How's School? (Author's Noteu~)


Hello frands xD This chapter isn't a story update, but more of a personal thing. I'm 13, and in Singapore, it's that stage where you go to a new school–Secondary school. In other countries, it might be similar to middle school. Anyway, there are three streams, Express, Normal Academic and Normal Technical. I'm in the Express stream, so I only stay until I'm 16 (4 years). NA and NT students stay for 5 years, so until they're 17. For more information, you guys can go here if you're interested: . Basically, I'm reaaaaaally busy these days. I'm only free on Wednesdays and Mondays ;-; Even with that, I have all my homework to do. #2amclub anyone? I'm suffering from writer's block again :( I take third language too (Chinese) as part of my education, so I have extra exams. How nice. I'll try to update idihot this week ;-;

Secondary school life is tough. Then again, it's enjoyable. All my teachers (with the exception of a few) are cool and funny as heck. My classmates are just down right cray cray. But it's okay, because it's fun. I love how united my school is! Like there was this one class that was singing the birthday song for a person. The class is right next door, and my class was in the middle of listening to our teachers when we just decided to sing along with them omf xD They say secondary school will be the best years of your life, I think it's really going to be that way. Until GCE O-Levels ;-; It's a national exam that determines whether the Express student will get to move on to tertiary education or not. For some it's A-Levels, and for NA and NT it's N-Levels.

Sorry for boring you. I'm working on the update right now so please be patient~

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Nana_Kai #1
Chapter 3: Waah. You're so young! Enjoy life while you're young! Haha.
ninimine #2
Love it, update soon please ^_^
I love it.
oh my effing holy kriseus this is gooddd! update soon