
∫-The Random Cutie In Glasses-∫

KyungRin gave a weird look at the three boys at the stared at her with a surprised face.

"What?" she asked them, slightly annoyed.

"Okay..." ChangJo snapped out of his trance and elbowed the guy who had the shoes in his stomach.

"Ouch! What?!" he yelled at ChangJo.

"What you gonna do?" ChangJo whispered, referring to KyungRin.

KyungRin couldn't help but twitch. Did he think she was deaf?

"Well anyway, why would you want those shoes? My friend clearly got them first." ChunJi spoke up after a while of silence.

KyungRin wanted to choke him. She clearly saw them first but the pink haired them first!

"Pfft! Excuse you!" KyungRin scoffed. "I saw them first!"

"Okay, okay! Chill, girl!" ChangJo chuckled.

KyungRin clucked her tongue. Oh, she's chilling alright. But her patience line was getting thinner and thinner.

 "Alright, alright. Let's just settle this. Can I have the shoes?" she asked nicely, putting her hand out.

"But it isn't fair if he just gives it to you, right?" ChunJi tried to make a point.

KyungRin rose an eyebrow.

"So what? Make me pay double?"

"But then I won't have a gift for my sister..." the guy mumbled.

"Fine. Fine. Let's make an exchange." KyungRin suggested.

"There! That's better!" ChangJo clapped his hands.

KyungRin sent him a little glare and ChangJo shut up.

"So, what's the deal?" the guy asked, a little curious of what a girl like her could possible offer.

"Shoes right? For your sister?" KyungRin made sure. The guy just nodded.

"Hmm... Familiar with ©REEBOK's HOLOGRAM NEON series?" KyungRin asked.

ChunJi's mouth hung open.

"You mean the one in pink and yellow?!" the guy asked, a bit shocked.

"Yeah! But I only have the pink one though... What's it called...? The Pump Omni Lite...? I'm a size 8. The shoes you're holding is a size 8. Switch?" Kyung Rin offered.

"HELL YEAH!" ChunJi blurted but quickly shut up. After all, it wasn't his shoes.

ChangJo stared at her in shock.

'How did she got those?! Only 300 pairs were made for each color and it was said that the last pair was sold months ago!' ChangJo thought, still in shock.

"Wait... How did you get those...? They're not fake, are they...?" the guy suspiciously asked.

"Pfft! FAKE?! HELL NO!" KyungRin told him in disbelief. "My aunt gave me a pair a couple of months ago... But I'm not into pink so I never wore them..."

The guy thought about it for a few seconds then held his hand out.

"Fine. Deal."

KyungRin smiled in content and shook his hand.


So KyungRin got her driver to bring the shoes over to the mall and the exchange was successful!

Little did they know, their meeting hasn't ended there yet...



"OMG! THANK YOU!!!" EunNa thanked KyungRin and hugged her.

KyungRin rolled her eyes.

"Yeah... Yeah... Yeah... Save it for later..." KyungRin mumbled as she collapsed on the sofa, exhausted f the whole event that afternoon.

But something bothered KyungRin.

She felt as if something was missing...

But what was it...?


A/N Boring update...? :<

I honestly LOVE those shoes!! ><


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Chapter 4: please update!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!
Update soon please!
xFlyHigh #4
oh gosh o_____O;