Once Again

Indecisive Love

*Xai's POV*

Hana's story kept repeating in my head over and over again especially the words that Kai said when he found out that Hana was leaving. ‘I do wonder…did Kai-’ Not paying attention to where I was walking, I accidently crashed into someone, "OUCH!"

"Chaerin, watch where you are going, clumsy girl."

"DON’T CALL ME BY THAT NAME! You guys are back! I am so happy!" I jumped hugged my friend standing in front of me and let out a sigh of relief.

"Why can’t I call you that? It’s your real name. And thanks? This is not the first time we left and came back." He sounded very confused not expecting this greeting from me.

"I don’t like anyone calling me that, and I know it’s not the first time, but oppa…it's Hana."

"What's wrong? Did something happen to her?!"

"Well, let's just say she needs some cheering up." I sighed heavily and shook my head not wanting to tell him the details.

"What's going on?" Four men entered the hallway confused by the heavy atmosphere.

"Looks like our Hana needs some cheering up."

"Then what are we waiting for!" The maknae of the group grinned widely ready to make his favorite dongsaeng happy.


*Hana's POV*

The weather outside was perfect with a semi-sunny atmosphere and soft breeze so I decided to take a walk in the park. Suddenly someone's arm wrapped around my waist, "I missed you very much."

"Oppa! You scared me!" I placed my hand over my heart, “I thought some random guy touched me.”

"Sorry I didn't-"

"Micky Yoochun, get your filthy hands off her!" I felt a strong tug before being tugged into an unexpectedly firm hug.

"Jaejoong hyung, why do you always have a problem with me hugging her?!"

"It's not your hugging, it's your flirting." He snarled at Micky still holding onto me with his muscular arms.

Micky shot his hyung a glare unhappy with those words, "What are you doing then?"

Jaejoong immediately released me from his grip before starting to argue with his dongsaeng once again. "Come with me." Junsu whispered in my ears, taking my arm in his hand as I blankly stared at the two fighting men.

"Ay Junsu, where do you think you are taking her?" Micky dragged Junsu into his argument with Jaejoong.

"Ignore them…" A calm voice whispered as a hand tenderly touched my mid back.

"Hi, Yunho oppa."

He smiled at me, took my hand in his own, and led me away from his arguing band members. "Is everything alright, Hana?" Changmin gave me a small smile as Yunho and I approached him.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"It's just that-" He began to speak but was interrupted but unnie’s loud voice.

"Oh stop lying, Hana, nothing is fine!" Xai puffed her cheeks while frowning, "You need to learn how to be immature! Aish these guys are going to teach you how."

"Sounds good to us!" Jaejoong smirked, "You're coming with me." Jae oppa took my hand as Yunho oppa followed the two of us.

"Jae oppa, where are we going?"

"You'll see. Just be patient."


*Yunho's POV*

Jaejoong hyung and I brought Hana to our dress designer to get her ready for the surprise party.

"Ah there she is!" A mid-aged lady warmly welcomed Hana into her boutique, "My name is Yuki. Now let's get you all dolled up!"

Jaejoong wore dull black dress pant with a white shirt, which was a quarter way ed, with a black blazer. I had on ebony dress pants with a matching blazer and a navy blue undershirt. We patiently waited for Ms. Yuki to bring Hana out and when she finally came out, hyung and my eyes were glued to the beautiful doll standing in front of us.

Hana wore a black knee-length strapless dress that was flared at the bottom with large pleats, and had a white slash tied into a mid-size bow around her waist. Her hair cascaded behind her, and she had on black pencil heels that tied into a bow around her ankles. Hana's face has a light layer of foundation with pink lip-gloss which made her delicate lips shimmer in the light. A thin line of eye liner brought out her innocent yet deep eyes.

"Boys, close your mouth, you're drooling on yourselves." Ms. Yuki chuckled causing Jae and I to snap out of our trance.

"Shall we get going, princess?" My brother strolled up to Hana and offered his hand to her. She gently smiled and gladly accepted it as she softly placed her hand onto his. The three of us made our way to the party and when we entered, all eyes were stuck on our dear princess.

"Wow!" Micky's jaw dropped as soon as he saw Hana, "You look gorgeous!"

"Micky oppa, don't be so loud." She mumbled in response to his statement feeling a bit shy from the sudden attention.


*Hana's POV*

For a little while I clung onto Yunho oppas's arm, but soon I silently sneaked out of the crowded room and made my way to a small garden. My eyes caught the white ghastly yet breathtaking full moon floating in the sky.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

I turned my head to see a man with a baby face standing beside me. His bangs covered his face so I couldn’t get a clear view of it, but despite this he seemed oddly familiar.


"Do you know that if you wish for something with all your heart during a full moon, the wish is said to come true? Why don't you give it a try?"

My gaze shifted to the ghost-like orb in the sky and closed my eyes, but no wish came to my mind. ‘I don't know what I want…'


My eye lids shot open and my whole body abruptly became paralyzed from the sight in front of me.

"Hana, do you recognize us?" The fragile man, who told me about the wish during the full moon, smiled. My eyes went from the fragile man to the two boys on my left to the two men standing in front of me, ‘Baekhyun, Chen, Tao-Kai-Taemin-am I dreaming?'

"Hana nuna." Tao and Chen suddenly hugged me as they stepped up in front of me, "Nuna, we missed you very much!" They said in unison before releasing me from their tight gripping hug.

"Where have you been? We tried searching for you!" Tao gave a sad smile with his eyes moving affixed on my shocked face.

Chen nodded in agreement with Tao, "But you were nowhere to be found. We waited and waited for you to return." I stood in mute stupor still in shock and disbelief that my past was standing in front of me.

"Hana, believe it or not, we did everything in our power to try and find you." Baekhyun flashed a comforting smile most likely knowing that I was in a turmoil. The two dongsaengs moved aside letting their hyungs come closer to me. No matter how hard I tried, my eyes couldn't help but turn to the two men in front of me.

‘Taemin-Kai…' Realizing that I had been staring at them, I pried my eyes away from them.

"Hana, why-" Xai came running outside but stopped at the sight of the five men in front of me. I turned me back to the five men and face unnie giving her a pleading look for help.

"Hi,” she bowed, "I'm sorry but I have to steal here away from you guys, sorry!"  She pulled me out of there and to the parking lot, "Hana, those guys, were they?"

"Tao, Chen, Baekhyun…Kai…Taemin …"


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UknowAde #1
Chapter 11: so does it mean that Hana doesn't love Yunho at all? ouch. I feel the pain of Yunho is feeling right now...
awwww, so good!!!!
Chapter 3: KYAAAA that was so gooooood!!!!
Chapter 2: Update soon author-nim! I REALLY LOVE IT :D