On My Way Back Home [Chen] - PART II

응답하라 2011 (Answer Me, 2011)
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A/N: Thank you for my new subscribers: se_ericafaye, zieqaeira, venomboy17, Rnow_seoshidae, fluffyme, ilikekpop4 and sunflower98. And of course to, ToDaelover1202 for you comment. Hihi.

WARNING: This is unbeta-ed. I apologize for all the grammatical and typographical errors. OTZ


March 2015




Chen shooed away Tao from Kyungsoo who was still indulging himself with sushi. Xiumin, on the other hand, took the place of Yixing as the latter found his place beside Suho. Kai and Maknae sat across Kyungsoo. All of them were complete now for the reunion-slash-engagement-party. But something is still bothering Suho...Who was the father of his dongsang's unborn child?

"Kyungsoo-yah," Suho put down his chopstick and called the attention of the pregnant man. "Who was the fa--" He asked earnestly, only to get a kick on the shin from Luhan. "Oww! Yah! Luhan!" He was about to stand up but Yixing held him on the elbows to restrain him.

"Shhh--! I'll tell you later," Yixing whispered to his lover. "Just ask Kyungsoo next time. This night is about us...not about Kyungsoo. Not about the baby. And certainly, not about the own who got our owl pregnant. Okay?" With that, Suho managed to somehow contain his curiousity but he could not kept his eyes off Chen's hand who was occasionally rubbing Kyungsoo's tummy. The number of suspicious people on his list added up as he noticed that their youngest had his chopstick constantly mimicking a stabbing knife every single time that Kyungsoo would laugh out loud from Xiumin's lousy joke. Then Suho noticed Kai who had been awfully quiet since the four entered the family restaurant.

"Kyung," Chen kept on putting shrimp tempura on a plate for Kyungsoo, who could not contain the gleaming in his eyes at the sight of the fresh crustaceans covered in panko breading.

"Yah! Hyung--!" The maknae attacked Chen's chopsticks with his own before the older put another fried food on Kyungsoo's plate. "Stop putting to much oily food on Soo-hyunggie's stomach. He's going to get fat like a whale." He started a chopstick fight with the resident troll but lost when it was the pregnant man who hit him in the forehead with a metal spoon. He yelped in pain and gaped at his beloved hyung, "Hyung! How could you?!"

"Uwa--Chincha," Kyungsoo rolled his eyes before staring back at the younger man with teary eyes. "I...I just want to eat! I d-don't care if I become fat because it's what the ba--OH MY GOD! YOU THINK THAT I LOOK LIKE A WHALE" The very hormonal man who was in the last monthe of his first trimester wailed to the poor baozi beside him. Chen glared at the Maknae like he was demanding an apology while he was soothing Kyungsoo's back. The guilty man just sulked in his seat, still not comprehending why was he receiving that kind of treatment, while tugging Kai's sleeves for assistance but he other gave him a cold shoulder and popped a sushi to his mouth.

"Kyungsoo-hyung," Kai passed the tissue holder to his hyung. Kyungsoo mumbled a soft thanks to the tan-skinned man while still glaring at the man beside the dancer. Kai just chuckled at the scene as he leaned back again on the chair. "Do you want me to go with you tomorrow at the hospital, Hyung?"

"Nah. I think that I could manage..." The preggo owl hesitated a bit before continuing, "Or...I could ask if....not busy."

Chen just laughed at the mood swings that Kyungsoo was experiencing at the moment. He grabbed the shorter (just a few centimeters shorter, okay?) man's shoulder and pulled him closer. "We're not busy for starting tomorrow, right? Might as well ask if you want somebody to come with you."

"Chen's right, chingsoo~" Baekhyun agreed with his beagle derp nodding alongside him. "Who knows if you might collapse on your way to the hospital."

"Seriously, I can manage." Kyungsoo assured his besfriend and sipped the last portion of his orange juice. He almost smashed his glass as he demanded for a drink. "Yah, Hunnie-yah~ Give me a drink, please." Sehun was about to pour a beer on Kyungsoo's glass but Kai was faster on giving an orange juice refill.

Tao managed to throw a pile of tissue at the stupid man who almost gave something prohibited to Kyungsoo. "You're really, stupid. You almost harmed the baby!" On cue, Chanyeol, Kris and Suho spurted out their drink simultaneously, causing Luhan and Baekhyun to groan as their faces got wet with beer and saliva. Lay  just simply shook his head with a soft smile plastered on his sleepy face. When Tao realized his mistake, he put his fist on his mouth.

"What? Hyung..." Maknae stared at his favorite hyung with his jaw almost reaching the table. "You're pregnant?"As their eyes met, Kyungsoo just had his eyes widened until they're the size of a saucer and immediately clung to Chen and Xiumin for comfort. The youngest wasstartled when Kai got up from his seat and declared that he would go out for a smoke because he had enough of their weekly drama. He then noticed that Chen was acting protective of Kyungsoo eversince they arrived. He knew that his ideas were getting more stupid but he just wanted to confirm it himself.

Hunnie stood up from his chair, startling everyone. For some reason, fear was eminent in Kyungsoo's eyes. He glared intently at Kyungsoo and then at Chen...and then back at Kyungsoo. He closed his eyes and took deep breath before looking straight at his now-pregnant-hyung. "Are you cheating on your Chagi...?" Kyungsoo shifted on his seat, thinking of ways to escape Hunnie's long-night interrogation. "On your husband?!"

"Oh God..." Baekyun just banged his head on the table out of exasperation. He was just like Luhan and Suho who had been massaging their temples for quite awhile already. Kris, Tao and Chanyeol guffawed while slapping their thighs. On the other hand, Yixing joined Xiumin in his mission to calm down the whimpering and very hormonal Kyungsoo.

"Yah. You're stepping over the line now," Chen tried to talk to Hunnie to clear up the understanding. "Don't talk like that. Kyungsoo is at a critical stage right now."

"But Hyung! He got pregnant by someone other than his husband!" Hunnie slumped back to his chair. "And he's cheating with you! And it's only normal if Kyungsoo would choose you over his husband...just like before." Hunnie looked towards the entrance of the family restaurant. "Poor husband."

Baekyun and Luhan lifted their heads to look at the stupid lad, "Oh ing, stupid, maknae...Not again."

"I swear, is he really that stupid?"




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BlackNoir_2552 #1
961c22c41cde437 #2
Chapter 1: I really want Chen to be kyungsoo's love.They are made for each other.
misslovers #3
Chapter 5: Chensoo shipper here plz let Chen be soo husband jebal ^^
DragonLovesUs #4
Holyyy!!! #TEAMSEKAISOO!!!!!! (am I the only one? But its imposibble, isnt it?). (I was trying to get rid of how , like in the drama the couples got paired up.) This is what happens when two (of my fave) ships clash together =________=
PandaLovesMe #5
Chapter 5: my vote for #TEAMKAISOO.... forever for #TEAMKAISOO..... <3 <3
mkrease #7
Chapter 5: #TEAMHUNSOO all the way!!! \(>_<)/
sesoolover #8
Chapter 4: i badly want sesoo!!! sesoo for the next chappie please ;-)
Chapter 3: I see SuLay here ❤ Really great story ❤ But I wonder who is Kyungsoo's "chagi" . It would be great if it was Kai but in other hand Sehun... I can't decide. I don't mind who it would be. I really like your story so I'll be reading it to the end ❤

Hwaiting ~
Chapter 2: Oh! I really like this story ❤ I like Kyungsoo's character here ~ And everyone's xD Stupid people who are harassing Kyung :( Anyway it's really good