady and she liked him simply because Chanyeol liked to chat with her – when the other kids at the library chose to ignore her presence.

Chanyeol gave her his signature smile – a very wide smile showing off his pearly white teeth – to Goo Seonsaengnim before walking toward the desk at the corner. He sat there and typed a message to Baekhyun and then pouted checking his wrist watch. At this time, he used to dribbling the ball to the ring. At this time, he would be screaming along with his friends. At this time, he would do some dance moves and smirked smugly at that Canadian gigantic , Kris.

Frowning, Chanyeol opened some random books to help him to get sleepy. He chose a book and opened it carelessly. What he didn’t expect was to find a pink post-it on the first page of the book, saying I am good at one-sided love, I can smile like it’s nothing in front you, but yearning like crazy inside.

Chanyeol’s eyes widened in astonish. He didn’t expect to find something such heartbreaking like this. Chanyeol took the post-it and read it for several times before looking at the title of the book. It was one of Harry Potter’s series and to add more – it was one of the English Harry Potter’s series, which meant not everyone in their school would spare some of their times to read those books – since they had to translate them anyhow.

Chanyeol thought she didn’t want anyone to find the post-it, that was why she placed it on this book and she, of course, didn’t expect somebody like Park Chanyeol would use that book to help him to get sleepy.

Chanyeol wanted to ask Goo Seonsaengnim, but then he realized he was making things up on one post-it. It’s not even that important to be asked, so Chanyeol pocketed the little note inside his pants and put his head on his lower arm, trying to sleep.

Chanyeol admitted that her writing on the post-it was very meaningful.


Park Chanyeol was famous for his handsome face, his gigantic height – all thanks went to his parents’ gene, his musical talents for playing piano and guitar and drum, he’s good at rapping, and the most important was that he got that raspy low voice that girls craved for.

“You’re still going to library?” Baekhyun asked once when Chanyeol said he would wait for him at the library. For someone like Park Chanyeol, someone that liked to run outside until he’s all sweaty, it was weird.

“You see… I don’t think my ankle is perfectly healed… So um, and, uh… I have nothing to do… And yeaaaahhh, library…” Chanyeol covered his stuttering with smiled widely, trying to make Baekhyun believed in his words. But again, blame it all on Byun Seonsaengnim, for giving birth of his best friend, because Baekhyun raised his brows in curiosity just like his mother’s, making the taller cautious, “… Seriously, Baek, are you going to use the ‘eyes’ with me?”

“I’m just raising a brow, dude…” Baekhyun reasoned confusedly. He even still didn’t want to believe that he looked exactly like his mother. And seeing the taller was looking away, Baekhyun knew his best friend was hiding something. “What are you even doing at the library, dude? ?” Baekhyun wondered, on his defense, he didn’t mean that seriously. So when his best friend’s cheek reddened, he blinked blankly.

“You ,” Chanyeol responded, “I’m not doing that in such place.”

“So you do ,” Baekhyun smiled widely and Chanyeol swore to God if he could spend another useless minute to hear him, he would prefer to get wasted with Kris all night long. “Seriously, dude, what are you doing—”

“—I’ll just… I’ll text you, okay? I’ll see you.” Chanyeol slapped Baekhyun’s crown of head and hurried leaving the confused yet curious Byun Baekhyun.

“He is definitely going to have some time for himself,” Baekhyun muttered under his breath and turned his back, stepping his way to his club.


After smiling and talking about work and weather, Chanyeol made his way to his usual spot and took a seat, huffing and yet expecting to find another post-it. It’s not like Chanyeol was obsessed with the post-it, he was just getting attracted with the words. And it made him craving to see some more.

This far, Chanyeol has found three more post-it – they were all safe inside his pocket. Chanyeol has learned that the writer often put the notes on books written in English or literature ones. It somehow hinted that they enjoyed reading literatures. Chanyeol found the second note on Romeo and Juliet novel, I may not the brightest star but I can shine enough for you, the third note on another English novel of Harry Potter’s series, It’s my fault for falling, hoping you will catch me, and the third one on the latest novel of John Green, The Fault in Our Stars, How easy for a person to fake a smile. And those notes gave pang in Chanyeol’s heart, because she sounded very, very sincere.

It once crossed his mind – who knows that maybe the writer was a girl, an overweight girl, who’s been obsessing on someone? Or who knows that maybe the writer was a nerd, a lonely nerd, who’s been stalking on their crush? Or who knows that maybe the writer was a male?

But Chanyeol’s gut said the writer supposed to be a girl; because the handwriting was so neat, the only other person who he knew was capable of neat handwriting was Byun Baekhyun – and no… It’s a no way for Byun Baekhyun writing such things – and the way she (or he?) chose the colorful post-it – even the notes were saddening, the post-it were colored on bright ones; pink, baby blue, light green, yellow, and orange – so Chanyeol was sure it was a girl yearning for her crush.

Chanyeol bumped into someone when he went to literature section. That someone was a girl, Chanyeol couldn’t see her face because it was covered with her bangs and her long brown wavy hair. She bowed down and muttered something like ‘sorry’, then she quickly stepped away of the library, not so much for Chanyeol’s concern. All he wanted to do there was finding another post-it and waited for his best friend.

Chanyeol’s eyes caught one book, it was pretty thick book, and unlike the others that were neatly ordered, it was stick outward and made it noticeable. He curled up his brows in curiosity and took out the book. It was a novel, again in English, titled Thirteen Reasons Why. Something tickled Chanyeol’s sense of interest, so he opened the first page. And his eyes widened second after.

He has found another post-it.

I was red, and you were blue. When you touched me, I turned purple. Then you decided lilac sky was not good for you.

Chanyeol reread the note for another good two times before exhaled in exasperation. Whoever made this girl so desperately sad, should be punished. He took the post-it and put the book on the shelf back. When he was about to retreat, something reminded him.

The female student that he bumped just now, was she here for a reason? Chanyeol tapped his index finger on his chin as he tried to remember their encounter just now. It was moving in such slow motion inside Chanyeol’s brain, she was putting something on the shelf, then when she was about to turn around, she accidentally bumped into him…. Then she apologized and hurriedly left the room…

Damn, he has just met his potential post-it writer!

Chanyeol took the book once again and he checked the very last page. In their school’s library, whoever wanted to borrow the book must write their names on a list of that book before they told to Goo Seonsaengnim that they wanted to borrow it. Chanyeol checked the name list and found four people were recently borrowed the book.

Lee Sungyeol, Bae Irene, Jin Seyeon, and Jung Eunji.

Chanyeol canceled his intention to sleep, instead he wandered around the section to find the books where the post-it were on. Why didn’t he think about it days ago? Maybe because Chanyeol was annoyed, so it never crossed his mind.

He took the books and quickly checked the last page to get the card list. There he found two repeated names, Lee Sungyeol and Jung Eunji.

A smile tugged up on Chanyeol’s lips. He has just decreased a chance of more than hundreds female students into two options, and he believed that it wouldn’t be Lee Sungyeol – he was still persistent using his theory.

“Jung Eunji,” he whispered, “Hello, Jung Eunji, it’ll be so nice to meet you.”


If there’s one thing that could make Baekhyun used ‘the eyes’ on his best friend, his answer would be one; when Chanyeol wanted to know something so desperately – just exactly what he did right now.

At first, he thought Chanyeol was being sincere since he said he wanted to treat Baekhyun a glass of smoothie, but if only he knew he would be bribed at, he would rather go home than sipping this stupid banana smoothie.

“Come on, Baek,” Chanyeol whined, “Can’t you just tell me what class she’s in?” Chanyeol even had the audacity to pout, and God knew how irresistible he looked right now. “I won’t ask you to do anything else… Just… Just help me… This once, please?”

Baekhyun heaved an irritated sigh, “… Why does she matter for you? I’m your best friend since ages ago, and I knew, Chan, your type is nothing like her,” then his eyes squinted in disgust,  “I swear to God, if you plan on hurting her—”

“— NO!” Chanyeol shook his head quickly, “No, I don’t even know her, Baek! How could I plan on hurting someone I don’t even know?”

“It’s not a bet with some jocks on your team?”

“… You know I don’t go there these few weeks,”

Baekhyun sighed, “She’s in 3A, I don’t really know her, but she joins my club as well. Smart, a very smart girl. And um… She’s a good friend of Lee Jieun, you know her. I often catch their glimpse being together.”

“Wait… Is this my Lee Jieun, my team manager?” Chanyeol clapped his hands in excitement.

“Yeah, yeah, her, your Lee Jieun,” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. Chanyeol used to have this major crush on the female, but sadly she already dated her childhood friend. And when Chanyeol met her boyfriend, well, there’s nothing better to do than back off, because heck the boyfriend was flawless – sweet angelic smile, looked preppy and decent, loving – and even Baekhyun scoffed at Chanyeol, saying even in after life, Jieun wouldn’t want to be with him. “Anyway,” Baekhyun sipped his stupid banana smoothie and continued, “Why are you being so interested on this Jung Eunji suddenly?”

Chanyeol was tongue-tied, “… She left something at the library,”

“Oh, what is it?”

“Just some monthly personal stuff,” Chanyeol said with meaningful tone, trying to make his best friend understand.

And it worked, Baekhyun blushed, “I regret asking…”

Chanyeol laughed lightly, he felt a bit guilty for lying to his own best friend, but if Baekhyun knew, then it didn’t seem to be fun anymore. Chanyeol always believed that it’s fate bringing him to get the notes and there’s a reason for it.

A smile tugged up on his lips, thinking that he couldn’t wait to meet this Jung Eunji tomorrow.


It was supposed to be fifteen minutes before the bell rang, but Chanyeol was the first one that finished packing and sat on his chair restlessly. And if diligence were a virus, and so were laziness, maybe people would try hard to find the vaccine for it because laziness spread faster than diligence.

Byun Seonsaengnim looked extremely displeased seeing him already finished – even her son followed suit, along with the male classmates of his. Byun Seonsaengnim narrowed her eyes and asked, “Where’s your notebook?”

“In my bag, Seonsaengnim,”

 “Why don’t you put it out?”

“I’m so sorry, Seonsaengnim, I don’t want to be rude, but you always get done teaching later than it supposed to, and I’m really in rush to do something on-time… So later, when the bell rings, I can dash out right away.”

Byun Seonsaengnim averted her eyes to her son, and sadly Baekhyun was smiling a not-so-convincing smile and nodded, “Chanyeol actually has his point, Seonsaengnim,”

Byun Seonsaengnim widened her eyes and when she was about to scold all of the male students, the ball rang. And just like what Chanyeol has said before, he nodded to his best friend and dashed out right away, even before his best friend’s mother.

Chanyeol was very determined to meet this Jung Eunji girl, because heck, he really wanted to know the reason. Baekhyun did ask why he was so eager to meet her, why he was so willing to meet someone that he even didn’t know was existed before.

Chanyeol was tongue-tied that time.

Because, really, how could someone like Park Chanyeol said something like, “… Because her notes were captivating,” while he even lied to his best friend? So yeah, there was no better reason than being shut up.

Chanyeol waited diligently until the students of 3A flooded out of the room. Chanyeol caught glimpses of his fellow members, but he wasn’t in the mood to talk to them. He only nodded knowingly at them before his eyes shifted to the female students. A petite girl with brown hair and bangs, Chanyeol recalled what Baekhyun said before and his eyes landed to a figure that was waving her hand to his past crush.

Chanyeol quickly tried to walk away and he sighed in relief seeing Jieun was turning left instead his direction – which he was right. Chanyeol was in the middle of doubts whether he should go in and talk or just shrug it off and go home and play that Grand Theft Auto game he bought few days back.

Chanyeol inched closer to see what happened inside the classroom, why it was so quiet, and when he glanced, he found that figure was looking out of window, head backing Chanyeol, but Chanyeol could sense that girl was smiling thinly. Thinking that it might be his one and only shot, Chanyeol then stepped in, but blame it on all the nervousness, he tripped over his ing own feet and fell abruptly.

That girl jumped in surprise, sensing that she was no longer alone. She turned around and that was the first time Chanyeol saw her face.

Damn, she was beautiful. That girl hurried to him and blinked confusedly, “Are you okay?” she asked worriedly.

“Um…” Chanyeol was speechless, say something you goddamn moron, “… Oh yeah, it’s fine…”

“You scraped your elbow,” Eunji noticed and her eyes widened in horror, when she was about to take out her handkerchief of her pocket, because Chanyeol was being Chanyeol and he ing his bleeding elbow.

“See? It’s okay now—oh God,” Chanyeol realized he has just committed a big mistake, “I’m sorry! It’s… Oh goodness… It’s a habit… Um… I… Uh… I play! I play on team… And um… It’s a habit… Uh… There are people… Who kiss their wound to heal… I’m… Mine is a bit odd… But no… I swear to God I’m not a vampire—ah what am I even saying…” Chanyeol was definitely making a bad first impression, “… Please don’t be disgusted,” Chanyeol added in whisper.

Eunji shook her head lightly, “It’s fine,” her lips tugged up into a soft smile.

Chanyeol tried to stand up and then he looked at Eunji more carefully, she was looking at him and she pointed his dirty pants, and Chanyeol played it cool with only nodding lightly. He then glanced out checking what the female has been watching, and his eyes found two persons – a couple apparently – and they were sitting on the bench, with her head leaned on the male’s shoulder. They were talking about funny things, Chanyeol assumed, because they were bursting in a good laughter.

“… So how can I help you?” Eunji’s question knocked him off his reverie. Chanyeol looked back at her and studied her feature. She was a petite girl with bangs, her face was round with thick eyelashes and her orbs were full with curiosity.

“I… Uh… Do you know me?” Chanyeol suddenly asked a question.

Eunji rounded her eyes for a good three seconds before nodded, “I do, you’re a basketball player, right? I think I’ve seen you once or twice while visiting a friend,”

“No… I meant… Do you know me? Because I think we’ve bumped into each other yesterday at library,” Chanyeol fixed his question and tried.

Eunji blinked in confusion. “Well, I think I did. Oh, did I hurt you? I’m so sorry but I was such in a hurry and I didn’t watch where I was going carefully and—”

She was cut off with Chanyeol’s five letters words of “—I read your post-it…”

“You… What?” Eunji gaped in shock.

“It was all accident, I swear,” Chanyeol tried to explain because Eunji turned so pale after Chanyeol said that, “I don’t even understand English, goddamn. But that day, I really want to be sleepy… And I chose random book to help… And I swear… I swear I don’t even expect it to happen… I found your post-it… And the day after, and the day after…”

Eunji’s shoulders hunched and she rubbed her temple. “Oh my goodness,”

“They’re beautiful, I really like them. They’re so meaningful and I can feel the broken feeling you have—”

“Stop, please stop.” Eunji turned to take her bag and books. Chanyeol was now turning confused with her attitudes, “Those…” Eunji bit her lower lip, “You can have them for yourself. But please, just please… Don’t talk with me about them anymore,”

And with that, Eunji stormed out the classroom, abandoning frowning Chanyeol.


Chanyeol wasn’t the type of guy who’s fine with rejection. No, at all. Chanyeol was born as a warrior, and as a warrior, it meant he would do anything to get what he wanted. Even if he had to beg at Jieun to bring her friend over their practice, so be it.

“Would you stop following me, giant?” Jieun sighed, “You’re creeping me out,”

Chanyeol pouted cutely, “Come on, Jieun, it’s just a practice! What’s so hard about bringing her over?” Chanyeol trailed on Jieun, she was distributing the towels for the members. Jieun only shook her head. “Please, Jieun… I’ve never asked you anything, right? I’ve never bothered you with anything… Please, Jieun, please…” Chanyeol whined cutely and if only Jieun was single, she would pinch his cheeks and blame him for being a cute baby boy.

Jieun stopped on her track and Chanyeol accidentally bumped into her back. She turned around and looked at Chanyeol, “You scared her yesterday, Chanyeol.”

“It’s never being my intention, Jieun, believe me,”

“She’s traumatized with your presence, Park.”

“A very nice joke, Lee, impress me more,”

“And how could you find the notes? You don’t go to library,” Jieun asked mockingly.

“By accident, I swear. They’re beautiful, Jieun, that’s why I want to talk to her,”

“Why are you so persistent?” Jieun furrowed her brows, “It’s not like you like her… Oh damn, you like her? Seriously, Chanyeol, you like her? You don’t even know her!”

Chanyeol blushed at the accusation, “NO!” He ran a hand on his hair, his face reddened and he tried hard to act all collected, “I don’t like her… I like her notes, not her…”

Jieun scrutinized her team member and as if she got the answer she searched for, finally Jieun gave in, “Fine, I’ll go ask her to come tomorrow… Just don’t… Don’t freak her out for another round, okay?”

“I’m harmless,” Chanyeol raised his hands and smiled pleasantly, “Thank you, Jieun. You’re the best manager ever, if only you’re not dating, maybe I’ll fall in love with you.” and Jieun snorted at this answer.


When Chanyeol returned to the team after skipping practices for weeks, Kris frowned hard. It meant that Chanyeol would get his space back and he would return to his former position. Chanyeol smirked triumphantly at this and felt so much energized when he confirmed to Jieun about her friend, and she nodded.

Chanyeol texted Baekhyun, asked the male to go home first because he needed to keep up with the game plans for upcoming match. They were competing with their ultimate rival from around their neighborhood. When Baekhyun replied with ‘okay, don’t mess your chance this time, Yeol. I need details once you got home. good luck, best bud!’, Chanyeol only rolled his eyes. Of course he wouldn’t miss another chance to talk to her about the post-it. Chanyeol was a really nosy boy and he really itched wanting the truth behind.

When Coach Jun whistled, meaning their practice was over – heck yes, they’ve been spending more than three hours shooting and dribbling and running around the field – all team members quickly gathered to Jieun, thinking she was such an angel when distributing the cool energy drink.

“Lee Jieun, you’re my life savior,” or “Jieun, you look so white and there’s a circle on your head, are you somehow an angel in disguise,” or “Jieun, can’t you just break it off with your Kim? You can date me instead!” were loudly heard and Jieun again snorted as answer. She’s been taking care of these boys for more than two years, so their pick-up lines are already old to her ears.

And it seemed to Chanyeol, Jieun purposely distributed the drink latest for him, because it also seemed like she waited for something. Jieun walked very, very slowly to him, and sighed because whatever she has waited has not come yet. “I think she won’t come,” Jieun finally said when she’s face to face with the giant.

“Do you really think she hates me?” Chanyeol’s disappointed look was etched on his handsome face.

“Hates you, no, scared of you, yes. Learn the difference, Park.” Jieun mocked him.

“Seriously, Lee?” Chanyeol raised his brow, “Now I really wonder why in hell I ever liked you,”

“Because I never failed at first impressions,” Jieun answered sarcastically and Chanyeol ruffled her jet black hair, caused the shorter yelped in pain. “YAH, PARK CHANYEOL! YOUR HANDS ARE SWEATY! YOU —EUNJI, YOU’RE HERE!!” Jieun snatched Chanyeol’s long hands away and dashed over to her friend, who looked flabbergasted seeing such a lovely scene between her friend and her scary stranger.

“Um,” Eunji looked over her shoulder while Jieun was packing her bag, her eyes glanced on the smiling Chanyeol, he was wiping sweats with his shirt, then finished his energy drink on one-shot. “Jieun, do you know him?”

Jieun followed her gaze and nodded, “Yes, of course, he used to like me…” Jieun said conceitedly, but then she cackled, “… I was kidding, he’s a team member and a friend. He likes to make fun of me though,” Jieun added with a pout carved on her face.

“Jieun,” Eunji called again. “Do you think he will talk to people about those?”

Jieun shook her head in a speed of light, “He doesn’t and he won’t. Chanyeol is good at keeping secrets, Eunji.”

“But why did he have to be the one finding them?” Eunji played with the hem of her uniform. “It should be him, not him.”

Jieun patted her head motherly, “Maybe it means that you need to let him go. He has moved on, Eunji, and I really think you should too.” Jieun smiled understandingly and averted her eyes to Chanyeol’s direction. Accidentally her eyes met his and Chanyeol looked hesitant to approach them, “And maybe, who knows, you can start new pages with him.” Jieun added, “He’s harmless, charming too.”

“He’s too tall,” Eunji complained.

“It will bring your children good genes,”

“YAH!” Eunji yelled at Jieun’s absurd answer. She even didn’t know anything about him, and how could her friend said something about future?

 “I’m just kidding, gee.” Jieun picked her bag up and continued, “Anyway, you’ll be going home with him because my lovely boyfriend is picking me up and now he’s already waiting for me,” she raised a hand, “Park Chanyeol!”

Chanyeol blinked in surprise and came closer, he was smart enough to take a good distance with Eunji, but Jieun could see both of them were nervous. “What,” Chanyeol asked, pretending to act okay.

“Can you take my friend home?” Jieun definitely ignored Eunji’s “I can go home by myself,” and Chanyeol’s “What? Me?” and kept going, “But Eunji always stops by at the nearest ice cream shop downtown, so please accompany her. Hold her hand when you’re crossing the street because Eunji is a reckless pedestrian, the worst one.” Jieun tapped her chin, trying to think about more of her friend’s habits, “… Oh! This is the most important one! Don’t leave her, at all, when she says she can go by herself. Make sure she arrives safely at home. Text me right after, okay, Park? I really trust my dear friend on your hands,” Jieun said warningly.

Chanyeol looked at Eunji, who was looking down on her shoes and she fidgeted restlessly. Was she still scared of him? Chanyeol had no idea. “Okay,” was all Chanyeol said and Jieun looked glad.

“I’ll see you two tomorrow,” she waved her hand and rushed leaving the strangers by their own.

“Impossible,” Eunji whispered, “Abandoning a friend for love,”

Chanyeol hid his smile and nudged her with his index finger, “Should we go?”

Eunji looked at him to look away for second after, “Sure,” she said, “I’ll kill her tomorrow,” she added in hushed tone but somehow it was audible enough for Chanyeol to hear.

Chanyeol giggled in silence.


Chanyeol really did what Jieun had asked him. And right after they stepped on the bus, Eunji kept mumbling about Chanyeol should just go home and she would make sure that Jieun wouldn’t know about this, but Chanyeol refused by saying that Eunji was his responsibility and he would keep his promise to Jieun.

They were sitting on the bus, Eunji kept glancing outside and Chanyeol played around with his fingers, repeating in mind that he got to stop biting his nails because they were getting ugly, even Baekhyun once mocked him, telling that Chanyeol was too poor to buy a portion of rice. Chanyeol remembered throwing balls on his direction.

“How long…” Chanyeol moved in surprise when Eunji turned to talk to him, “… How long do you know Jieun?”

Chanyeol thought about it for a while and said, “From the time when she apologized for breaking my thumb because I made fun of her.” Chanyeol smiled, “It’s been almost two years, I guess? Well yeah, we’ve been friends for quite a while. How about you?”

“Umm, we’ve becoming friends since she saw my name on our first day of middle school. She said that our names mirrored so we should be best friends.” Eunji also smiled, “We’ve never been separated ever since,”

“You’re having fun being her friend?” Chanyeol joked and received a playful hit on his upper arm for that. “Sorry, but really… Jieun somehow looks like having two personalities, do you understand what I’m saying? She can be so charming and kind and lovely and innocent in front of new members but killing to me,”

Eunji chuckled, “I would like to prefer that she’s only being real about herself around people she’s familiar with,”

And they talked more things, about the weather in Seoul and then moving about Running Man and how Lee Kwangsoo was getting handsome, moving about their activities – Chanyeol learnt that Eunji was too smart for his own good when he found out that Eunji has been joining student exchanges to other countries since middle school, and how her eyes sparkled when she talked about it – and moving to their hobbies, Eunji liked to read and write poems (Chanyeol forced his tongue to not talk about post-it).

When they arrived at Eunji’s usual ice cream shop, Eunji took a sudden halt and it made Chanyeol almost bumped into her (for the second time), Eunji turned to see Chanyeol and swallowed, “Can we just go?” she asked.

Chanyeol furrowed his brows in confusion, “Why?” he dumbly asked.

“I just remembered that I have cold and I don’t want to make it worse—”

“—you’re just fine, Eunji,” Chanyeol mistook Eunji’s blabber and said, “I can pay for your ice cream…”

Eunji held his arm and before she spoke, a guy called her name questioningly and Chanyeol could see Eunji was stiffened. It took all of her willpower to turn and met the guy that called her. Chanyeol realized that guy, with the girl attached to him were the ones he saw outside the window on Chanyeol’s first encounter with Eunji.

“I never know you’re still coming here,” That guy said. Chanyeol peeked on his name tag, it read Lee Sungyeol. Eunji looked away, anywhere but him, so he continued, “It’s really nice to meet you again, Eunji,” he smiled, “I hope there’s no hard feeling between us,”

Chanyeol felt her grip was tighter.

That guy smiled guiltily for no response coming out of , so he then excused himself with the girl and Chanyeol waited for Eunji to say something, anything, Chanyeol didn’t care what, as long as she spoke Chanyeol would be relieved…

… But then Eunji ran away, dashing to the restroom and Chanyeol couldn’t follow because it’s female only.

While he was waiting, his mind contemplated about everything, and it’s all seemed to make sense now. Maybe, just maybe, that guy, Lee Sungyeol once dated Jung Eunji, but things happened and they broke up. Eunji wrote sad notes because she couldn’t move on while he already definitely did, and Chanyeol was a third party – someone that least expected – to find the notes. And seeing how Eunji refused to look at him and hearing that she still came here, which meant this place once was meaningful for them, Chanyeol could conclude that she still wanted him to come home.

Eunji thought she has been spending forever inside the restroom crying. She took a look at the mirror and smiled sadly on how bloated her cheeks and how red her eyes and nose were, she always regretted crying over someone who didn’t even care anymore. Thinking that maybe Chanyeol has left, Eunji wiped her tears and sighed.

Her eyes rounded in awe when she found that Chanyeol was still there, right in front of the restroom, getting weird looks from the girls, and his hands holding a plastic cup with the ice cream brand labeled on it. He was checking his phone, and when he was about to put it back inside his pants, his eyes met hers.

“Oh, finally,” he smiled and inched closer to her. He handed her the plastic cup and Eunji found three scoops of her favorite flavors – mint, chocolate cookies, and sweet corn – were inside. “I called Jieun and asked your favorite ones. Mint and chocolate cookies are fine… But sweet corn?”

“It’s delicious,” Eunji defended, her heart was mended a bit because Chanyeol was not talking about it.

“Well, you can eat it on our way, I guess. It’s getting dark and I’m afraid Jieun will kill me if she knows I’m still keeping you around.”

Eunji smiled, “Okay,”


Their way back was filled with silence and their own thoughts until they reached Eunji’s home. Her ice cream was long finished and she was grateful for Chanyeol to buy it for her.

“Are you okay?” Chanyeol finally found his courage to speak. He has been wondering alone and he thought he couldn’t handle it anymore, “I don’t really like to see girls’ crying. I don’t even like to see my sister’s cry. It kills me,”

Eunji was silent.

“I really had good time today with you, thanks to Jieun and her craziness over her boyfriend,” Chanyeol smiled mischievously, happy because he could talk down on her freely, “I really want to say sorry for finding your post-it,” Chanyeol said, “But honestly, I can relate to them.” He shoved his hands inside his pants. “I know the feeling,” Chanyeol couldn’t control his brain to stop talking, because he found himself kept muttering, “Wanting something so badly, even until doing so many things only for it… Then, when you get it, you realized it didn’t make you feel happy like you thought you would be. You’re tired with it and you left it as if it never meant anything for you.”

Eunji looked at Chanyeol and found the male was smiling softly at her.

“If I were him,” Chanyeol shook his head, “I would never treat you like that. I would even never consider you as a thing. You’re a person and you have your worth.”

Eunji flushed in pink.

“That is why I really wanted to meet you after reading your notes. I wanted to tell you that you’re not alone, and I can help you,” Chanyeol said. “I can help you to move on…”

Eunji smiled bitterly, she couldn’t move on after months, and how could Chanyeol come and think that he could make it happen?

“… I’m good at this, I’m good at distracting my opponents on games,” Chanyeol added in promising tone, “It won’t be very different, I assume? It’s just about how to distract your attention and how to break your habit… I think I can help you…”


“Give me a week,” Chanyeol said. “Give me a week and I’ll help you to forget. If in a week you’re still thinking about him, then I’ll step aside. But if I’m success, at least don’t stop moving on for me.”

Eunji looked up to catch a glimpse of joking inside his eyes, but there’s no such thing. His eyes sparkled with determination and (Eunji thought she made it up) some hope inside his black beautiful orbs. “A week,” Eunji parroted.

“It’s all I’m asking for,” Chanyeol nodded, “A week to break your habit.”

It looked like forever for Chanyeol waited, and Chanyeol already mustered his courage to say that it’s fine if Eunji didn’t want to do this because they barely knew each other for approximately three hours together and Eunji was scared of him and— “Okay, a week to break my habit,”

Chanyeol widened his eyes as Eunji broke into a thin smile.


“What’s going on between you and that Jung Eunji actually?” Baekhyun asked him at their recess and he smacked Chanyeol’s head for trying to steal his meatballs.

“Why do you care?” Chanyeol asked, chewing his rice and Baekhyun looked disgusted.

“People were wondering. I am wondering,” Baekhyun smacked his crown of head again and Chanyeol winced. “Do you know about what happened between her and a senior named Lee Sungyeol?”

Chanyeol paused as he looked up at Baekhyun. His best friend was looking at him with a solemn expression, “What’s with them?” he asked.

“I heard that sunbaenim was playing around with her, dating her only to win some bet or something? I heard they lasted for three months only, but Eunji hasn’t moved on for more than three months.”

Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a blank expression and received another smack. “Seriously, Byun Baekhyun, there’s a precious brain inside. I need this for my bright future.”

“What the heck,” Baekhyun rolled his eyes in diva way, “What I’m trying to tell is… You, Park Chanyeol, whatever you have right now with her, make sure you’re not planning to play around with her heart. I’ll unfriend you.”

Chanyeol sighed. “Well, you can’t unfriend me, dude, because Jieun would be already killed me.”

Baekhyun clapped his hand in agreement and Chanyeol continued finishing his dinner while his mind was wandering about things he should do to make her forget about that named Lee Sungyeol.


Firstly, Chanyeol tried to break the habit with always bringing her to his practices. She was a pretty help, to be honest. Jieun’s burden was decreasing ever since Eunji came around and even Jieun wondered if Eunji wanted to be a manager just like her.

Secondly, Chanyeol tried to maintain a good contact with her by steadily texted her. Chanyeol was born as a talkative , so he talked a lot about many things, and Eunji was really glad to listen.

Thirdly, Chanyeol refused to go to that ice cream shop anymore and instead he brought her to a parlor near their school and treated Eunji chocolate float for take-away. Eunji once joked she could gain weight because of this constant treatment, and Chanyeol only smiled his signature smile.

There was one time when Eunji complained that she was feeling unwell, Chanyeol suggested to make fish porridge and take some medicine then have some nap, but Eunji said her mother wasn’t around. Freaked out, Chanyeol rushed over her house with fish porridge and medicine.

“It’s just a cold, Chanyeol…” Eunji sneezed right after.

Chanyeol embraced her and said, “I know, that’s why I’m trying to make you warm,” he joked lamely and led her to her bedroom. As a gentleman with clear mind, Chanyeol let the door wide open and waited for the female to eat.

“I’m done,” Eunji said suddenly when she thought Chanyeol wasn’t aware.

“You’re not,” Chanyeol said firmly, “You just had four spoons. Six more and I’ll let you slip,”

Eunji’s heart raced, she didn’t believe that Chanyeol was studying her. Pouting, Eunji had other six spoons and then gave up. She kept sneezing and asked Chanyeol to leave because it could affect him.

But Chanyeol said, “Well, it’s good then. I have a reason to skip my deadly practice for another round,” he kidded and Eunji giggled.

After seeing Eunji was really sleeping, Chanyeol stood up and looked around her room. It was dominated with pink color and her pictures with foreigners with different background. Chanyeol also found dozens of post-it were attached on the wall. Most of them were old because the ink was already faded or the post-it were crumpled. Chanyeol frowned reading the saddening notes, saying things such as ‘Maybe when we’re older, we’ll be right for each other’ and ‘I knew I loved you when I started making excuses for the way you hurt me’ – there’s a note under this post-it said you dumb little girl, move on. – Jieun – and ‘I was wrong for believing you’ll make me happy forever’.

His eyes read other post-it until they fell on recent ones. Unlike before, these were better, brighter, and sounded happier. ‘I’m walking again after months being paralyzed in memories’ and ‘His smile was as bright as the sun’ and ‘He’s not you, but he’s better than you’.

Chanyeol felt excited as he turned to see the sleeping beauty was snoring softly. His smile was there. Yes, his signature wide scary smile, and he lowly muttered, “And you’re as enchanting as the moon, Jung Eunji,”


Eunji was staying longer that day because tomorrow was Chanyeol’s match and he already asked her to wait. Chanyeol brought her snacks, magazines, and his sister’s novels to keep Eunji relaxed and awake.

She was half-asleep when Chanyeol came to her and he leaned her head on his shoulder. Feeling something hard on her head, Eunji looked up and found Chanyeol was drinking. She pulled away and mumbled, “Sorry,” to him.

“Yah, why are you up?” Chanyeol again pulled her head ad leaned in on his shoulder. “I have thirty minutes before another oh-so-called-game-plan practice, you can have nap until then.” Chanyeol said.

“I’m bored,” Eunji grumbled.

“Do you want to go home?” Chanyeol asked, “I can ask Coach Jun’s permission to take you home…”

“No, it’s okay.” Eunji shook her head, “Chanyeol.”

“Hmm,” Chanyeol was busy calming his heart down. Eunji smelled so nice with her fruity smell of her hair.

“What should I do?”

“What?” Chanyeol was distracted.

“I’m getting used to be around you… What should I do when the week over?”

Chanyeol’s world seemed like to stop.

Thinking that Chanyeol’s silence was a sign that he wasn’t comfortable with the topic, Eunji pulled away and nibbled her lower lip. “I’m sorry… I was mumbling… It’s because I’m sleepy… Wash my face… I should… I’ll be… Be right back,” Eunji stood up and rushed outside.

Chanyeol was blank confused and Jieun, who watched them from afar smiled motherly. “Ah,” she clapped her hands in happiness. “It’s too cute to see,”

“What is?” One of team member named Bobby butted in, “Me?”

Jieun made a face and hissed at him, “Just shut up and have your rest while you can, newbie.”


Eunji was about to walk in to the female restroom when she heard loud laughter coming from inside. What canceled her intention wasn’t the noise, it’s because what they talked about, Chanyeol.

“Do you think Chanyeol oppa is serious with that girl?” A nasal-voiced girl said.

“Are you insane?” a loud, high-pitched tone was said, “Chanyeol oppa must be joking around. Like seriously. Don’t you think that girl is such a nerd? Chanyeol oppa is a basketball team member. He’s handsome and famous. He won’t be serious, believe me.”

“But she’s smart.” Another voice was heard.

A snort, “Don’t you know that Chanyeol oppa is failing at some subjects? I think he approaches her to do his assignments.”

“Ah, you’re right, Kei.”

“I know,” some giggles were faltered because Eunji walked away, canceled her intention to wash her face. She was wide awake and her palms were ice cold because of anger and crushed hopes.

When Eunji walked back to get her things, Chanyeol was widely smiling and welcoming, but her anger was taken her soul away so she ignored him. Chanyeol curled his brows up and when he tried to touch her, Eunji stepped away.

“What’s wrong, Eunji?” Chanyeol sounded innocent, “Did something happen? Did you meet him?”

Eunji wanted to burst in laughter, because Chanyeol played his card very nice. Eunji tried to control her composure and said, “I don’t want to see you anymore.” Then she bolted out, leaving Chanyeol dumbfounded.

If Eunji thought Chanyeol would be okay with it, then she was wrong. Again, Chanyeol was a warrior and as a warrior he would do anything to get whatever he wanted to have. And right now Chanyeol wanted explanation.

Chanyeol rushed following the female and caught her arm, pulling her back. But Eunji was pushing him away repeatedly, until Chanyeol got sick with it. He couldn’t help it so he screamed, “WHY DON’T YOU STOP PUSHING ME AWAY, DAMN-IT.”

Eunji stopped moving and Chanyeol stopped breathing. He has just yelled at a female who captured his attention through her sincere saddening notes.

“I can’t read your mind, Eunji, so please tell me. What did I do until you’re saying you don’t want to see me anymore?”

Eunji tried to flee, but Chanyeol wouldn’t let her.

“Was there something I said or I did wrong for you?”

Eunji tried again, but Chanyeol refused.

“Tell me, Eunji, tell me.”

“You’re only joking around with me.”

“I am what?” Chanyeol pulled her away to look at her with surprised look inside his eyes. “What makes you think like that?”

“You came to me suddenly. You acted so nice suddenly. You can abandon me suddenly too, and tell people you’re only joking around with me,” Eunji’s eyes watered. “… Just like him,”

Chanyeol shook her body, trying to get some sense to her. “I won’t hurt you like what he did to you. I won’t leave you, heck, it never crossed my mind to do so. I won’t treat you like he did. I won’t abandon you for any reason. Look at me in the eyes, Eunji, and tell me that I’m joking all along!”

Eunji braced all her courage to look at Chanyeol’s eyes. “You’re only joking all along,” she said quietly, even barely a whisper.

“Fine,” Chanyeol slowly let his grasp go, his jaw tightened and Eunji could see Chanyeol’s eyes were watery, “Fine,” he repeated and then swallowed, “It’s over then,” Chanyeol turned his back against Eunji, and never planned to turn around to see the female he adored was breaking in tears.


Few days after their not-so-decent farewell, Eunji heard from Jieun that Chanyeol was sprained his ankle again because the opponent tripped over him, that was why their basketball team lost. Jieun also said that on the game, Chanyeol looked unfocused and blank, as his mind wasn’t there.

Eunji only pretended not to care.

When Jieun asked what happened between them, and after Eunji told, Jieun raised her hands to slap Eunji on her back and her . She said something like, “You moron! You made him crazily frustrated because of people’s words?!” and “Have you confirmed it to him?” and “YOU HAVE TO APOLOGIZE TO HIM!”

Eunji tried to ask for Chanyeol’s friend, Baekhyun’s help. He looked annoyed firstly, maybe because what she did to his best friend – and somehow Eunji thought Baekhyun would look compatible with Jieun – and confirmed about the failing subjects that made Baekhyun’s eyes widened, “You’re not seriously taking those stupid girls’ gossip, are you? Chanyeol didn’t do great with some subjects, but he doesn’t fail them.”

Eunji wanted to cry.

“I supposed to despise you for what you did to my very best friend. You turned him into a zombie, do you know that? He even hardly alive,”

Eunji bit her lower lip.

“But because I know how much you meant to him… It’s okay, I’ll help you.”

“You will?” Eunji’s face brightened a bit.

“Yeah,” Baekhyun nodded. “It’s funny, by the way.”

“What is that?”

“It’s all started from you accidentally left your monthly thing at the library,” Eunji rounded her eyes and then blushed realizing the meaning, “How unexpected your love is,”

Eunji then learnt that Chanyeol didn’t tell his best friend about her notes and she felt more thankful.


Chanyeol didn’t want to sleep at the infirmary anymore, end of story (it was simply because the beds were mostly used for raging hormones kids to make out).

Knowing that he had nowhere to escape beside library, Chanyeol huffed indignantly as he slipped in to the library. He greeted Goo Seonsaengnim before went to his usual place. He was about to sit down when he found two post-it colored in yellow were attached on it.

My mother once said to fall in love with his eyes, not his face, because face would falter, but eyes won’t.’ and ‘I found my life back inside your eyes. Park Chanyeol, can you come back to me?


Chanyeol looked up and found Eunji was looking at him, she seemed scared and Chanyeol wanted to hug her to calm her down, but remembering they were still in warzone, Chanyeol stilled.

“I’m sorry,”


“I really am,” she stepped closer.

Chanyeol didn’t move.

“I’m so sorry for telling to never wanted to see you anymore… It was a very stupid of me… I… Uh… I overheard some girls talking about you… And they said… You were only playing around with me…” Her voice trembled, “… I don’t want to be played… I’m not good with games…”

Chanyeol smelled her fruity shampoo coming out of her as she walked closer.

“I’m sorry… So sorry for hurting you… I—”

Chanyeol pulled her into a tight hug, too tight because Eunji could feel she would be out of oxygen anytime soon, “—I liked you even before I met you. Your notes tugged my heartstring, that’s why I was itching to meet you. You have no idea how I begged those punks who called themselves as friends, only to get me to meet you…” Chanyeol sighed. “And a week that I asked you, was a stupid reason for me to stay near you… I don’t know about your feelings, but I planned on asking for another week if it ends…”


“I like you, Eunji. Please believe me instead them,”

“I’m sorry,” Eunji whispered. She hugged him back and said, “I like you too,”

Chanyeol smiled widely. “Good,” then as if remembered something, he called her name, “Hey, Eunji,”

“Hmm,” Eunji responded but refused to look up, she was enjoying the pounding heart of her boyfriend.

“Will you write about me more on your post-it?”


Chanyeol believed anyone could find love, anytime, anywhere, unexpectedly; just like his.



Author's Note:

April 16th 2015.

DAMN IT ALL TO CHANYEOL FOR GETTING SO MUCH HANDSOME IN EXO NEXT DOOR AND DATING ALONE. I've just watched three episodes of EXO Next Door and look at me, I'm dying in happiness. I'm imagining things about him...

and hello~~~ this is will be my last update, because I need to be gone to prepare my midterm exams (wish me lucks ^^) but no worries, I'll be back before you know it <3

anywaaay, I would like to scream 'I love you' to you, who viewed, who subscribes, who upvoted. you're the best <3<3<3

please leave me thoughts about this okay? :)


Anyway, happy reading!

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keindoll1999 #1
Chapter 1: This is so good!!!!! I love this!!!!
choandin #2
Chapter 1: Everytime i read your Chanyeol-Eunji fanfic i always crying. I dont know why but i think Chanyeol doesnt deserve to be hurt. If Eunji cant guve you happiness then i will do. Kidding. Sorry. But this fanfic is rrally really great for me. I love all your fanfic
Chapter 1: I really love this. It may not be a different story from others but you make it the readers feel different feeling of reading this story. I love it so muchhhh and to be honest i was nearly cried but thank god i am good at hold it to let it bursted hahaha looking forward for nore chanji story from you
asyilasa #4
Chapter 1: This is cute! I rarely read chanji but... This is nice! Hehe i keep thinking how handsome Chanyeol....in exonextdoor kekekeke
mcfans #5
this is the best chanji ff that i ever read .. good job authornim .. *thumbs up*
Chapter 1: Gosh, I really enjoyed reading this. It was very nice, sad, with the touches of bittersweetness.... uh, I can't think straight now. As always, amazing job!

And good luck with all you exams!
Chapter 1: my heart ;;;; so nice. you're never failed impress me with yr ff. and really thank you for making chanji. forever ship them ;;; and lee sungyeo you broke my heart and aw both yeollie and both biases <3 thank you~!
Chapter 1: This is soooo cute and touching. hope to see a sequel. ^^
Aya02Cancer #9
Chapter 1: ahhhhh, this is beautiful ^^..... and cute XP
Chapter 1: This story spoke all about love and its innocence. Beautifully written and beautifully delivered. Good luck for your exam anyway!!! <3