On My Way Back Home [Suho] - PART I

응답하라 2011 (Answer Me, 2011)
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A/N: Hello again! A big thanks to Endika, 0818420, ELF154ever, alenant and afterthemoon for subscribing! :'D I forgot to tell that this is a college!AU. ^^ Again, I apologize in advance for my grammatical errors. Hope that you would enjoy this chapter. PEACE--!






Home. A lot of people say that home is where your heart is. Most people are very particular of the place of what they call home. But for me, it doesn't matter where, as long as I am with the persons I consider home. They are the very same persons who made me feel alive and needed. No, my family is not my home. The student council is not my home. Those three cheeky teenagers who just went through puberty are my home. Those crazy pranks. The typical teenage drama. The clumsy boys struggling with me in proving that we can manage without the help of adults. As long as I am with them, I feel that I am home.


Home. It is such a comforting word...for people who are always alone. And I am going to protect it. I am going to protect the people I call home.



Ding. Ding. Dong.


"Zhang Yixing-ssi. Paging Zhang Yixing-ssi. Pleace proceed to the Student Council Office immediately. I repeat, Zhang Yixing-ssi, please proceed to the Student Council Office immediately. Thank you."


Ding. Ding. Dong.


I lead on the backrest of the chair as I made an announcement over the PA. I've been dead tired for the last few weeks after organizing various study groups in preparation for this weeks examinations before the winter break. And that adding to my cute dongsaeng's case did not help him to relax. After the gruesome months of seeing Kyungsoo always in the daze with a silly grin at his face at times, the other two boys and I were frantically searching for the clues for what we called "Blue October Case".

Since we could not get any relevant information form our guy, I asked for Journalism Club's Kris-hyung to interview anyone who might have seen the incident and SC Vice President Chanyeol-ah to review CCTV footges of the school. After the investigation, neither they nor I could not believe who was behind of this rumor spreading that resulted to Kyungsoo getting mobbed by Varsity Dance Club's anti-fans as they turned their attention to him. What a stupid rumor of Kyungsoo being the Varsity Dance Club's favorite pet who did ual favors for the members. Who would even think of that rumor and had the guts to spread it? I would believe if Maknae or Kai had a "pet" but with Kyungsoo? No one would even dare to confess to him. Why would someone even try to keep a volatile person as a pet?

"Hyung," Chanyeol put some files for me to be signed. "Are you sure that you could handle this? I mean, we can both to this or even ask for Duizang's help..."

"I'll be okay," I gave him an assurring smile. "I think I can handle this."

"You think? Hyung, you gotta be sure. It's the Forensic Medicine Department's Unicorn that we're talking about. Who knows if he might try to stab you with your very own pen. I heard that he could cut through Yu Minsang with just a pen. He would be the death of Gag Concert's I'm A Killer Corner."

Okay, that idea was kind of disturbing. "But I need to do this. They're my home now. I need to protect my home." I sighed and massaged my temple. I could not believe that this conversation with this derp was actually happening.

"If that's what you think, Hyung. Just don't fall for his charms. We'll just pray for you safety," the derp-faced elf snickered at me. "Or better yet, use some protection for safety." Chanyeol got out of the room as quickly as possible to avoid a pile of papers being thrown to him. As soon as the door closed behind Chanyeol, I swore that I could have heard him yell "Speaking of the devil~!"

Without much further ado, the door reveal the man in question after knocking on the darkwood. "Nice seeing you here, Zhang Yixing-ssi." I gesture for him to sit down as I moved towards the meeting area, "Have a seat. You might be wondering of the reason why I called you here."

"Thank you." He looked a hell of a lot sleepy. This face across me was very far from the "Unicorn in Action"  in the flyers that the Forensics Med gave away at the start of the school year to attract freshmen to take seminars at their department. True, that Unicorn was very appealing that I almost applied in one of the seminars. I would admit that I was somehow attracted to him. "So, what am I doing here?"

"This is why you are here," I looked at him sternly as I pushed forward a photograph across the glass table. It was a shot from the CCTV of him talking to the anti-fans who assulted Kyungsoo that day. I waited for his reaction with a poker face plastered onto my face. His eyes widened as he kept ong looking back and forth to me and to the piece of photopaper in his hands.

"I-I-I just--I didn't mean--"

"Mean what?"

Zhang hang his head low and he was clutching the part of his laboratory gown just above his knees. I could hear his sniffles. I would have comforted him if we were not in this situation. "I-I di-didn't mean to hu-hurt D-Do-ssi."

"Then, why?" He looked at me as if he was questioning me with his eyes. "Why did you do this?"

"You didn't know?" Zhang-ssi's face was very unreadable. There was a mix of pain...and relief?

"Do you think that I would still ask you I knew your reasons?" I retorted back to him.

"Wow," The unicorn face-palmed in front of me. "Are you stupid?"

"And now you're insulti--"

"I was jealous, okay?" He tried to contain his giggles and embarrassment but miserably failed. "God, why would it have to be this person?"

I was not getting any of it. I knew I was dense at times but believe me, I could read any situations or tensions. Why would I have been voted at the Student Council President if not for my good human relation skills? Seriously, what the heck..."Jealous of what? Who is this person you're talking about?"

"Jealous of Kyungsoo, of course? I could make a better bento than him!"

"You like Kai or Maknae?" I gasped with my hunch. "You like both of them?"

"Are you really that stupid?"

I just looked at him dumbfoundedly. It took me  while to process his insult. "Seriously? Why do you

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BlackNoir_2552 #1
961c22c41cde437 #2
Chapter 1: I really want Chen to be kyungsoo's love.They are made for each other.
misslovers #3
Chapter 5: Chensoo shipper here plz let Chen be soo husband jebal ^^
DragonLovesUs #4
Holyyy!!! #TEAMSEKAISOO!!!!!! (am I the only one? But its imposibble, isnt it?). (I was trying to get rid of how , like in the drama the couples got paired up.) This is what happens when two (of my fave) ships clash together =________=
PandaLovesMe #5
Chapter 5: my vote for #TEAMKAISOO.... forever for #TEAMKAISOO..... <3 <3
mkrease #7
Chapter 5: #TEAMHUNSOO all the way!!! \(>_<)/
sesoolover #8
Chapter 4: i badly want sesoo!!! sesoo for the next chappie please ;-)
Chapter 3: I see SuLay here ❤ Really great story ❤ But I wonder who is Kyungsoo's "chagi" . It would be great if it was Kai but in other hand Sehun... I can't decide. I don't mind who it would be. I really like your story so I'll be reading it to the end ❤

Hwaiting ~
Chapter 2: Oh! I really like this story ❤ I like Kyungsoo's character here ~ And everyone's xD Stupid people who are harassing Kyung :( Anyway it's really good