The past


I'm back after two weeks :) And I hope you like my latest update. :))

“Welcome back to Taiwan, Ber Ber”  Victoria enveloped the other girl in her arms, more delighted to see her cousin going home after a long time.

“It’s nice to be back home unnie” Amber forced a smile, though she is really happy that she got to see  her older cousin again who is also her second sister, she can shake the feeling of being empty, of missing Krystal.

“Why’d you decided to come back anyway?” Victoria asked as they placed Amber’s luggage inside the trunk of  the cab.

“New environment? New school, New Life”

“Wait…something happened in Korea?”

“None…It’s just… I want to continue my studies here”

“If you say so”


“Amber! Someone’s looking for you on the phone!” Victoria called.

With furrowed brows, Amber took the call and a male voice spoke on the other line.

“Is this Ms. Amber Liu?”


“I’m Mr. Hiro Seiyuu, Director for Student affairs in Tokyo Institute for Medicine, we have received your application form along with your credentials and we are happy to inform you that you are qualified for our 7 – year medical degree. You can come over and take another set of exams for possible scholarships.”

“Wow Thank you, When should I visit the office?”

“Next week would be best.”

“Thank you sir, I’ll give you a call”

“Thank you Ms. Liu and congratulations”

“Who’s that?” Amber gave the phone back to Victoria and sat on the chair, her mind is a mess. After a year, she was already planning to go back to Korea and face the woman that never left her mind and heart… but this opportunity, a rare chance for her to achieve her dreams and become a cardiologist is bugging her…

“The Director for Student affiars in Tokyo, I was accepted for their 7 year medical degree…”

“Wow that’s great! ….Right?”

“Yeah… but unnie…”

“The girl again? Look Amber, I know you love her but – “

“I know unnie, I just need some time to adjust to these changes.”


“Take care there okay? Give me a call if you got some problems, you know I can kick some asses off”

The cousins were right infront of the airport, Victoria sending Amber off and giving her last minute reminders and instructions. She also gave her a couple of Japanese dictionaries incase she needed one.

“I will. And when I come back both here and Korea, I’ll be a better person.”

“That’s my llama, Call me?”

“Of course”

A couple of minutes more, Victoria saw Amber’s plane ascend and she knew her younger cousin will do great at the foreign land.


Amber dropped her luggage infront of her room inside the Institute’s dorm, she immediately took the scholarship test right after she arrived and in minutes she already know that she’s a full scholar and the professors were all fond of her.

She knocked at the wooden door, anticipating who her roommate would be. she learned that she was also a scholar and entering the same program with her though she’s a year older.

“Hello!” A beautiful girl with brownish hair and wearing all pink opened the door for her, her eyes puts up the smile in her face and she looks radiant.

“Hi, I am Amber Liu. You’re new roommate” Her face turned curious as her eyes widened and scanned her whole body, probably finding proofs that she’s really a girl and not an impostor.

“You’re a girl?”


“I’m sorry, Come in”

“Please make yourself comfortable, My bed is on the right while yours is on the left. Feel comfortable to talk to anytime, I don’t bite. I’m Tiffany Hwang anyway” And then there’s the eyesmile again.

For another few months, their friendship grew stronger. They learned each other’s strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes and do’ and don’t, they helped each other in every way that they can but their relationship stopped at that.


It was a Monday morning and Amber come home late from school because of the projects asked of them to do and it was so odd to see that their room has its door open. And what surprised her more is that she saw Tiffany covered with a blanket, crying. Clothes scattered on the floor as well as their things and books.

“Tiff? What happened?”  

She scooted over her who sensed her prescence and immediately wrapped her arms on her, crying even more on her shoulders.

“Tiff? Why are you like this?”

“Kun, kun did this…”


Amber was about to stand and probably kick the guy’s face but Tiffany immediately held her by the arm.

“Don’t please.”

“But – “

“Please don’t tell this to anyone. I beg you”

After a week, Kun was caught because of Amber’s efforts to hunt him down, he was sentenced to jail and when they both thought that everything was okay since Tiffany was starting to recover from the trauma she had, they went wrong when she started to vomit every morning and later confirmed that she was pregnant.

“I need to stop for a year” Tiffany said that afternoon after they both went to visit the OB.

“Does your family know about this?”

“Yes… actually, they… disowned me” She fell into tears, it was never her fault that she was but her parents prioritized their image as businessman rather than her and that’s what hurts most.

“I’m here. Don’t worry” Amber embraced her, trying to ease down the pain she was experiencing even though she don’t know how.

Amber applied for a part time job both inside and outside the school, Tiffany’s supplements were quite pricey including their daily needs so she needs to work more than before. She slept less, eat less and socialized less, she devoted her time and focus both to her studies, Tiffany and her baby which she already considered as hers.


Nine months more and Tiffany gave birth to a boy which they named Eunyoung, a name associated with Amber which Tiffany believed as the only gift she could give to the person who was always there for her.

They both raised the child like true parents, bringing him to classes especially when Tiffany got back to studying, now the same as Amber’s level. They took turns to work and supervise him, to study and to spend some time to walk around and show him how life is outside the dorm.

Until they both graduated with honors, they were both in demand in hospitals internationally because of their impressive records and achievement in their years of study. But they both took the one in Seoul because it’s Amber’s time to find her happiness and that is the girl who never left her heart and mind.



“We’re not a couple Krys”

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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 12: Helloooo(?)
ztcm7137 #2
Chapter 12: Just when things and the story is getting better. 😫😫
Chapter 12: Updateee plsss 😭😭
Chapter 12: Update please authornim
Chapter 12: Author llease update
Chapter 12: Author llease update
HoneyBunny360 #7
Chapter 12: Author please update.. thank you
YourSmile-I #8
Chapter 12: Please update soon....thank you
Chapter 12: Update please TAT
nanny00 #10
Chapter 12: Update please