The Coming of the Dark

OPERATION T.R.E.E. (To Rid Every Evil)


In the nitty gritty part of Seoul city lurked many of the common evils a normal town could have. Robbers, murderers, es, insane people, es. Everything unsightly was present in that particular district. And why ever not? THe heart of the city was where the most evil man in town and probably the mastermind of all the terrible things that had been happening in Korea. 
There he was, in his hellish lair. Yes, his lair was hellish. It was a big house with elaborate, gothic designs. It was black in color, symbolizing evil and death. It looked very old-fashioned, just the way he liked it. There were ravens circling around that black mansion or the Mansion of Darkness as it was named by the city people for its sinister aura. The inside of the mansion was old-fashioned as well, with paintings of rituals, witches, devils, and other occult paraphernalia. Though the house was old, it was spic and span, not a painting out of place. But that didn’t change the fact that it was still the lair of evil. 
If you walk straight all the way to the altar, you will find a room. That room was where the owner of this mansion lived. The only mansion in the dirty city.
“Please fetch me some Bloody Mary, Nana January.” he ordered one of his concubines. Nana January wore a red and yellow dress that was quite sparkly and had firework shoulderpads and pads. Nana January had bleached blonde hair, wide eyes and a pretty, doll-like smile. Witht his dollface of hers, she walked to the vineyard that was inhabited by ravens, serpents, and moths to get the age old Bloody Mary that the Master loved so much.
“Here you go sir,” Nana January emerged from the vineyard. The Master tapped her head, signaling her to bow down to him. Nana January bowed down and the Master kissed her head. When Nana straightened up, her firework shoulderpads went off. The Master just stared at her as she walked, not a single smile nor smirk. The Master was married to Nana January along with 11 other women. These were his concubines, women whose status with him was husband but whose personal status, according to The Master was slaves. 
The Master sat in his chair with his hologram electronic map before him. Who would’ve thought that a medevial looking lair like this would have such advanced materials? The Master looked at the map and tried to figure out his next targets.
“I’m going for Busan, Incheon, Gyeonggi-do, Daegu, and finally, Seoul City. Yes, I plan to blow up this very city that my mansion stands in.” The Master spoke. With a of his dark, spiky hair, he made a few arrangement with his connections with regards to his plans for these places. 
Who was “The Master” anyways?
The Master was none other than Kim Jonghyun. Kim Jonghyun was the son of an evil official who was arrested and sentenced to death  by the authorities for a series of gruesome murders. Jonghyun was only 13 years old when his father was executed and it was undoubtedly traumatic for him. Moving on was hard, growing up without a role model was harder. Jonghyun was sent to his aunt who was very strict and abusive. She would always beat Jonghyun up for the slightest mistake he made. Jonghyun refused to back down, though. He enlisted early in the military but got kicked out because of bad behavior. Filled with bitterness and anger towards the city and its inhabitants, he decided to terrorize the country, along with his concubines and his cohorts, hoping to one day avenge his father.
As Jonghyun was working on his evil business, Raina Febuary came to him. Raina Febuary was in a red, heart patterned petticoat dress and red shoes. She was all-red symbolizing Valentine’s Day. Raina had some bad news for him, judging by the look on her face.
“Master Jonghyun, I have some not so good news for you.” she sat at his feet. Jonghyun saw her slowly bow her head before she kicked her shoulder. Raina fell to the floor, slightly hurt.
“What is it?” Jonghyun growled at the poor concubine. Raina got up, upon Jonghyun’s hair pulling.
“The Intelligence Headquarters has a new group that’s on the hunt for terrorists.” Jonghyun heard the word ‘hunt’ and wanted to kill Raina by choking her. He grasped her hai tightly, making the concubine wail. In his anger, he slammed her down on the floor. Raina fell face first as the Master walked in his black polo, blue necktie, and black slacks, looking handsomely evil. 
“What is this new group?” asked Jonghyun angrily. Raina couldn’t speak as she fell really  hard an dwas still trying to get up. “ANSWER ME?!” she shot her head up and looked at Jonghyun with fearful eyes. 
“A group of girls that the Intelligence Against Crime Headquarters is planning to send to destroy all evil.” 
“A group of girls, huh?” Jonghyun smirked and rubbed his chin. A dirty, disgusting, and disturbing thought came into his mind. “We’ll see how far they’ll go.” 
The girls had just finished their training and were receiving some briefing from Max and U-Know who congratulated them after their month-long training. 
“Congratulations, ladies! You have completed your training. We are so proud of you!” U-Know said. “We would love to see you girls in action and we expect to sooner or later.”
“We would love to see you girls kick actual . “ Max said. “And we expect that you know how to use your gadgets.”
“They do.” Onew assured his bosses. “I’ve seen them train. They trained so well for this that I can see promise and success in this group. Give them time and you’ll see.” 
“Well I think they’re ready for their mission.” Max said. 
“Let’s put that to the test.” U-Know added. The girls confidently looked at them after having spent a month training, they felt ready.
“Sir, we are ready to try out whatever you have in store for us.” The leader, CL spoke. U-Know admired her willingness and confidence. She was confident without being a braggart and U-Know liked that.
“Well when we detect some petty crimes that we think you should try out first, then we’ll call you.” Max replied. CL bowed and acknowledged his decision. 
“Why don’t you girls go home, retire for the night. Have a good time!” U-Know said. “This is a cause for celebration! You girls deserve some fun for all your good work.” The girls awkwardly smiled at him. Though some of them were already friends, they were still quite awkward with one another, having just met. The girls just walked out of the headquarters together to make it appear as if they were already friends.
CL was walking side by side with Sohee who seemed to be reading something. She really looked like a little girl by the way she walked and read her comics. Out loud. CL couldn’t help but notice her.
“What are you reading?”
“Archie Comics!” Sohee said with enthusiasm and pride. Jessica giggled at her childishness.
“I love Archie Comics! Especially the Betty and Veronica ones!”
“I prefer Superman and Incredible Hulk, though.” Jessica gasped and grinned.
“I love those, too! Superhero comic books are so my thing! Do you read Captain America comics?” 
“YEAH!!!” Sohee replied. “ I LOVE CAPTAIN AMERICA, DUDE!” Unexpectedly, Jessica and Sohee got along. These two were the girls they least expected would get along. They seemed so different.
Nicole and CL were walking side by side, talking about the missions that they would face in the future, as well as the other girls.
“I can imagine us as spies now, kicking bad guys’ asses!” Nicole said with a few Kung Fu Gestures. CL laughed delightfully at her actions and did the same.
“Yeah. And we’ll be making them fly to the moon!” CL made a crane pose, cracking Nicole up. As she was laughing, she  noticed Jessica walking alone after Sohee had run off. They have their individual lives, you know. Sohee saw a bus and had to run after it, thus leaving only the four of them. Jessica, not wanting to walk side by side with Gahee, was seen walking alone. Nicole saw her and told CL,
“I really want to befriend her.” Nicole said. “I think she’s nice and all. She seems nice.” CL smiled simply and shrugged, not wanting to share her conversation with Jessica with Nicole.
“I don’t know. I’ve not talked to her yet.” 
“I bet she’s a nice girl.” Nicole said. “She’s very talkative and she seems hella friendly. I’m going to talk to her.” Nicole walked ahead of CL and caught up with Jessica. CL was just walking behind them, watching them with careful eyes.
Don’t trust just about anyone you meet. You never know what they can do. CL warned Nicole in her head. She didn’t want to judge Jessica but for some reason, though the wealthy fashionista was nice to CL, she just wasn’t feeling her attitude.
Gahee was walking behind CL. Gahee had this habit of eyeing people down from head to toe which gave people a bad impression of her. They often thought she was mean and all because of this habit but she wasn’t. She eyed CL down as she would do to other people but this time, unlike the mean and ridiculing judgements she had of others, she had a positive vibe about this one.
I think this CL girl is nice. Someone I’d like to make friends with. She has a great balance to her personality. She’s a leader without being bossy, she’s pretty without being too full of herself unlike someone here who is so full of herself whereas she’s all fake! And she’s smart! An ideal friend.
CL walked out of the building and waited with Nicole and Jessica for a cab or some form of public transportation to take them home. CL waited on one corner, texting her boyfriend to pick her up, getting impatient from waiting for a cab that would probably never come.
“Hi!” Nicole approached Jessica. 
“Hey Nicole.” Jessica smiled at her teammate. 
“Did I ever mention to you that you dress so well! I love your outfits. Like all of them! And let me tell you, you are so pretty! So, so, so pretty!” Nicole squealed over and over again, freaking Jessica out a bit. She shoved the thought of Nicole being obsessive and weird to the back of her mind and smiled sincerely.
“Why thanks. But I’m not really pretty. I’m just ordinary and I just happen to dress this way that’s why I appear pretty. But I’m not.” Jessica did have a humble side after all.
“No. Don’t say that. You are pretty, Jessica. Hey! Where do you live?”
“I’m from around the city. You?”
“Busan.” Nicole said. “Where in the city?”
“The heart of Seoul City, baby!” Jessica said with zest. Nicole giggled and because of her fondness of Jessica, she offered a ride.
“How would you like to hitch?”
“Yeah. It’s better than commuting.”
“Oh no. My dad hired a chaperone to pick me up. Thanks, though.” Jessica smiled and looked far into the right side of the parking lot. There it was, the silver Mercedes Benz that belonged to the Jungs. It parked infront of the main door to pick Jessica up. 
“Bye!” Jessica waved in a flirty manner and got in the Benz. Nicole gazed at the car, CL stared with imploring eyes, while Gahee just glared at it.
So rich…SO RICH! Nicole cried in her head.
Wow. She’s so spoiled. Well, she’s a rich girl that’s why. CL thought.
Okay. You have a Benz. So what? I don’t give a flying . Gahee continued to glare at the Benz until it left the vicinity. 
I love, I love, I love my calendar girl. Yeah sweet calendar girl~
Jonghyun was playing this song on his grammophone when he thought of stopping it. He called the attention of his 12 concubines and asked them to present themselves before him.
“GIRLS! BEFORE ME! NOW!” he commanded. The girls lined up according to their month order, facing Jonghyun.
“Yes, Master.” they said in chorus.
“I have now come up with a plan to ensure our dominion over this country.” Jonghyun said with a sinister voice. Without a word, the Calendar Girls just stared at Jonghyun with pokerfaces, opting not to speak out of fear that Jonghyun would yell at them or hit them. 
“What is it, Master? What can we do to help?” they asked in chorus like programmed robots. 
“In order to run this town, I have to get rid of those who are currently running it. This city’s order is maintained by the T.R.E.E. Headquarters, namely U-Know Yunho and Max Changmin.” Jonghyun tightly clutched the armrest of his throne. “We have to get rid of them before their newly recruited college brats get rid of us.” 
“We have to get rid of the girls, too.” spoke Nana January. Jonghyun gave her a wicked smirk.
“That,” Jonghyun rubbed his chin, evilly plotting something in his head. “Shouldn’t be so hard, my dears.” The Calendar Girls grinned and agreed with him. 
Truth is, Jonghyun and the Calendar Girls planned to kidnap the bosses Yunho and Max, hold the entire T.R.E.E. Headquarters hostage, and terrorize the five key cities as well as the entire country. Jonghyun had other minions whom he knew could help him succeed in this mission. 
“First mission: Kidnap Yunho and Max. We, along with my hired men, bust into the headquarters. Nana January and Woori September, you two help me get the Bosses while the hired men hold everyone hostage. We drug them , they fall asleep, they end up in our lair with their lives in danger.” 
“Second Mission: We give Busan to the Unfailable Five.”
“Third Mission: Gyeonggi-do shall be under Rania’s seductive, demonic reign.”
“Fourth Mission: Incheon will fall under BoA.”
“Last but not the least,” Jonghyun smirked. “Daegu shall be under Beast. With this plan, we shall succeed without a doubt.” Jonghyun cackled evilly. 
I can’t believe it. We’re finally spies. After only a month? It seems like the most impossible thing that has happened to me. Yet, it’s here. Wow. I still can’t see myself kicking like James Bond or Charlie’s Angels. It’s so surreal. CL walked around her room and sat on her bed. She felt a slight vibration over to her right and saw her phone teetering. Turns out her boyfriend Ji Young was calling her and was really worried. Not wanting to get him angry or add to his worry, she picked the phone up.
“Love, it’s me Ji Young.”
“I know. Caller ID?”
“Hahaha. How you been?”
“I’ve been doing okay. I’m doing fine.” CL assured him. Her voice was strained and she sounded exhausted, causing Ji Young to worry.
“Are you okay? You sound kinda tired.”
“Yeah. Schoolwork and all.” CL lied to him. She never told him that she was going to be, well now, she is a spy because she didn’t want him to worry. If he found out and worried, he would let her stop this and CL didn’t want that.
“Schoolwork huh? Well I’m glad that you’re one good, hardworking girl. Keep it up!” he cheered her on. CL smiled but felt guilty for lying to him.
“You take care, too.”
“I love you.”
“Just the same.” CL hung up and laid on her bed, thoughts flooding her mind.
How am I going to tell him?

Jessica Jung was in the bathroom washing her face. Her hair was in a loose, messy bun and she was wearing a black shirt and pink sweatpants. Jessica was washing the makeup off of her face. Once she was done, she looked up and stared at her reflection. She pondered upon the fact that she was very ordinary looking.
I’m so great at fooling people. she thought. I mean look at me. Without my makeup and without my nice clothes on, I’m nothing! Hell, Sohee is far prettier than me and she doesn’t even have to put any face on. In that horrible fashion mess, she looks like a goddess! Jessica stopped glancing at the mirror and walked to her bedroom. Her bedroom was big, pink, and had a lot of ornaments. Being a rich girl, all these were purchased by Jessica’s parents and most were even personalized and custom made. However, Jessica wasn’t happy with all her material possessions. 
I remember how CL and Nicole were so fond of my wealth. Well I’d give it to them. I’m not happy with all this. In fact, the things that  I have now don’t really make me that happy. Sure, I like them. I love my clothes, as a matter of fact but something’s missing. 
Jessica glanced at a picture of her mother and father that was by her lampshade. Her parents had been sweethearts since they were 15 and had been inseprable since. Jessica sighed hopelessly and closed her eyes.
And now I’m going to put my life on the line for the country’s safety. I don’t normally do this but I think it’s time to prove to people that there’s more to me than just a posh, rich girl whose life revolves around her wardrobe. 

Nicole Jung reviewed all the pictures that she had taken with the girls during their trainee days. They were good first memories of being a spy. She now knew what it felt like to work your off and fight bad guys. The pictures were mostly happy photos with the new friends she had made, namely Sohee and CL. Jessica’s photos were few and often candid while Gahee’s were mostly serious. Nicole began to wonder if these friends would last forever or were just passing people in her life.
I wonder for how long they will remember me? Will they still remember me after our stint as spies is over? I have trouble finding my friends. I can’t seem to find my true friends and it hurts. I remember my high school friends who betrayed me and talked about me behind my back. It still hurts til now, each time I think about it. I want real people. Real friends who would actually care for me and not just people who come to you when they need something or because they have no other choice but to talk to you. 
Nicole reviewed the other photos that she took, most of which were of people who asked her if she could take their pictures because she was a really talented photograper. The ever nice Nicole always obliged.
I’m sick of people constantly asking me for favors or those who talk to me because they need something. I want to stand for something. I’m not just some pushover that they can order around when they can’t find their friends. 

Sohee was in her room reading comics as well as drawing them. Art really was her escape from all the pressure and stress that school brought. It was through drawing that she found her happiness. Simple childhood joys as such took her away to a different place. Also, drawing took her frustrations away and made her feel better about herself and the world. 
Sohee wasn’t emo but she was far into drawing gruesome things like dark trees, suicides, gore and things of similar nature. The little genius was bright and cheerful and loved to have fun but when it came to her drawing style, especially when she was in a bad mood, she’d draw dark things.
Me? Ahn Sohee. Saving the world. Almost impossible. It’s dangerous and challenging but it’s worth the rush and the experience. I wouldn’t say that I can’t do it because I haven’t tried it. This is a chance for me to prove myself and to show everyone the things that I learned from the Girl Scouts. With this, Sohee looked down on her collection of Scout Badges.

Gahee was in her room, watching movies on her laptop when a sudden thought about the missions hit her. She ignored this thought at first but decided that it was right to pay attention to it as it was important and her life, as well as the other girls’ lives were at stake.
This is honestly the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Never have I agreed to take part in something as dangerous as this. Missions. Fighting bad guys. Haven’t I seen what happens to people who put their lives on the line just to save the world? Dead! That’s right! They end up dead.
Gahee paused the movie she was watching and sat up straight. She rested her hand on her chin and her pretty face crumpled in deep thought. Aside from the fear that engulfed her just thinking about the possibilites of not coming back alive, another disturbing thought hit her.
The sparring between her and Jessica.
What is it with me and Jessica? Why can’t we get along? Well personally, I think it’s just me because I don’t know if Jessica has any hatred for me whatsoever but I caught her shooting glances at me. Maybe I’m just humble. Maybe it’s my fault for glaring at her which caused her to do the same. I don’t know why I have to be like this. I don’t want to be like this. I don’t want to be this way to her because I think, no matter how annoying or prissy or flirty she may be, she doesn’t deserve this. But I can’t help it. She’s just so goddamn annoying. I want to talk to her but I don’t know how to. 
Gahee rested her head on the pillow and retired for the night, preoccupied with fear and overthinking. 
The spies are fast asleep, refueling their bodies for another day of working hard and thinking harder. Their first day as spies would begin tomorrow and they would need all their energy if they wanted to do a spectacular job on their first day.
Meanwhile, Jonghyun and the Calendar Girls had their own business to take care of…
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thekeytodestiny #1
I read this a while ago, but never commented. This is really good. Hope you make more these stories.
pandawriter #2
this is really cool! i really like the concept!
hyeamazing #3
This is awesome! :DDD I'm glad they won over the evil people e-e<br />
LOLOL freaking awesome! Plus Jaysica haha 8D
hyeamazing #4
New reader! It's so darn cool! :D
lil898 #5
Awesome story. JaySica moment was epic. He came out of the blue. Nice job~ 
o my haha Sohee xD<br />
I would have never have thought Sohee would be the one with the battle cry xD<br />
And Nicole :\ well I'm glad she fought :3<br />
Props to CL and Jessica for finding the weak spot and the rest for distracting BoA.<br />
BoA must have been hard @___@ She seems hard to defeat..<br />
Well update soon :D
sounds cool, im gonna read this. :-)
YAY THEY DID IT!!! :D<br />
I'm happy for them ;u; <br />
I hope they will progress and get better within every mission.<br />
And hopefully the worst that will happen to them is them getting hurt.<br />
update soon
OOh they are now official spies starting today? :D<br />
And Jessica and Gahee are gonna get closer some how?? :D :D<br />
that's good!!!!! :]<br />
I hope Jonghyun and the Calendar Girls don't do something really bad 0.0<br />
Or possibly hurt the t.r.e.e. group...<br />
o update soon ;3
simple-love #10
New Reader.Love you fic. Keep Updating, I love your idea.