Royalties and Bodyguards

I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I know its going to sound like an excuse but it's the truth so I hope you guys belive. It's like this, for all this time I was in my grandma house, and my grandma doesn't have internet in her house so my only company was the tv and some booksarrow-10x10.png. And why did I had to go to my grandma house? Well, because my parents divorced and because both of them wanted me to stay with them, I stayed at my grandma house until everything was solved. And here I am again!! Please don't think that I quited this story....
Hope you guys keep reading and that you guys forgive me for not updating the story until now.
And don't worry no more I'll try hard so that I can post another chapter as fast as I can!!
Loves and Kisses from your author <3


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Chapter 10: Oh, Hakyeon are you starting to like Eunsan more than you think that you do? xD Oh poor Youngjae trying to get close to Jiali and her just stil not having it. Cute chapter, can't wait to read more.
Chapter 9: It is nice to see how everyone interacts with each other. Lol, Youngjae wants to be friends but Jiali isn't having it. They are going to be fun to read about. Oh Sangbae just use to it. Their relationships are going to be fun to read about when the story goes along. Can't wait to read what is next.
Chapter 8: I am sure that everyone will understand. I have gone through that situation before. I am still here and will read so update when you have time. Can't wait to read what is next.
eunmini #4
Chapter 7: omg the first chapter is out! when I say there was an update of this story I got all excited ^_^! I love how you introduced the characters, by using two pov's one from the agents side and the other from the royals. I can already see having a lot of trouble with his agent. Eunsan is calling Joon, Joonie how cute ^^! Wow I really resepct Eunsan for training for 7 years and this will be her first job as an agent, no wonder she is in the top 5.