You were mine right from the very beginning... You’d do well to remember that... my love...

You were mine right from the very beginning... You’d do well to remember that... my love...
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RECAP: Mistaking her silence as acceptance, he forged on, firmly taking hold of her shoulders, "Those girls mean nothing to me Ehlena," his warm voice gently coaxed her to forgive him.

Unfortunately for him, she had already decided to give him up.



When she didn't answer, Jaejoong turned her around so that she was facing him. He stared at her blank and distant expression and felt... guilt? He shook the thought away and focused on Ehlena's face.

As always, it took his breath away. She was so beautiful... so angel-like. She never fails to impress him. Her cute doe-like eyes, her small nose, and her full lips, it will make any guy insane. He tried to coax her into forgiving him again.

"Ehlena? Love, come on, talk to me. Please? I can't stand to see you like this. I said I was sorry. Why can't y-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence when he felt Ehlena push him away. He was shocked to say the least.

She never pushed him away. This was definitely a first.

"I have had enough, Jaejoong. I-I can't t-take this anymore. It was never gonna last anyway. This thing between us, I mean." She waved her hand around them as if to emphasize her point.

Jaejoong's eyes grew dark as he glared at Ehlena.

"What do you mean thing? What we have is not a thing, it's called a relationship." He said through clenched teeth.

Unfortunately for him, Ehlena has had

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
Yoochun was cute when he was curious ... And i love it when Junsu scold Changmin for eating his bacon ! Pls update soon ~~~~ ! XDDD
banana #3
Let's get more of this Jaejoong obsessive fan fic !!<br />
Pls update soon !! ^_^<br />
Btw,really interesting !!
Nice story!! Update soon please!! Jaejoong's so scary when he got jealous..haha, the curious yoochun is so cute~<br />
New reader. Your story is really interesting. please update soon~ Thank you :D
love your writing skill and the story plot is really good. update soon
vampire_gurl0710 #7
Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed reading. :)
babysach #8
Hey new reader. Seems like i'm your first subscriber and first person to post here. ^^<br />
nice story. Update soon please~