Don't make me remember anymore [Sneak Preview]

Have you forgotten?

I breathe in your arms,

We kiss in your arms,

When I hear your voice,

It feels like I'm dreaming.

I can tell from your eyes,

I can tell about your love

You are my heaven

~ Ailee - Heaven


• Ravi's POV •

'Die? Who's dying? No one's dying under my watch.'

Ravi turned to see an old woman standing there next to two men in suits. She snapped her fingers and the two men moved towards Ravi and restricted his movements. 'What the hell?! Let me go!' The old lady walked over to Ravi and smiled coldly at him, 'Tell me, who is going to die?'

Hyung... can she not see us?

Weird... Ravi be careful. She is the woman who took Ken away!

'W-what?! Uh... I mean... I don't want to die! I know what you did! You destroyed VIXX!'

The old woman sighed and said, 'As I've said, no one is going to die. And please don't play dumb. I know you were talking to someone.'

Pfft. Figure that out yourself.

Ken rolled his eyes at the lady and continued watching. Ravi smirked and replied in a polite manner that it was almost certain to be sarcasm, 'Why don't you figure it out yourself?' Credits to Jaehwan, though Ravi. The lady was startled by his remark and laughed. 'I can see you are an interesting boy. Very well. I won't pursue on the manner. Can I know why you are here then?'

She really is cuckoo to think tha-

'I'm here to recover my memories.' replied Ravi. Ravi turned to see the red haired man, or N, looking at him with a shocked expression before mumbling some incoherent words about him. Honestly he couldn't care less but still...

 'Hmm... you're memories. Peculiar place to remember don't you think? After all... you made a special memory with someone who used to be here.' said the old lady. Ravi tensed at the way she focused on the word 'special'. He turned to Ken who was standing beside the old woman and he refused to look him in the eye. 'I still want to know.' The old woman sighed and mumbled something under her breathe to which Ravi couldn't hear but when Jaehwan had heard it, his eyes grew wide opened and screamed at Ravi to run. Ravi had no idea what was going on and he started to break for it which shocked the men in suits but since they were experienced, Ravi couldn't make it far before they caught him again and this time, the old lady, without warning, plunged a syringe inside him and Ravi felt his veins bursting as his brain cells moved at a terrifiying speed that even Jaehwan and N looked away from the monstrosity. Ravi's head looked like it was about to burst and his arms and legs were covered in his veins and blood stream and his eyes, oh god, were dripping blood.

Ravi screamed in pain as his memories flowed in all at once like a dam containing all the water suddenly broke through and the water all flowed at once. His eyes rolled back and he looked back into one particular memory: The night they took... Ken away.

• Flashback •

'Leo hyung!' cried Hyuk. Ravi tried to escape the clutches of the man that was holding him but he was just too strong. He looked up to see Leo slump down onto the man's arm and he turned to see Ken shake in fear infront of the old lady. 'My dear, you must do it for the greater good! If you don't, I'm afraid that you will experience even worst!' soothed the old woman as she injected a serum into Ken causing him to fall unconcious as well. Ravi shouted at her, 'What are you going to do to him?' The old lady suddenly turned cold and menacing as she turned and stared at him straight in the eye, 'Don't worry... You won't remember anything... After all, what's there to remember when they don't even exist?' That made Ravi snap. He had lost Ken once. He was not going to lose him again. He felt a surge of energy flow through hum as he excaped the man's clutches and punched him so hard, the man had a fist shape on his cheek. He ran up to the old lady, seething with rage, who was staring at him with fear while muttering, 'Cannot compute... organism violence level overated, Danger level 10. Order: Retreat with test sub-' Before she finished however, Ravi punched her in the face and continued punching until he felt something he shouldn't feel on a human being: a metal frame.

He continued to punch her until her head was only a mess of wires and gore, a messy sight. Hyuk and Hongbin stared at Ravi in fear of his strength and stepped away from him. Ravi woke up into a trance and realised what his done. Oh god... what had he done? His hand were covered in real blood and he looked down at the body of the decapitated head and he started screaming

'IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

• Back to the Present •

'NO!!!!!!!!!!!' screamed Ravi. He stared at the woman in front of him like she was a ghost and she simply smiled back as she walked up to him. 'Since your past sin is now resurfaced, I condemn you to be locked under the jail of the UNIQ organization and that you are to be charged of murder of a human being. Bring him away.'

Ravi cried as he was fragged away as all he saw on his hands were the dripping red liquid and the feeling of the cold hard metal on his hands. He thought back on the way Hyuk and Hongbin had looked at him: in fear.


How he wished to never remember...

I guess curiosity did kill the cat


Haha liked this preview? I'll continue it on until the next chapter where I'll reveal to you the whole plot of the UNIQ organization *grins*

Hope you love it! Or maybe even feel curious.

Please comment your thoughts ~







I love reading comments! Until the next chapter! Bye bye!

~ Chrinstone



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My EXAMS are FINALLY OVER!!! *parties*


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AikaRikachu #1
Chapter 9: Your story DAEBAK but always kill me.
saiminxiumon #2
Chapter 1: Oh! I remember this 1. 2. 3. Thingy!! It's from shark boy and lava girl right?? XD
KTsuki-chan #3
Chapter 9: Is it me or it was all a "dream"?? Or more like an illusion or whatever... Guh I was so stressed and excited, and BAM... That was all fake :D... -_- seriously??
hanistar99 #4
Chapter 9: how ravi be as one as N and ken?? maybe you can explain about it later...
by the way, your story manage to make me think the exact story...
Chapter 8: Awww, but you can do something like error!!! You know, like they still have a heart but body of a robot, honbin hyuk and Leo could kiss them and they will remember but when they try to erase their memory again, ERROR or smth like that. Hahahahhaha.
Seriously, author , what are you doing to me?!??!?! All the fluff parts make me go kyaaaa ヽ( ´¬`)ノlook at neo raven and esp hyukbin... The moments are too cute, omg I just cannot okay and I was totally acting like some idiot smiling and kyaa-ing to the screen so daebakkkk for making feel that way both in the prequel and sequel, heheh just wanna say thank you so much for making me feel this way, even if it was angst at certain parts which were also good, it was still an awesome read!! Ahhh but poor hyukie, he still doesn't know/rmb anything ):
mistressofsecrecy1 #7
Chapter 8: it's okay it can happen :) just take some rest and relax ^^ though sad ...sometimes sad endings work too :P and it will be great if you could get some idea for this but if not that's okay too!! thanks for sharing your awesoem story with us...and also the first one ^^ <33 take care!!
Velzonly #8
Chapter 8: Omg so sad :(( but yea hopefully you can find any inspiration one day and will complete this story. But no burden tho hehe thankyou so much for sharing this story to us :3 hwaiting author nim <3
Chapter 8: Hope you will continue it one day!! And i hope when that day comes, the story can have a happy ending :) I feel so sad for them now T^T
joanna20 #10
Chapter 8: It's ok. I hope u will write new hyukbin ( bottom hyuk) story soon.