The essential is invisible for your eyes


Yay!! :D Subbies, you mean so much to me:) <3 ^^ hihi and thanks to everyone commenting thus story, too :) you make me so happy:) Ps: Jiayun, you said that this is the first story you've ever subscribed to! :D I feel so special :P :D :*
thank you to all of you! Okay, and here's the chapter ;)


I entered the small kitchen and saw Minho standing in front of the stove, his back to me. Lovely aromas was filling the air.

"Hyung?" I asked, to declare my presence.  He jumped a little and then looked over his shoulder and saw me. In my cocoon of his blanket.

I smiled at him.

"I hope you don't mind that I took your blanket, it was so cold without it. And what is it that you're cooking, Hyung? Is it something good?"

His jaw dropped a little, and me myself was also surprised at how how much I'd spoken. And my voice wasn't hollow or quiet as usual, it was the way it once had been. Plus a coating of happiness. He quickly regained his composure and he looked at me as if I was something he'd even waiting to see. As if he was the winner rather than the extraordinarily fantastic prize.

"No, of course I don't mind. I should have picked out new clothes for you. I'll go get you something to wear after dinner, okay? It's going to be finished really soon."

I nodded happily and went and sat down on one of the two chairs that were standing next to the small table. I sat there for a couple of minutes, dangling my legs back and forth, but then I realised something important.

"Hyung?" I said with concern in my voice. "What time is it? I'm usually cooking for my siblings at home, and I don't know for how long I can stay." I pouted. I really wanted to stay where I was, with Minho. I didn't want to have to go back to my family, who probably wouldn't have noticed my absence anyway if it wasn't for the fact that I was the one usually preparing their food,

Minho shot me a smile over his shoulder. His black hair was slightly curly, and it caressed the skin visible in over the rim of his shirt in a mesmerising way. 

"I already called your parents and talked to them. Since you live so far from town, they agreed that it would be best for you to spend the night here. If you don't dislike the idea, of course."

I blushed bright red and was happy that he had turned towards the food again and couldn't see my face.

"I- I don't think it's a bad idea. As long as you don't mind it, Hyung."

"It's settled, then." 

He took the pan of the plate and put it down on the table between us. 

"I've got an extra set of sheets, so I'll make a bed for you on the couch, how does that sound?" he asked as he scooped up food on my plate.

"It sounds good," I said with a shy smile,

After having eaten the dinner, which was surprisingly delicious, we went out to the living room of the small apartment. Three bookshelves from IKEA covered one of the walls, and on the wall facing them there was a big window showing of the sunset over the rooftops. It wasn't dark out yet, but it would be soon.

"Do you want to watch a movie? It's not that late yet, and since it's Friday I vote against homework."

"Sure Hyung," I said, and he ruffled my hair so that it got even messier. I gave him a fake glare, and he patted my shoulder.

"Sorry Minnie, bad habit."

I giggled. My whole inside felt like a warm summer day with ice cream and sun and picnics with friends. 

"So what movie are we going to see?"

He scratched the back of his head. 

"Well, my DVD crashed just a few days ago and I haven't gotten it fixed yet, so we're stuck watching what's on the channels tonight. I've heard that there's going to be a good movie on tonight, though."

"It's no problem Hyung, let's watch that movie, then." I said, and sat down on the couch that was standing in the middle of the room. There was a small table in front of it and a flat TV screen was on the wall. I un-wrapped the blanket that I'd been wearing like a cocoon until then, and used it the way it was supposed to. 

Minho sat down next to me after dimming out the lights of the room and starting the TV, and I offered him the blanket too. He was wearing a t-shirt, and when I felt his bare arm against my side, I remember that I still wasn't wearing any shirt. 

I was thankful that the darkness of the room prevented him from seeing the radiant blush painting my cheeks. Every nerve end on the part of my stomach that touched him felt like a live wire.

When the film began and the intro announced that it was a horror movie, Minho leaned forward and put the remote control back on the table in front of us. The movement of his arm against my skin made me squirm involuntarily from the ticklish warm sensation that spread like a wild fire from every part of me that he got in contact with. 

Luckily, he didn't seem to understand the impact he had on me. He'd only noticed me shudder, and misinterpreted it, much to my relief.

"Are you cold? Oh right, I was going to go get you a shirt, sorry, I forgot. I'll just go get you one now...-" he glanced towards the TV-screen with longing eyes and made a move to stand up. I felt a little bad. He'd looked forward to watching this movie, he shouldn't have to miss the intro of it just because of me.

"No hyung, you don't have to. I'll manage. The blanket is really warm and cozy anyways," I said, trying to sound convincing, and gently tugged at his hand so that he'd sit down again.

He looked at me in the darkness of the room, and I could see the reflection of the TV-screen glitter in his beautiful eyes.

"...are you sure, Minnie?"

I nodded.

"Yes, I'm sure. Now sit down so you don't miss the beginning of the movie."

Reluctantly he sat down again. He scooted even closer to me and pulled up the blanket around my thin body to make sure that I wouldn't be cold. He sat closer to me too, and kept an arm around my shoulders. 

"Just tell me if you get cold, okay?" he whispered into my ear. I felt tingles go down my spine and I shuddered again, just as I was about to say that I really wasn't cold at all. I could see him frown. Then he pulled me towards him so that I leaned my head against his broad chest and tightened the blanket around the two of us. 

"I don't care what you say, Min-ah. I'm not letting you be cold just because you don't want me to miss the beginning of the movie." there was a smile in his voice, as if he was talking to someone he liked very much. As if he thought that me caring for him was something adorable.

My heart was speeding, racing, beating like the fastest drum player you've ever heard as I felt the warmth of his chest against my bare skin. 

And ten minutes later, when the scary things started to happen in the movie and I turned and pressed my face into his shirt so that I wouldn't have to witness the horrors on the screen, I heard that his heart was beating irregularly and fast too, his heart as well as mine.

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this is really beautiful ;___;
the way you describe Minho... like he's the most wonderful thing in the world, and he adores Taemin like nobody else around... all touching my heart.
i love every chapter here, >__<
I just read the first chapters and was crying
The Taemin in your story remember me too much of myself
I don't know how
Minho is so beautifully wonderful in this story...he is pretty much every person's dream 'other half'. I love how he cares for taemin and convinces him of his love...made me cry.
I love this sweet fic... ^^ can't wait to read the sequel <33
It was so beautiful, my Jojo. I cried so much xD I will read the sequel after the contest is over, yay! :3
Chapter 10 made me cry :-:
He said nothing but stood up and came towards me.

I didn't turn to face him. I didn't want to see the expression in his face. Maybe he would hit me for being such an idiot. 

Then his beautiful right hand stopped mine from tracing the words "I wish Taemin could go die" on the wall. And with his other hand he gently a thick layer of white paint over it so that it couldn't be seen anymore.

He removed his hand from mine and dropped the brush on the floor.

Then I felt both his arms encircle my waist.

And he hugged me tightly.

The simple words made my heart swell. He'd cared enough about me to help me so that I wouldn't have to interrupt the teacher myself and get scolded. He'd helped me. 

T.T Minho's so great!
Just_Lan #8
THIS WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. I absolutely loved it, it was so perfectly written =)