∫-The Day We Met-∫

∫-The Random Cutie In Glasses-∫

ONE SPECIAL DAY... Something happened...


"WHAT THE HELL!" KyungRin shouted as her best friend, EunNa, asked her a favor.

"PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE RINNIE?!" EunNa begged. She knew she just had to get it.

"Ohmygosh EunNa! You want me to die, don't you?" KyungRin rolled her eyes but gave in to her best friend's pleading and agreed anyway.

"Fine, fine..."

"YES! I LOVE YOU!!!" EunNa hugged her friend and ran off to class.

KyungRin sighed as she headed out of the school gates and towards the mall.


Today, ©BAPE was going to release a new shoe design called '©BAPE STA'. But because that is a limited edition design, EunNa wanted to really bad because first of all, she's in love with neon fashion and second, she has a collection of ©BAPE shoes and she wasn't gonna let a limited edition one ruin it.

It was actually a half day in Seoul High, but because EunNa had to take some extra credit classes, she couldn't go buy it herself which led to her best friend, KyungRin, to get it in her place.

[A/N: Just in case you wanted to see the design! ^^]

'Gosh... The things I do for my friends...' KyungRin miserably thought as she walked in the store. She asked a salesman in the store where the STA shoes are and he directed her to an isle where the neon shoes were located.

She walked to the very end of the isle and saw the last pair of STAs. As she was about to grab it, someone else grabbed it.

'WTH?!' KyungRin thought as she turned her head to look at the culprit.


A/N: Aigoo... Boring and short chapter... :<

Im sorry! ><

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Chapter 4: please update!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!
Update soon please!
xFlyHigh #4
oh gosh o_____O;