Chapter 6

Love has no Boundaries
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The day of the wedding finally came. Everyone could be seen running around double and even triple checking things for the third time. The bride and groom were kept in two separate rooms far away from each other. They had the wedding and the reception in the Bang's backyard. Everything was running smoothly and it was almost time for the groom to walk down the aisle and wait for the bride.

"Stupid tie. How does this evil creation even work?"

"Hyung, you should let one of us do it. You're just going to make it even worse." The maknae was trying to calm down Yongguk, who could not tie a tie, before he ended up tangling his hands in the tie.

"Fine. Just get this thing tied already so that we're not late to the wedding. My umma will kill us."

"Her and your parents are more exciited about this then the two of you are."

"Well this is an arranged marriage. They practically planned everything and just had us come when it came to getting things measured."

"Boys, what's taking you guys so long? The girls are almost done and only half of you are dressed and ready to go."

"Sorry mom. We were having difficulties with the ties.

"You're rich but do not even know how to tie a tie?"

"Mom, I'm a mafia leader, not a business man. I don't have to wear a tie if I don't want to."

"Oh hush. No business talk during the wedding. Understand me."

"Neh, umma."

"Good. Now I want all of you ready and in place in five minutes."

"But we're nowhere near ready yet."

"Then get to chopping." That ended the conversation as Mrs. Bang left the room. All the guys hurried up in getting dressed and doing their hair.

In five minutes exactly, all the guys were in place and were just waiting on the bride to show up and walk down the aisle.


On the other side of the house


"Where's my veil? What about my shoes? Shouldn't the dress be put on before the makeup and hair?"

"Calm down Misung. Just breathe

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Chapter 8: please update author nim ! :)
Saabbrinaaa #2
Chapter 8: Please Update authornim
selena14 #3
Chapter 8: Welcome back thanks for updating author mom
Chapter 8: The calm before the storm., just perfect. Welcome back to writing Author-nim. Thank you for an update. I liked this chapter, although we don't see the depth of their relationship, I like how just being there is just enough for a while.
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 8: Welcome back! I KNEW things were going too well at the wedding & I just thought, no way.. Yongguk felt too secure, WHY DID YOU DRIVE OFF!?!?! -_-! Dang it! Sighs, I hope they catch her in time, another cliff hanger, haha, thank you for updating & look forward to more!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 7: I really hope you reconsider & stay with this story ^_^ I really loved it & was excited to see how it all works out! But I respect your decision. Still hoping for more :)
Chapter 7: Oh my goodness. You can't do this to us Author-nim, its been 4 months already. Please please bless us with a chapter, I'm dying
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 7: Ooh no!!! what a cliffhanger! she's going to have to say I do, but poor girl! if only she could see that Yongguk is warming up to her. I actually thought that was such a cute part w/ him following her walking down the aisle. Can't wait to see how it goes! thank you for updating!
Zelottomato #9
Chapter 4: Zelo makes aegyo but he is a gangster
Zelottomato #10
Chapter 4: Lol i think this story is funny