22 - Taylor Swift

The Real Me


My best friend Lee Eun Sung decides to throw a pyjama party considering her hubby is out of town. She called up our group of crazy friends together . As a celebrity i need to make sure i am best dressed everyday. So i had to pack my cute dooley pyjamas in bag pack and leave unnoticed.So here we were 4 girls together at Lee Eun Song's awesome bunglow in Pyeongchang-dong in northern Seoul. Whoever wrote the lines ' Girls they just wanna have fun' guessed it absolutely right about us. We experimented with our cooking. I said lets add eggs, Lee eun song said beef. Had we gone on for more than an hr, her beautiful apartment would have turned to a charcoaled museum.We let Lee Eun Sung take over the cooking while each of us opened our big bags of snacks and soju.

It was time to go all out with the shots. We spoke of all the gossip in town . Who was dating whom, who dumped who, who is currently dating whom, rating guys based on looks, skills.We even complained about the guys we dated and how some were jerks and how some were cry babies and how some were momma's boy!
We laughed our hearts out. I continued to laugh while everyone was silent. They soon realised something was wrong. 

"Park Shin Hye, we are your best FRIENDS. We know everything about you. We do not judge about you based on how good or bad you are. We dont care what others may or may not say about you.We have known each other for more than a decade. We would always love to see you smile , but friends are not just for goodtimes and smiles but they are more so when your eyes are swelling up and you wish you could hide them all up. We know you had some tough days. We will not ask you to share if you are not comfortable. But we want you to know that you can cry your heart out here and we will still not ask you anything. We will let you be as you are. No questions asked."

I couldnt hold back. I sobbed like a child. Words failed to express what my heart felt. They all hugged me. I thanked the heavens above for such precious friends. I never felt so consoled without a word being spoken

Lee Eun Sung pulled out her finest wines and everyone's eyes just lit up. We were back to being like girls who giggle without any reason. We danced to the tune of 22.We didnt care if we were not able to match our lyrics with Taylor Swith. Tone, pitch was all on a different level. Inspite of all this i think our cover version of the song was the best and most memorable.

It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters
And make fun of our exes, uh uh, uh uh.
It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight
To fall in love with strangers, uh uh, uh uh.

We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time
It's miserable and magical.
Oh, yeah
Tonight's the night when we forget about the deadlines
It's time

Uh oh!
I don't know about you
But I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright
If you keep me next to you
You don't know about me
But I'll bet you want to
Everything will be alright
If we just keep dancing like we're
22, ooh-ooh
22, ooh-ooh


They played my drama 'Heartstrings'. Its always embarrasing to watch your own drama especially in front of your girlfriends. They all crinched at the kiss scene and pulled my leg for looking so blanked out when i have one of the best looking guys in the country kissing me.They always challenge my kissing skills. Somehow i had Lee Eun Sung to pull me out of this mess. She praised me, saying i was good in Pinnochio. So now they start discussing about Lee Jong Suk.

My friends were in full ert mode now, not sure if it was the wine or if the true colors were showing up.I was confused if they were creating a list for me to act with these actors, or get an opportunity to kiss these guys. They somehow think i represent the group and should do my due deligence in taking full advantage of the opportunities
Here goes the list
1) Kim Woo Bin ( Acc to my frnds i have to act with him to end the whole 2nd lead syndrome) 
2) Park Yoochun ( Looks - 8.0, Kissing Skills - 8.5, Shower scene - Did he have any they wondered)
3) Yoo Seung Ho ( He is back from Army and looks super hot these days)
I revolted since he is younger. We looked cute was the observation of my ert friends. Based on our latest interview and his description of his ideal girl, it definitely seemed like he was dating.I did try hard to probe him later if he was dating but she just smiled it off. 
4) Sung Joon ( The guy knows to kiss , husky voice and i have already done photo shoots with him)

Just then i get a call from HIM. Considering my drunk state of mind, i nearly forgot my friends had all eyes on me
PSH: Yah.. Kim Soo Hyun Shi.. how are youuuuuu
KSH: Are you drunk
PSH: A lil bit. Just having some fun with my girlfriends
KSH: Good for you . I will call tomorrow. Have fun!

They all ganged up around me..

"Yah.. Park Shin Hye!! You better tell us what is going on here.. why is he calling you! He is definitely a great catch. I dont think you guys have a drama coming out and he is calling you !!Wooooooohhhhhh.. Somethings going onnnnnnn. We need details..." they demanded

All i could say was Shhhhhh before i blanked out 

We really didnt care if she dated or did not date Kim Soo Hyun, we were just happy to be together. Its one of the days we are always grateful to have friends to cry with, smile along, laugh along  , get drunk, gossip... the list can go on!

We all collapsed on the bed!

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Kimlover88 #1
Chapter 14: I loved your story! Please please update soon :)
Bbeuman #2
Chapter 14: Please update it's been awhile since your last update.
Chapter 14: Weeee,like much the cheesy lines...thanks writer~nim...
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 14: Soo sweet...if this they reel love life...its must beautiful...^_^
kyonkichi #5
Chapter 14: what a cute chp n thanks authornim for updating :)
Chapter 13: fingers crossed =) thanks for updating =)
kyonkichi #7
Chapter 13: tq authornim for updating. it's been a long wait but worth it! cnt wait for the nxt chp n hihi, i love their slow progression. tq again n fighting!
Chapter 13: Super cute thanks for the update!!
sarahsusanti #9
Chapter 13: Lovely couple in beautiful story...thank you
Please update soon
marinette #10
Chapter 13: Wow..an update. Been waiting for this so long. Thank u! Hope you can update regularly.