Opportunity lost

You're My Wedding Crasher


"Bbangku? Bbangku!" Dongrim called as he entered the house through the back door. "Where are you, little monster?" He practically threw his heavy backpack onto the nearest kitchen table chair, grabbing an apple from a basket of fruits as he walked towards the stairs. At that moment, a familiar black and white spotted dog appeared from the corner of Dongrim's eye, barking to get his owner's attention. 

Dongrim turned around and smiled at the sight of the dog. "Ah, Bbangku," he said contentedly, kneeling down so he could pat Bbangku's delicate head. He proceeded to pick him up and carry him in his arms, still keeping the piece of fruit he took earlier firm in his grasp. "Come on, boy, let's go upstairs." Walking upstairs, he continued to converse one-sidedly with Bbangku, mostly complaining about how much of a bad day he had.

"And then I tripped on a flagpole today.." he was saying as he entered his bedroom, Bbangku looking around the room curiously. Dongrim closed the door behind him and carefully set Bbangku on his feet again, then went to sit down on his bed. He took small bites out of the apple he held, staring off into space and Bbangku jumped onto the bed next to him.

"So I need to call Intae hyung and tell him what's up," Dongrim spoke to himself. "Unless Hyeji's already told him, of course. Then.. it just gets awkward." He rolled around on the bed lazily, deciding whether or not to call Intae now. He turned to his dog. "What do you think, Bbangku?"


Sighing, Dongrim shook his head. "Never mind, then." 

At that moment, a knock was heard on the bedroom door. He got up to open the door, and saw Hyeji standing in front of him. "Hey, kiddo," she greeted him casually, smiling a little. "I wanted to borrow your jacket for a while. It's freezing outside today and my jackets aren't thick enough for me to stand through this weather. Could I use it for a few hours?"

"Noona, why don't you just wear lots of layers? I'm pretty sure you have enough clothes for you to do that." Dongrim raised an eyebrow at his older sister.

Hyeji pouted. "But.. I'm too lazy to take them all off later," she whined.

He laughed a little at her attempts at being cute. "Noona, that sort of stuff doesn't work for you. You're more of a tough person; just stick to threatening." He turned around to avoid the hands of his sister that tried to strangle him, and grabbed the jacket that she was talking about. "But here, you can still use it. Just remember to give it back," Dongrim said as he handed over the heavy piece of clothing.

Hyeji scoffed. "What do you think I am, a hoarder?"

"Well, there's that pen you borrowed but never gave back.. and those bedroom slippers.. and that teddy bear which is totally not mine--"

"Okay, okay! I get it, I'll give it back. And that other stuff too. Jeez," she said, scratching the back of her head. "Possesive much."

"At least I don't lose my stuff 24/7," Dongrim replied, smirking.

Just as he said that, Hyeji had been checking her pocket for her keys for the fifth time already. "...shut up." She began to walk back towards her room, but Dongrim had grabbed her elbow to hold her back. "What?" she asked, turning around.

"Um.. did you talk to Intae hyung about the.. you know..." He hesitated, making sure to speak quietly so the people downstairs wouldn't hear.

"The wha-- oh." Hyeji finally understood. "Um, no. And I don't plan to."

"What? Why not?"

Hyeji sighed. "I don't know.. it'd be really hard for me to tell him that I'm getting married without confessing to him in the process of doing so. If I tell him what I really feel, I know for sure it's gonna get awkward around us. I don't want that to happen." She shook her head, trying to snap herself out of the sadness. "I can't risk our friendship for something like this. It's better this way."

She then continued to make her way back to her room, and Dongrim didn't stop her again. He stood still in the same spot for a minute, spacing out as he thought.

So Hyeji hasn't told him, his mind spoke. Means I have to do it for her, right? He looked down at Bbangku, who had ran to his side in a matter of seconds, and looked back up to face the hall in front of him. "Right," he answered his own question, speaking aloud this time. Dongrim turned around and marched into his room to grab his cellphone.

When it was finally in his hands, he scrolled though his contacts list and found Intae's number. He pressed the call button, and after three rings Intae finally picked up the phone. "Hello?" his voice came through faintly.

"Hyung? Where are you? I can't hear you very well.."

"Oh, Dongrim, it's you. Uh, I'm underground right now... specifically, in my basement." He laughed inaudibly. "So, what's up?"

"Uh... well, I have something to tell you."

"Go on."

"Um...." Dongrim took a large gulp of air before he continued. "You see, H--"

He didn't get to finish his sentence, as his mother's harsh voice cut him off. "LEE DONGRIM! COULD YOU TELL THIS DOG OF YOURS TO STOP EATING THE FOOD I COOK?" 

"Huh?" He looked around him, not realizing Bbangku had left. Sure enough, he was gone, and his mother had found him downstairs.

Intae's laugh was loud enough for Dongrim to hear, despite the bad line. "Looks like someone's in trouble. Look, tell me later, okay? In a few minutes, I won't even be able to hear you, so we'll talk another time. Later, man." A second later, the call had ended.

Dongrim let out a loud groan and shut his phone off frustratedly. "Bbangku! Come here, boy!" he yelled down the staircase. Soon, the dog came leaping up the stairs with a few pieces of meat in his mouth. He looked fairly pleased, and Dongrim didn't want to ruin his visibly good mood. Instead, he just patted the dogs head and sighed. 

"You're gonna be the reason why I get nothing done in time," he complained, ignored by Bbangku completely.


A/N: It's been a long time since I updated this fic... here's a new chapter then n_n



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