Double Date

Mister Kim
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Baekhyun's POV

I stared at the man in front of me. My eyes squinted as I closely and judgmentally considered him. He was a decent looking guy. He has smooth, clear and white skin, his face was chiselled and his features were strong yet his eyes looked gentle. He was good in the eyes, and fairly hot too. I noticed how wide his shoulders were and his chest seemed to be a good place to bury your face in. He was a complete hottie if I was truthfully honest with myself.

I then glanced at my best friend and quirked an eyebrow at him, a small smirk forming on my lips.

Not bad, Dae. I mentally told him. Not bad at all.

He simply rolled his eyes at my expression. He clearly understood what I meant.

Someone then awkwardly cleared their throat. It was the man in front of me. I flashed him a dazzling smile.

"So Baekhyun-ssi, this would be our first meeting right?" he inquired. I dutifully nodded. "Yes, it is Junmyeon-ssi. It's nice to finally meet you," I courteously answered him.

My eyes then wandered towards the person beside me. He seemed to be frowning about something on his phone. I'd better ask him about it later. I then glanced back to Junmyeon.

"Minseok has told me about you," I told him. He understandingly nodded his head and hummed in response. My eyes then met my best friend's. Mischief soon sparkled in my eyes and the corners of my lips evidently tugged upwards. "Jongdae too! He's been gushing about you ever since the charity event!" I mused.

I could feel Jongdae shooting lasers in my direction but I paid him no heed. I innocently smiled at Junmyeon. His face was flushed red, obviously flustered with my words. I couldn't help but silently coo at his embarrassment.

"You didn't tell me your cousin was so cute, Ming. You should have introduced us sooner," I jokingly whispered to the man beside me.

Minseok merely raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips. He didn't even bother to look at me, he was just typing away on his phone. I irritatingly clicked my tongue at him.

Isn't he the rude one?

I turned my attention back to Junmyeon. "So~ Junmyeon-ssi? Tell me about yourself," I smiled at the said man. He shyly scratched the back of his neck and smiled weakly. "I, uhm. I'm not interesting at all. And I think Minseok and uhm Jongdae has already told you everything about me," he timidly replied. "Nonesense! I think you're rather interesting Junmyeon-ssi!" I commented. His face brightly lightened up a bit.

"So Junmyeon-ssi..." I carefully drawled out. "It's alright if I called you Junmyeon, right? Since we're the same age and all," I asked as I cocked my head to the side. He furiously nodded his head. "Ah! Yes! Please do! Let's drop the formalities and talk as friends," he smiled warmly. I quickly smiled back at him.

He seems nice. But don't let your guard down, Baekhyun. I told myself.

Since the.opportunity has kindly presented itself, I think it's only right to selfishly grab onto it. This was a good chance for us to know more about Junmyeon and to get close to him.

"So..." I then started.

This was going to be one long dinner for the four of us. I could feel it!



Minseok wad obviously paranoid and worried about eating with the likely mastermind behind all the attacks on him.

During the entire dinner, he was as rigid as a surf board. His answers were curt and brief and a deep frown has settled permanently on his lips. It also seemed like his mind was wandering off to God knows where.

I was getting seriously miffed to be honest. We're already nearing the dessert course too.

"Ming. I know you're worried about the new information Luhan has told us but remember your cousin's only a suspect. We're still not sure if it's actually him that's behind everything so can't you just act and be civil towards him?" I subtly whispered in his ear. Minseok turned to me, an annoyed scowl on his face. "That's not it," he curtly answered. "Then why are you frowning and always spacing

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The last chapter would be focusing on Baekhyun and Minseok. It'll be the closure of everything - from their feelings to their future. It might get a lil angsty


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Chapter 25: I so love the story. the plot... t'was unexpected. thank you for bringing smile to my face.
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 14: ChenLu so qt ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
aarushic_18 #3
This is such a cute story
Chapter 19: Omo. What's happening? Why is Baekhyun being kidnapped? I wonder who is behind all of this . I feel like it's Kim Seokjin. I got a bad feeling about that man. His aura is screaming danger.
And the thing about Baekhyun and Minseok is really painffpul in the heart. TT TT
Chapter 18: Oh my gosh. the last part hit me right in my kokoro. T.T that was painfully sad. why does it keeps on going back to zero when everything is going smooth and steady?
Chapter 15: finally, Minseok was hit by reality. and it was about time for it to happen.
Chapter 14: The dinner is too much to bear. hahaha. :D Luhan appearing out of nowhere bringing Yixing with him is so funny. Can't let Jongdae out of his sight even for a minute? Woo
Chapter 25: I need their epilogue! Their wedding! I'm not a fan of xuibaek but this story is too much feeling!
Chapter 10: waaahh. He finally admitted it. He's in love with Minseok. ;) I hope they find peace and forgiveness soon. and be happy with each other.
Chapter 9: that was horrible, what happened to Baekhyun is horrible. how could they do that to him. my poor Baekhyunnie. waahh I'm so mad at Jongin and Minseok right now.