You were mine right from the very beginning... You’d do well to remember that... my love...

You were mine right from the very beginning... You’d do well to remember that... my love...
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RECAP: She saw him making out with Cassandra Sparks, the biggest in school. She was against the wall as he d her body, totally aware of the fact that Ehlena was standing just a few feet behind them. What made her angry the most was his nonchalant "What?" afterwards, as if nothing happened. She finally snapped. She had had enough.



Ehlena narrowed flashing gray eyes on the nonchalant male in front of her, furious at his indifference towards the situation.

How dare this bastard stand there calmly gazing back at her after the little stunt he had just pulled?

Was he really that much of an egotistical ?

Did he really believe himself entitled to act the way he just had?

Deciding to ponder the jerk's arrogance later, preferably after she had beaten him to a bloody pulp, she pinned the unrepentant male with a hard glare.

"What the hell," she asked through clenched teeth,"was that?"

Jaejoong -the !- actually had the gall to look confused!


"I'm afraid," he drawled, while cautiously gauging her reaction, "I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about."

"No ide-!" She abruptly cut herself off.

Taking a deep breath, she managed to respond in a significantly more composed voice. "Since," gray darkened, "you seem to have recently developed a case of selective amnesia, let me remind you of your actions dearest."

The endearment was scathingly growled, more closely resembling a curse.

"You," rage radiated off the petite female in suffocating waves, "apparently felt at liberty to make out with Cassandra." Eyes crackling in anger, she continued, "And you did this in my presence!"

The infuriated blonde roughly shoved the male against the wall.


"Did you even stop to think how that made me feel?" She looked straight into his startled eyes. "Well, did you?!" she demanded.

"Ehlena, you do-"

She cut him off with an impatient hand.

"This isn't the first time you've done this." Her raging eyes misted with supressed tears, "You do this all the time Jaejoong, and I'm sick of it."


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m0zarts0nata-- #1
Yoochun was cute when he was curious ... And i love it when Junsu scold Changmin for eating his bacon ! Pls update soon ~~~~ ! XDDD
banana #3
Let's get more of this Jaejoong obsessive fan fic !!<br />
Pls update soon !! ^_^<br />
Btw,really interesting !!
Nice story!! Update soon please!! Jaejoong's so scary when he got jealous..haha, the curious yoochun is so cute~<br />
New reader. Your story is really interesting. please update soon~ Thank you :D
love your writing skill and the story plot is really good. update soon
vampire_gurl0710 #7
Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed reading. :)
babysach #8
Hey new reader. Seems like i'm your first subscriber and first person to post here. ^^<br />
nice story. Update soon please~