Chapter 2

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Xiumin found that the sandwich was gone but the socks were still there the next morning. Xiumin started to leave fruit out every night, he quickly saw a pattern, because every morning his trash would be open and the fruit gone.

Xiumin felt a hand on his shoulder, “How was your break?”

Xiumin saw Suho sitting next to him, “Oh, it was good.”

“What’s on your mind? It’s the first day back and you’re already spacing out?”

Xiumin laughed slightly, all he could think about was tonight, he wanted to wait for the boy, give him a sweatshirt and a hot meal. Xiumin stared at the clock, it had been two weeks already. Each night he’d watch for the boy; Suho asked, “Hey we’re all going out to dinner tonight, want to come?”

Xiumin wouldn’t miss the boy tonight, “Sorry, I have plans.”

“Really? Is it a girl?”

Suho teased and Xiumin shrugged, “No it’s nothing like that.”

The bell rang and Xiumin jumped out of this seat, he didn’t bother to stop when his other friends tried to ask him what was going on. Xiumin ran out of school and straight to the market; he bought ingredients for noddles tonight, he wondered what the boy liked to eat. He was just a skeleton so Xiumin grabbed a cake mix as well. XIumin came home and immediately started to cook; he hadn’t felt excited for a while and it was a nice feeling. Xiumin carefully took the cake out and let it cool, he checked on his noodle dish, he made sure it was still hot. Xiumin checked the time, the boy usually came around ten or so. Xiumin looked over at his old hoodie, hopefully it wouldn’t be too big on him. Xiumin finished the cake and saw it was ten; he waited patiently. Xiumin sat on the steps and put the plate of hot food next to him keeping it warm in a pot. Xiumin waited and finally the boy climbed over the fence and landed unharmed. Xiumin always took note of the boy’s feet first, they must be frozen. Xiumin was able to get a good look at the boy’s face, it was small and young looking. He was very tall though, the boy stopped in his tracks when he saw Xiumin. Xiumin perked up and was about to say something but saw the boy step back cautiously ready to run any moment. Xiumin shut his mouth tight and pointed to the plate. The boy looked at the plate curiously and Xiumin showed him the food; Xiumin looked up to see the boy not running away. Xiumin smiled and gently held the plate out to the boy who didn’t move but stared at Xiumin. Xiumin wondered if he was deaf and that’s why whenever he tried to speak he’d run away. Xiumin motioned for the boy to take the food, but he didn’t move from his spot. Xiumin slowly stood up and took a step forward, the boy tensed slightly but Xiumin just held his arms fully extended with the steaming food. Xiumin took another small step forward very slowly; he smiled at the boy and then took another step. Xiumin stopped halfway to the boy and set the plate down, he then slowly stood backup and backed up back to the steps and sat down. The boy watched Xiumin closely but relaxed a little once Xiumin set the plate down and walked back. The boy took a step forward and looked a Xiumin, he immediately jumped back but saw Xiumin didn’t move. The boy slowly made his way to the food and finally crouched down and sniffed it, he took a mushroom and stuck it in his mouth. Xiumin watched amazed and realized he hadn’t given the boy chopsticks, Xiumin knew if he stood up and went inside the boy would run away. Xiumin bit his lip and saw the boy looking at him, Xiumin slowly made hand gestures reassuring the boy he wasn’t moving. Xiumin quietly said slowly, “Do…you want…chopsticks?”

Xiumin wondered if the boy would be able to answer or not, or if he could even hear but was surprised when the boy nodded slightly then went back to eating the vegetables off the plate. Xiumin smiled amazed, “I’m…going to go get some.”

The boy looked up and nodded ever so slightly, Xiumin stood up slowly and went inside and grabbed a pair. Xiumin walked back out and the boy jumped back instinctively, he watched Xiumin hold out the chopsticks from where he was standing, he slowly crawled back to the plate and Xiumin said softly, “Here.”

The boy watched with sharp eyes as Xiumin slowly made his way toward him, the boy stepped back a few steps as XIumin reached the plate. Xiumin looked at the boy with a shy smile, “I’m Kim Minseok, you can call me Xiumin.”

The boy seemed to perk up at the name and Xiumin laid the chopsticks down and slowly and then slowly backed away and returned to his seat on the stairs. The boy stared at Xiumin and Xiumin asked using a soft voice realizing it was the only tone the boy wouldn’t run away from, “What’s your name?”

The boy didn’t answer but looked down at his food and then back up at Xiumin, Xiumin tried again and pointed to himself, “I’m Xiumin, what’s your name?”

The boy pointed at Xiumin and Xiumin smiled wide, “Xiumin. I’m Xiumin.”

The boy blinked and picked up the chopsticks in his hands, Xiumin watched as the boy ate the food down quickly. The boy looked up when he was done and Xiumin said softly, “Wait, I have something for you.”

Xiumin got up and walked into the house, he came back out and saw the boy waited. Xiumin held out the hoodie, “It’s to keep you warm.”

The boy backed a step away and Xiumin slowly walked to the plate and set the hoodie down with some socks next to the plate. Xiumin returned to the doorstep and asked, “It’s a hoodie, do you understand?”

The boy stared at Xiumin and then the hoodie, Xiumin smiled, “It’s yours, take it.”

The boy backed away and then ran off, Xiumin sighed; he picked the plate up and decided to leave the hoodie there. Xiumin smiled at the empty plate, he laughed and then went inside. He cleaned the dishes and fixed himself the rest of the food, he ate it slowly in thought, “I wonder what he likes. He didn’t even stay for cake, I wonder what I should make tomorrow.”

Xiumin smiled at the thoughts and quickly went to bed, he laid in bed and curled up in the covers. He wondered if the boy was cold and then drifted into sleep. The next morning Xiumin woke up and went to fix breakfast, he noticed that the hoodie was gone and the socks were still there. Xiumin smiled and quickly ate, he washed up, then got dressed. He inspected how he looked and the walked out the door, Chen swung his arm around Xiumin’s shoulders, “Hyung, where were you last night? Why didn’t you come out with all of us?”

“Oh sorry Chen, I was busy.”

“It’s okay, want to come over tonight?”

Xiumin wanted to make another meal, wanted to see if he could get to know the boy better, “I can’t thanks though.”

“Why not?”

Xiumin sat down at his desk, “I’ve got to do something at home, maybe

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juddyjudd #1
Chapter 21: OMG! This was so cute and sad at the same time! I loved it!!
IWantAKookie #2
Chapter 21: I cried on Lu's first sentence! The funny thing is when the teacher tells me to read 21 chapters in a week and I complain and I just finished this story in 2 nights! I loved this, thank you!
Toma_2 #3
Chapter 18: -wipe tears with the 284395th tissue- this is simply so wonderful, I thank you from the bottom of my heart author-nim! ;^;
I upvoted your story...No.7- Luhan!!! I'm happy,that I found your story!
Chapter 18: Such a wonderful story!!!!!! Please update as soon as possible....I need to know, what will happen to them! Well done, dear author!!!!
Chapter 18: Aww I hope luhan feels better!
is this Xiuhan.. ???
nacia90-16 #8
Chapter 13: It was sooo~ cute ^_^ and I'm happy that Luhan started to talk ^_^
Jdragon2006 #9
Chapter 13: Yes! This was so sweet! Can't wait for more!
Uzamaki #10
Chapter 12: Gasp, he spoke!