Training Troubles

OPERATION T.R.E.E. (To Rid Every Evil)


After receiving their gadgets, the next thing for the girls to do is to try their hand at espionage and fighting bad guys…right after they figure out how their gadgets work.
“I have no idea how to use my gadgets.” Nicole complained. 
“Well didn’t Onew say that all you have to do is put them on and listen to the conversations?” Sohee asked.
“Yeah but there are mode buttons here.” Nicole pointed out the mode buttons to Sohee. “See. Here’s Chill Mode, Loud Mode, Badass Mode. Who the created this anyways?!”
“Badass mode?!” Sohee was starting to get confused. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Beats me.” Nicole and Sohee tried to figure the Beats out. Meanwhile, CL and Jessica were trying to familiarize themselves with their gadgets, getting themselves used to how they worked.
“Alright. So supposedly this bracelet oozes cupcake-smelling grease. My mind can’t even comprehend how that is earthly possible?” Jessica complained with such articulation. CL looked at her and just observed how she went about with her business. Jessica seemed very dainty and ladylike at the same time prissy and self-centered. CL wanted to talk to her because she seemed nice but her first impression of Jessica wasn’t really a nice one.
I don’t know if I should approach her or not. She seems nice but I think she isn’t. Maybe she’s not all that she seems. What if I talk to her and she turns away or what if I say something that she might not like and she insults me? Then it’ll be embarrassing for me. CL sighed and shook her head, opting to stay where she was and go about with her business. 
What she didn’t know was that Jessica had been noticing her for a while. When she was working, CL didn’t know that Jessica was actually looking at her via peripheral vision and she could see that CL was looking at her, trying to muster the courage to talk to her while making a decision on whether she should or shouldn’t. 
Why won’t CL talk to me? Am I really that intimidating? Do I seem cold? I don’t think I’m cold. This isn’t the first time this has happened to me. Wherein someone thought I was cold. I just don’t randomly approach people I don’t know but that doesn’t mean they can’t approach me. 
CL and Jessica were stuck with the notion that they wanted to talk to each other but neither could muster the courage to do so.
If anyone should be doing the approaching, it should be me. CL thought.
If anyone should be doing the approaching, it should be her. Jessica selfishly told herself. No wonder people saw her as cold and intimidating. It showed not only in the way she dressed but in the way she related with other people. CL took a deep breath and stood up, walked towards Jessica and smiled at her. 
Finally. Jessica’s brain rejoiced. She stopped working on her gadget and smiled at CL.
“Hi.” she said. CL rubbed her hands together and returned the smile.
“Hey. I was meaning to talk to you earlier-”
“I know.” Jessica nodded. “You couldn’t do it because you were afraid that I was going to reject you?” CL looked at her with her jaw hanging.
“How did you know?”
“People are always like that to me. They tend to hesitate before approaching me because they’re afraid that I might ignore them or say some mean to their faces.” Jessica explained. “People say I’m cold.”
“Well to be honest with you, and I don’t want to hurt your feelings and all but yeah. You do seem cold. I couldn’t talk to you when we first got here because I was really afraid of you.” CL explained her side. 
“It’s okay, CL. It’s not the first time. If you want to talk to me, just come to me and give me a tap on the shoulder.” Jessica beamed  a reassuring smile, making CL feel a bit better now. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite people. And as for talking to your face, I don’t do that. I’m not like other people.” Jessica’s prying eyes turned to Gahee who was talking to Nicole and Sohee. 
“What’s up with Gahee and you? Sohee came to me earlier and told me you two were eye-fighting.” Jessica knew that she and Gahee hated each other to the core of their being, but she didn’t want to admit it or it would ruin her name.
“Oh it’s nothing.” Jessica nervously giggled. “Maybe because we’re just not used to each other yet. I don’t know. I’m just this way normally.”
“Oh. I see.” CL nodded, not knowing whether she should take it as the truth or as an alibi but she knew something was definitely up.
“ARGH! I DON’T WANNA DEAL WITH THIS ANYMORE!” Gahee complained loudly after trying to work her gadgets out. “I DON’T WANT TO BE A SPY!”
“Come on it’ll be fun!” Sohee cheered her on. Gahee gave Sohee and sarcastically funny look which made Sohee do the same. Gahee laughed at Sohee’s face and gave her a pinch on the cheeks. Nicole came out of nowhere and jumped on Gahee’s back.
“! NICOLE WHAT THE ARE YOU DOING?!” Nicole was piggyback riding on Gahee’s back. Gahee kept on laughing but was desperately trying to shake Nicole off. Sohee wanted to join in but there was no more room. Instead, she dove for cover and grabbed a hold of Gahee’s leg.
“ OFF YOU TWO! OFF!!!” she yelled. Nicole and Sohee, the two most childish members of the group, laughed and laughed. The girls were just having a good time, seemingly comfortable with each other.
“I will never understand these girls.” Jessica muttered under her breath. CL turned to her and noticed that she was really annoyed. 
“Come on.” she tugged Jessica’s wrist. Jessica, who was really uncomfortable with people she wasn’t familiar with touching her, pulled away and grumpily said,
“What the hell?!” CL was taken aback and apologized.
“Oh I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have.” 
“No it’s okay. I’m not mad. Just awkward.” 
“Oh.” CL nodded. “Anyways, want to go over there and talk?” Jessica moved her jaw in a cold fashion and nodded. The two walked over to the bench that was unoccupied, numb to the noises the three girls were making. 
“What do you want to talk about?” Jessica and CL sat on the bench. CL exhaled and smiled, looking at Jessica who seemed to be impatiently staring at her, waiting for her to start her sentence.
“What school are you from?” she asked. Jessica beamed with pride,
“Seoul International School of the Arts.” CL’s face dropped to the floor. From a scholar like her who is studying at a small-scale university, she felt completely inferior to Jessica. 
“You speak English well. Are you also from the States?” asked CL. Jessica’s face was flushing red with pride. Recognition like this flattered her.
“Born and raised, sistah!” she said with pizzazz. CL really felt below Jessica. She felt ehre that Jessica had every right to act the way she was acting because judging by her credentials, where she was born, where she studied and what she’s taking up. She had every right. 
“No wonder you act the way you do.” CL blurted uncontrollably. Jessica was taken aback but just nodded.
“I understand if you feel that way towards me.” Jessica said. “Most people do. Where are you from?” 
“Busan University.” CL humbly said. Jessica heard of that school and she knew that that’s where the smart and responsible students went. She nodded her head in affirmation.
“Good school. Means you’re a smart student.” Jessica eyed her from head to toe. CL was very simple. A shirt and jeans combo would do for her. Her hair was also simple looking though she had it dyed blonde. 
“You dress very modestly. Why is that?”
“Oh. Ji Young doesn’t want me wearing skimpy oufits.” CL said with a simple smile.
“Who’s Ji Young?” asked Jessica.
“My boyfriend.”
“Oh.” Jessica nodded, feeling inferior because CL, a simple girl, had a boyfriend while she, one who actually exerted too much effort in looking good, never even had a boyfriend…well she didn’t consider him one…
“I never had a boyfriend…” she said snobbishly. CL somewhat was able to detect her bluffing.
“You’re bluffing. I can see it in your face.” she said.
“Fine. I had one.” CL giggled and Jessica, though she was trying hard not to laugh, found herself giggling. Nicole saw them talking and approached them.
“Tell me….” CL squealed. Jessica was about to tell her story when Hyunah interrupted and alerted them on their training mission.
“Alright ladies. It’s time to get down to business.” Hyunah said. Onew walked to her side and proceeded with the announcement.
“It’s time for your training mission. Follow us and we’ll direct you to your training sites.” The girls, along with their gadgets, followed Onew and Hyunah out to the training grounds. The training grounds were exactly like the cities. There were mock buildings, mock stores, mock houses, everything a normal city has. Nicole and Sohee looked at the infrastructures and wanting to ake her first memories, Nicole used the camera gadget given to her to snap photos. She showed her shots to Sohee.
“Wow! You’re an amazing photographer!” Sohee squealed. Jessica, who was standing next to Sohee, looked over the smaller girl’s shoulder and saw Nicole’s beautiful picture.
“That is awesome.” said Jessica in her valley girl voice. Nicole looked up at her and smiled.
“Thanks.” Jessica flipped her hair, some strands touching Gahee’s skin. Gahee glinted her eyes and aggresively rubbed her skin.
Dolly germs.
“Okay. So what I want you girls to do for your first mission, let us say a robber has broken into this house but you do not know where he is. You have to find him, fight him, and bring him to justice.” Onew instructed. The girls readied their gadgets and themselves, posing like professional spies. “Go!” The girls ran to the house. Obviously still inexperienced, Nicole, Jessica, and Gahee crowded over on one corner while Sohee and CL moved to the other side. 
“Okay. I have no idea how to do this.” CL said. “I am not a spy and I’m inexperienced. Let’s just do this the way they do it in the movies.” Their leader spoke. The girls, trusting in CL’s ability to lead and just as dumb as her when it came to spy work, just followed her orders. Jessica, Gahee, and Nicole took their guns and gadgets out while Sohee and CL made their way up the stairs. 
“What are we supposed to do here? Wait for the bad guy to come out?” Gahee complained.
“And shoot that motherer in the face!” Jessica said with gritted teeth. Gahee looked down at her and rolled her eyes. Jessica readied her gun, motioning Nicole to do the same.
“Got it!” Nicole had her gun ready, watching Sohee and CL stalk the robber. The two geniuses listened in for any sign of commotion. Sohee leaned over to the wall as CL pressed her shoulder against the door, waiting for a commotion to occur. Sure enough there was something going on inside the room. Jessica left Nicole and Gahee on the ground floor and slowly made her way up the stairs, leaning on the walls, listening in for any signs of movement. Jessica positioned herself next to CL, where the door was. 
“What the is she doing now?” Gahee rolled her eyes at Jessica who liked to think that she was the leader. Nicole and Gahee stayed put at the 
“Girls, your weapons. Ready them.” CL said. “On the count of three, one two…” The impatient Jessica could wait no longer. She kicked the door open and pointed her gun at the agent who was dressed as a robber. 
“Freeze you scumbag.” she cursed at him. CL and Sohee were quite shocked with the way she spoke. The agent charged at her, using his strong hands to hold her and prevent any form of movement. Jessica found her wrists being crushed by the strong agent’s hands, making her drop her gun. CL and Sohee tried to move but they were intimidated by the guy’s physique.
“Not on my show, you douche!” Jessica lifted herself up and kicked the agent’s abdoment. The agent bent forward and Jessica elbowed him, kicked him again,and punched him. The agent got back up and engaged in a hand-to-hand combat with Jessica and it was here that Jessica displayed her ability in martial arts. With a few more air kicks and karate chops, she took the guy down. The girls didn’t even have to do anything. At the end of this ordeal, Jessica stood up gracefully and flipped her hair, checked her nails and walked confidently out of the scene, aligning herself with CL and Sohee. 
“That was awesome.” CL said in total awe of Jessica. “I didn’t now you could-”
“5 styles.” Jessica bragged. “I learned them all from a private dojo that my dad put up.” 
“Private dojo?! I’d love to have one!!!” Sohee squealed. Sohee was another girl who had an affinity for fighting. 
“Come to America with me.” Jessica teased with her Barbie voice. Gahee, though annoyed with her constant bragging and facial expressions, met Jessica as she made her way down the stairs.
“That was some badass fighting there. I honestly didn’t think a Barbie prototype like you, especially with your attitude and movements, could do that.” Jessica raised her eyebrow, removing the smile from her face and replacing it with a y pout.
“Okay number one,” Jessica confronted her with the same level of iness that Gahee had. “I know 5 styles of martial arts so you should definitely know better than to mess around with me. Number two, I trained at a private dojo in California. And number three, my name is Jessica Jung and I’m a Korean so don’t you be calling me Barbie.” Jessica flashed a sarcastic smile and passed her by, purposely bumping the taller girl’s shoulder. Gahee gave a sarcastic snicker and wanted to holler at her but decided not to, thinking it would only cause more trouble.
“For a small girl, you’re pretty stubborn.” Gahee grunted under her breath. Nicole heard it and tapped her shoulder.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Fine.” Gahee shook her head. “Just not with her. I can’t stand her, Nicole. I absolutely can’t.” Gahee walked away from Nicole and flipped her hair. Nicole remained in her spot, waiting for Sohee and CL to come down. Hyunah appeared before them and congratulated the four of them.
“Good job girls!” she praised them. “That was a good start, though I expect to see more teamwork next time.” 
“Where is the girl who saved us?” CL looked around for Jessica. She found Jessica at the coffee table making herself a cup of dark coffee. No sugar. No cream. Just pure coffee.
“There!” Sohee pointed at her in a childish manner. CL walked towards her and praised her.
“You were so great.” CL said ecstatically. Jessica had a cold, blank expression on her face suggesting disinterest.
“Thank you.” Jessica turned and walked away from CL with her cup of coffee. CL was worried about her cold reciprocation but just shrugged it off. She knew what happened between her and Gahee and maybe this was causing it.
“Is she okay?” asked Sohee as CL walked back to the group.
“I don’t know.”
“Oh please. She’s just acting up!” Gahee said, snickering. Jessica heard this and was really fighting the urge to go up to Gahee and pour her coffee on her. 
Control your temper, Jessica. You know what happens when you don’t. Jessica repeated these words in her head over and over again. Control your temper. Please. 
Jessica took around 6 deep breaths and when she was finally feeling better, she walked back to the group with her coffee mug. Gahee eyed her from head to toe and their eyes met at one point. Jessica looked away and as soon as she did, Gahee stuck her tongue out. 
“Is there a problem over there, Gahee?” Hyunah seemed to have noticed Gahee sticking her tongue out. 
“No, ma’am.” Gahee replied. Jessica was snickering in her mind. 
The next few days of their training proved to be real challenges for them. It was hard working as a group, especially when each one had her own strategies. Their clashing personalities made working together even more challenging. CL was in charge but her calm nature prevented the others from following her and taking her seriously; Jessica often took the lead when it came to fighting both bad guys and Gahee. It didn’t take a genius to know that the two really hated each other. At first they just glared evilly at each other but as the days passed, they started to become more and more aggressive when it came to dealing with each other. So much that Nicole, Sohee, and CL were afraid that their fight would become physical and they would end up killing each other. Hopefully that won’t happen. 
Practice makes perfect, it is often said. The more the girls trained, the better they got and the better their relationship became! They started to talk more and operate as a team rather than individually making decisions. Those who spoke learned to listen and those who listened tried to speak. They also learned how to use their gadgets properly and figure out simple fighting techniques. Those with certain specialities shared their knowledge. Sohee taught them how to decipher codes while Jessica shared some of her martial arts tactics. Pretty soon, they were already operating as a team, perfectly synchronized. Their traits and willingness to do their work pulled them together and made them ready for their mission. 
On the last day of their month-long training, Onew and Hyunah approached the girls who were getting ready for weapons training class. Onew had some good news for them, apparently.
“You girls have been doing an awesome job for the past four weeks and Hyunah and I would like to congratulate you for that!  You are now able to operate as a team using your strength and knowledge and I admire you for that! Now our good news is, your training is over.” The girls’ eyes widened and smiles appeared on their faces. Nothing was better than hearing this news. 
“THAT IS SO AWESOME!” the girls squealed and cheered. They couldn’t believe it! They were now spies! 
“Wow. This is amazing.” CL said, still starstruck. “I never for my life thought we would even come this far.”
“We have come a long way now, haven’t we?” Nicole said. Jessica nodded in affirmation.
“Oh yeah.” Jessica agreed, putting and arm around Nicole. “We’re a team, yo!”  Hyunah was glad to see that the girls were getting along and becoming closer to one another.
“That’s right!” Sohee pumped her fist in the air. 
“Well then, I guess it’s time for you guys to test those newly acquired abilities and that newly formed friendship!” Onew said. 
“From now on, your team shall be called Operation T.R.E.E.” Onew said. “T.R.E.E. stands for To Rid Every Evil. The T.R.E.E. Headquarters’ weapon against mass terrorism.” Onew said with pride. The girls stood proudly by each other, ready to take on any  mission. 
Skill. Strategy. Camaraderie. Are you ready for the strongest girl power force there is? 
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thekeytodestiny #1
I read this a while ago, but never commented. This is really good. Hope you make more these stories.
pandawriter #2
this is really cool! i really like the concept!
hyeamazing #3
This is awesome! :DDD I'm glad they won over the evil people e-e<br />
LOLOL freaking awesome! Plus Jaysica haha 8D
hyeamazing #4
New reader! It's so darn cool! :D
lil898 #5
Awesome story. JaySica moment was epic. He came out of the blue. Nice job~ 
o my haha Sohee xD<br />
I would have never have thought Sohee would be the one with the battle cry xD<br />
And Nicole :\ well I'm glad she fought :3<br />
Props to CL and Jessica for finding the weak spot and the rest for distracting BoA.<br />
BoA must have been hard @___@ She seems hard to defeat..<br />
Well update soon :D
sounds cool, im gonna read this. :-)
YAY THEY DID IT!!! :D<br />
I'm happy for them ;u; <br />
I hope they will progress and get better within every mission.<br />
And hopefully the worst that will happen to them is them getting hurt.<br />
update soon
OOh they are now official spies starting today? :D<br />
And Jessica and Gahee are gonna get closer some how?? :D :D<br />
that's good!!!!! :]<br />
I hope Jonghyun and the Calendar Girls don't do something really bad 0.0<br />
Or possibly hurt the t.r.e.e. group...<br />
o update soon ;3
simple-love #10
New Reader.Love you fic. Keep Updating, I love your idea.