
Love Again

Minji is recovering from her trauma and she had started over her internship again. Everything went back well as it was before. She is now in the surgery team. As she was doing good with her performance, they advanced her to proceed into specialized program to make her a neurologist.

That night, I was scheduled for RadioStar as usual. I finished the shoot around 11pm. As I went to the backstage, Minji came to meet me.

“Kyuhyun.” She called. “Minji. Why didn’t you tell that you’re coming? It’s late. How did you came here?” I smiled.

“Alone. I drove here. I have something to tell you.”

“You should just call me honey.” I her hair.

“No. I should say this in front of you.” She said, pushing away my hand.

“You seem serious. Is there anything wrong? Did I?”


“What is it, dear?” I said as I pulled her to sit far from others. “Why?” I held her hands. “I’m breaking up.” She confessed and slowly pulled away her hands off mine.

“Wait. What are you talking about? What’s wrong?”

“I don’t think this is working out well.”

“What do you mean? We’re happy right? This is ridiculous.” I chuckled in disbelief. “Minji, are you in your right mind? Are you serious? You know we’re getting married. Our parents are preparing so much!” I started to raise my voice. I tried to control and not to lose my anger on her. “There must be good explanation for this.”

“You tried to love me because of my look, but I’m not RaeJoon. I’m feeling like I’m being used. For you to get over her death, while actually you’re loving me as her and not myself.”

“We talked about this before. I’d explained to you. Minji, you know how hard I’m working on us now. If I’m playing around now, I wouldn’t be asking you to marry me. I beg you. Please think of it again, honey.”

“I’m sorry.” She apologized before taking off our engagement ring of her finger and put it on my right palm. “Choi Minji!” I looked over her face. There was no reaction. She seems like she’s not feeling anything. Not anger, not sad, nothing. She just went away.

                                                *             *             *             *             *

I’ve been trying  to call Minji for a week, but she never pick up any of my calls so I decided to go to the hospital. I went to the neurology ward to find her. “Good morning, Madam.” I greeted the senior nurse.

“Kyuhyun. Good morning.” She replied with a smile.

“May I know where Dr. Choi is?”

“Dr. Choi….there! Dr. Choi! Here, your boyfriend came!” she teased Minji who was walking towards to counter as she was going through a chart.

“I’m busy!” she replied shortly before turning away. I managed to stop her and pulled her into a closed empty cubicle. “Yah! This is a hospital! What are you thinking?!” she pushed me away.

“You owe me an explanation, Choi Minji.” I replied calmly. “I told you, Cho Kyuhyun. Let me go. Please. I’m working. I’ve a chart to go through for a procedure later.” She begged.

“I miss you so much, Minji. I know that wasn’t an explanation. It was an excuse. I know you love me.” I pleaded, holding her cold hands. Suddenly, there was a beep sounded from her pocket. She took out the pager in her pocket. “I have to go.”

“Minji, listen to me!” I gripped her arms but she ignored me and ran out to a patient who was in need of treatment. I don’t know what has gotten into me, as soon as she was finished with the treatment on the patient, I faked my coughs and pretended to collapse by the empty bedside. “Mr. Cho!!” a young nurse saw me. I could hear Minji came and checked my vitals. “He’s fine.  Move him to the outpatient department. Give him some 2mg of Valium. He is lacking of rest.” She ordered. Before they could inject me with a branula, I immediately opened up my eyes. “I’m fine!”

I looked over Minji, she pulled me out of the ward and to the rooftop. “I thought you wouldn’t care of me anymore.” I smiled. She turned around and slapped me hard on my face. I could feel there were some nurses and her fellow colleagues were peeking on us.

“Do you think this is a playground?!! This is my workplace! Yes, I care of you because you’re in my working compound. I’m treating you because I’m a doctor! That was my duty! If you think this is a joke, I’m sorry that it isn’t for me. Please go. I don’t want to see your face anymore.” She yelled before she went away. 

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lulu88 #1
Chapter 24: I think that kyu shouldn't agree with not telling her about their story and about the father of her child , that might cause problem if ever she would remember again .
lulu88 #2
Chapter 19: So minji now is fine , good that's really good
I'm waiting for the next chapter ^^
halusiharu #3
Chapter 1: Please dont kill the character like ur other fanfic again.. I shed too much tears
xjayess #4
Chapter 14: Poor minji :" ... thanks for the updates ♡
xjayess #5
Chapter 11: No no no she can't end up with hyuk !!!! Ugggh i want to kill hyukjae for putting his eyes on his bandmate girl -,- update soon i want to know what will happen next
xjayess #6
Chapter 10: I am sooooo curious right now .. please author-nim update soon ♡
Momoi15 #7
Chapter 8: love this story! <3 <3 Hope things get better for them <3 waiting for your next update! <3
Chapter 8: Oh my, why is this happening...
Chapter 6: Wooah, they will get married ^^ Thanks for your fast updates, I love them!!
Chapter 1: Why sad beginning... :( Anyway, can't wait for next chap!