Kang Seungyoon

A Leader's Burden

Q: If you see a shooting star, what would you wish for?


Seungyoon: For WINNER to still be WINNER 10 years later.


Taehyun: He just stole my line.


Mino: Yep, same as above.


Jinwoo: WINNER last long!


Seunghoon: Are you guys just too lazy to think……






Mino and Seunghoon cheered loudly in the waiting room, soon after the end of WINNER’s performance.


Seungyoon, on the other hand, was less than ecstatic at the thought of food. He had no appetite at all. Not with a sore throat, and feeling oddly cold despite having just performed three songs.


The manager said, “We have quite some time before the interview. Any particular food preference today?”


Excited at the mention of food, Taehyun quickly gave his suggestion, “Nasi goreng!”


“Ohhhh nasi goreng! I concur!” Jinwoo chipped in jubilantly.


Spicy food?


Though not meaning to be a spoilsport, Seungyoon objected subtly, “Erm what? Nasi goreng? Can’t we eat something else?” I’ll probably digging my own grave if I still ate spicy food in this state.


“Why say no to nasi goreng? Are you not feeling well?” Seungyoon asked half-jokingly.


Yes, Seunghoon was wary of Seungyoon’s behavior ever since that morning. He knew that Seungyoon was hiding something, and that something could very well be falling sick.


Seungyoon’s heart skipped a beat at Seunghoon’s passing comment. Luckily, Seungyoon’s acting experience saved him from being exposed by Seunghoon. He managed to maintain his facial expression, wearing a what-nonsense-are-you-talking-about face in response to Seunghoon’s comment.


“We’re supposed to be recording after the interview remember? We shouldn’t be endangering our throat with spicy food,” Seungyoon nagged characteristically, apparently unfazed by Seughoon’s ‘joke’.


“Unless you guys swear that it will not affect your voice, I don’t agree to having nasi goreng for lunch.”


Seungyoon knew if he objected any further, he would have raised suspicions with regard to his strong objection; but giving in immediately would cause suspicions just as easily, as Seungyoon was not one who would give in easily after all. The best way out would be to make it seem like as if he was compromising for the members.


Seunghoon, who had been observing Seungyoon closely, dropped his suspicions. He could not find anything out of ordinary in Seungyoon during the entire conversation after all. Without any further clues, Seunghoon could only dismiss his suspicions as overthinking things for now.


Meanwhile, the other members agreed to the conditions readily, just for the sake of enjoying good food.


“Yes, yes, I promise! Oh please don’t nag anymore. It’s off-work now! Where’s my maknae Seungyoon!” Mino complained with exaggerated movements and expressions, inducing much laughter from the others.


With that, they headed for lunch at an Indonesian restaurant to enjoy their common favorite dish: Nasi Goreng.



The pungent smell of gastric acid mixed with spice and food covered every inch of the cubicle as Seungyoon vomited out the last bit of food left in his stomach.


Seungyoon knew it was a bad idea to have the oily and spicy nasi goreng for lunch in his sickly condition, but he had never thought that it would become this bad.


Not long after ingesting the dish which he usually enjoyed very much, nausea hit the young leader as he felt his vomit climbing up his throat. Barely managing to excuse himself to go to the washroom, Seungyoon ended up regurgitating all of his lunch back out of his mouth and into the toilet bowl.


I hope I don’t smell like puke. Seungyoon thought as he flushed away the disgusting remnants of what had been his lunch.


Just then, Jinwoo’s voice came from outside Seungyoon’s cubicle.


“Seungyoon ah. Are you okay? You’ve been taking quite a while. Wait, is there a smell of vomit?”


Caught by surprise, but fortunately hidden behind the door of the cubicle, Seungyoon hastily spun a random lie to fool Jinwoo, “Ah Jinwoo hyung! Yeah, I’m suffering from constipation and well, this smell of puke left by some inconsiderate customer just made it even harder to clear my bowels.”


Had it been someone else other than Jinwoo, the person would have scoffed at Seungyoon’s far-fetched lie. However, it was the believing Jinwoo who listened to Seungyoon’s tale.


Taking Seungyoon’s words for it, Jinwoo replied innocently, “Oh my, that must have been hard for you. Oh right! We’ll be leaving for the interview soon! You’re done right?”


“Yeah, I’m done with my business here,” Seungyoon said as he emerged from his toilet cubicle, walking over to the basin to clean his hands (and mouth but discreetly). 


Somehow, lying to Jinwoo made Seungyoon feel more guilty than lying to any of the other members. Maybe it was because this hyung was so trusting, to the point which one may call ignorant. 


Sorry, Jinwoo hyung. I just don’t want to make you worry.


Seungyoon was always thoughtful. It was one of his admirable traits that made him a respectable leader. However, it could also be considered as one of Seungyoon’s worst traits. He was always looking out for others, at the expense of himself. 


Not wanting to worry others, Seungyoon kept quiet about him being sick. Because the members wanted to have nasi goreng, Seungyon was willing to force himself to eat the dish, despite knowing there would be adverse effects to it. As a leader, he would do anything to protect s’ happiness. 


That, is Kang Seungyoon.


Hello I'm back!!! Writer's block is the worst thing that can happen to an author T.T Sorry for the delay in updates! I feel like this is the iest chapter that I have written so I shall apologise in advance. Well, if you have not noticed, I purposely wrote the story in such a way that each member will be left with a clue hinting to Seungyoon's illness, and Jinwoo is the last to be included. It's hard for me to come up with another scenario before moving on to the next part of the story so bear with me >.<

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Chapter 7: Awww amazing
If you're still there ... thank you
I just found this I know it's old but I don't care I love it ♡
echristiela #3
This great story ..
Chapter 9: This makes me missed them so much. Wish they have a comeback soon. :)
Chapter 9: I just love your creativity in making the song and this story as a whole
Chapter 9: I'm glad I read this story. It contained the pains and the joy of being a leader and of having a team. Yes, being a leader is such a tough job, all of them want to stay strong for the team, to the point of over-exerting themselves, but as you depicted in this story, the other members are always there to share the burden. I can never imagine what these group idols are going through, but being together almost all the time creates a really precious bond that common people will never understand. I'm happy I got to read a story of the harshness of being a leader but also they can count on their members, which are more closer than a family.
NakaharaAi #7
Chapter 8: Your selfmade song lyrics is so deep and beautiful, oh i cry again. Thank you so much, thank you ~
NakaharaAi #8
Chapter 7: I read this while listening to color ring ~ and tears fall down. Such a beautiful story you make here. Thank you, authornim ~ im waiting your next masterpiece hehehe
Chapter 8: Is this song real? or you made it up?
Sonita #10
Chapter 6: Yes, in reality most of the time I forget that he's also a maknae line in group... I hope he let his hyungs take care of him, too.