
Life as their stylist

YG had decided the boys deserved a vacation.
they workt so hard for their new album.
And ofcourse who needed to come with them yep me.
The boys were allready on their way except for GD he had a schedule.
And who needed to wait for him?
Yes again me.

I trow some clothes in my bagpack when I heard a car stopping.
'There he is' I sighed.
I walked down the stairs and opened the door.
Yes there he was in his white bentley.
'At least he has a nice car'

I walked to his car and opened the door and sat down.
"Hi" I said putting my seatbelt on.
"Hi" He mutterd back.
The car ride was very quit the only sound was the soft music coming from the radio and the rain outside.
I laid my head against the window.
"Tired?" He asked his eyes never leaving the road.
"Yeah a little the rain always make's me sleepy" I said back closing my eyes.

Suddenly I felt the car stop.
I opened my eyes and looked around.
'Huh were are we? this is not the hotel'
"Why did you stop?" I asked GD looking at him.
"I didn't stop, the car stopped" He said.
"WHAT you mean the car is broken" I said shocked.
"I guess" He said calmly.
"You know how to repair it"
"Nope" He said
"Give me your phone" I said to him.
"Why? Why would I give you my phone?" He said turning to me.
"So I can call for help" I said rolling my eyes.
"No I'm not giving you my phone I will do it myself" He said grabbing his phone.
"Uhh I think we have a problem" He said scratching the back of his head.
"What do you mean?"
"Well I don't have connection here" He said looking at his phone.
"GREAT now i'm stuck in the middle of nowhere with you!" I said frustrated.

"Well someone will miss us and come look for us it's just a matter of time" I said hoping it was true.
"Yeah I hope" GD said playing some stupid game on his phone.
I was getting so cold.
'Stupid heater doesn't work either'
'Why didn't I put on my sweater stupid me'

I pulled my knees to my chest.
"Your cold?" GD said looking up from his game.
"Ye..yeah" I stutterd from the cold.
"You should have dress warmer it's autumn you know" He said and continued playing his game.
'Yeah thanks for the tip you could at least give me your sweater like a real gentleman would do'
I tried to get some sleep but it was to cold.
Suddenly I felt something warms.
It was GD's sweater.

"I couldn't sleep with all that noise of shattering teeth" He said.
"Thanks" I said looking at him.
"Don't think anything about it I just need my beauty sleep" He said closing his eyes.
The sweater smelled so nice.
'Wha why am I smelling it what's wrong with me'
I looked at GD.
'He is so cute as he sleeps GHA stop thingking just go to sleep allready!'
Finally I felt asleep.

The next day I woke up because I heard some voices.
"Aah how cute"Someone said.
"I knew they liked eachother" Another more femanine voice said.
I woke up and saw GD's face.
I was laying half on GD and he had his arms around me.
I tried to get up.
"Let me go" I said pushing his arms off me.
He woke up.
"What are you doing honey" He said letting go off me.
"Shut up don't call me that" I said getting out off the car.
There stood the rest of bigbang and Mitsuko.
"What are you doing here?" I asked Mitsuko.
"TOP asked if I wanted to come" She said back smiling.

"You guys are so cute" Seungri said.
"It's not what your thinking I don't now how we ended up like that" I started to explain.
"Yeah sure"Mistuko said.
"Arg get lost!" I said stumping off to their van.
'Stupid Seungri and Mitsuko and most of all STUPID Jiyong'
'But I have to say Jiyong was very warm and soft and he smells so good'

I felt my face getting hot.

'Get a grip on yourself Mila don't think about it anymore he is an arogant '

Sorry not the best part and sorry for the grammer mistake's but it's almost 1am here so i'm very tired will re-read it tomorrow hope the next chapter is better sorry again.
Well time to sleep night night everyone ^.^

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midnight-writer97 #1
Chapter 10: Really loved your story!! But pleaaaseeeee update again! :) ^^
i love this!! ahhh daraaaa!
the123roosa #3
It was a fun story ^^ too bad you're not updating anymore.. But I really liked it :)
lovis89 #4
lmao gd act like a snob cause he like mila. hahaha XD
Iheartlife #5
New reader...update soon :D
Haha, Mila was jealous of Dara ^^!<br />
That's right Mila, you know you have feelings for Jiyongg !<br />
Otherwise you wouldn't have kissed him xD!<br />
Update soon !
Awwww, Jiyong's being mean again :l!<br />
LOOL, is that Jiyong pulling the blanket closer ?<br />
It has to be him ! <br />
If not, another BB memeber would better ;D.<br />
Make Jiyong jealous ! LOL
KatieLeeberg #9
aw! is it GD? it has to be GD
Kyah~ Jiyongie is sooo cute~~~~ Update soon T^T