
Wishing For You [One-shot]

I sat beside Jaejoong in class. It was lunch time, and that's where he and his friends usually hung out. I watched him eat and laugh with his friends. As they continued to laugh and play, I slowly walked outside. I went out to the field and sat on the grass. I looked at the clouds passing by.

"He probably doesn't care if I'm there or not. -sigh-" The bell rang, signaling all students to go back to class. I went back into the classroom, and sat in my seat. My last name always made me sit behind Jaejoong somewhere, but I didn't mind it. I could watch him during class when I wanted too.

I sat next to his friend Yoochun since our last names were the same. He and his girlfriend Yoona knew I liked Jaejoong, but were nice enough not to tell him. They always tried to subtly hook me up with him. It was usually a failed attempt, but when it did work...I would always think back and treasure those memories, even if it wasn't much.

I remember the first time I realized how much I liked him. It was 2 years back, at a park near our elementary school. We had just spent the day, celebrating Jaejoong's birthday. It was night time, and everyone else had left. Jaejoong and I sat on the bars of a jungle gym. We were waiting for his mom to come and pick up since we lived in the same neighborhood. We'd been friends since I moved here back in my last year of grade school. We had a brother-sister friendship since, but we weren't as close as he was with his other friends.

It was starting to get cold. I held my shoulders to keep myself warm. He saw how cold I was and put his jacket over me.

Shin Ae: "Aren't you cold oppa?" I could see he was shaking a bit.

Jaejoong: "N-n-nooo~" I chuckled at his cuteness.

Shin Ae: "Here." I said, extending the jacket so he could come under. "We can share it." He snuggled up close to me. We shared our body heat and kept each other warm. I rubbed my arms because I was still cold. He took his arms and wrapped them around me to keep me warm. My chest felt wierd for a moment, but I liked it. He looked at the time. It was 11:09.

Jaejoong: "Did you know? They say when you make a wish at 11:11, it's bound to come true."

Shin Ae: "Really? Let's make a wish together!" Jaejoong pointed to the sky.

Jaejoong: "Let's make a wish on that star constellation. It's called Cassiopiea." We looked at his watch, and waited for 11:11 to come. When the time came we both made our wishes. I wished I could have a boyfriend like Jaejoong. Tall, handsome and sweet, and reliable just like him. After I realized the wish I made, I looked at his face. His eyes were closed and still making his wish.  I realized, I didn't want someone like Jaejoong. I wanted Jaejoong himself. I watched him face, so sweet and tender. I unconsciously leaned my face toward his face. I wanted to kiss him on the cheek, and I did. He opened his eyes and was shocked. I made up something quick.

Shin Ae: "H-happy Birthday oppa! That was your birthday kiss.." He nodded in embarrassment, and then looked away. He continued to hold me in his arms. I thought, "What did I just do?"

Since then, I've noticed all the little things about him. Like how he his lips when he's nervous, how he laughs differently to different people, and how different his smile is when he looks at me. Maybe I'm just imagining things about his smile, but his smile truly is beautiful. Sometimes, when I watch him, I wish that smile was only for me. I know we probably won't be anything more, but I can hope can't I?

I walked home from school before Jaejoong. We usually walked home together, but I told him I had something to do, so I had to go home right away.

Jaejoong: "You always have something to do every friday of the first month. Are you secretly meeting someone behind my back?" he teased me. I joked right back at him and told him yes, but used a serious tone. He looked shocked. "Oh? Who is he?" I stuck out my tongue and said, "It's a secret." then ran off.

I've seen one-shot be a couple of chapters, or 1 chapter. It should be ok as 2-3 chapters right?

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This is such a cute story! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: so cuteee!!!! <3
awwwwwww! SO CUTE!!!!
wow cute... i like it really
pandapie #5
This is so cut<3 & sw<33t~!!!
This was so sweet. Jaejoong is such a sweetie-pie! x33
jejemin #8
I love this one shot!!<br />
Aww the way Jaejoong asked her was so sweet...<br />
I can imagine him saying it... It makes my heart beat faster ^^
xxrawrxx #9
omg...this one shot was sooooo sweet! i love it!
new reader and i just finished reading it and i love it!