The meeting

Life as their stylist

I was looking for Gummy's clothes for her upcoming show when YG called me to his office.
I walked in slowly.
"You called sire?" I asked him shy.
"Ah Mila yeah sit down please" He said pointing to the chair infront of him.
I sat down and looked at him.
"I called you because I have a new job for you" He said looking at me.
"Ah ah new job?" I stutterd.
"But I like the job I have now" I said looking up.
"I know but your gonna love this job to" He said with a smile.
"Oh so what is my new job then?" I asked him.
"I want you to be Big Bang's stylist" He said happy.
"B..B..Big Bang's stylist" I said shocked.
"But I don't even know them"
"No problem you will meet them soon" He said still smiling.

I was on my way home it was allready dark outside.
'Hmm working with bigbang it's gonna be interesting I think.'
I arived at my apartment.
"Finally home it's so cold outside" I said while turning on the heater.
I made some noodles and watched some tv before going to bed.
'Tomorrow is gonna be a interesting day' I thought and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up around 7:00.
Did my moring routine and was off the work.
I had the feeling today someting was gonna happen.

I arrived exactly at 8:00.
I walked to my office.
There was a note at my desk.
'A note from YG what does he want now' I thought.
I read the note it said:

Hi mila,
I want you to be in my office exactly at 12:00.
~ YG

'Ok weird well if the boss say so I will be there' I thought and had a smile on my face.
I walked to the front desk to get some coffee.
"Hi mila!" Someone called from behinde.
I turned around to see Mitsuko my best friend she was also a stylist for SHINee from SM entertainment.
"Hi Mitsuko what are you doing here?" I asked while grabbing a cup for my coffee.
"Can't i visit my best friend" She said laughing.
"Ofcourse you can but I thought you were busy" I said.
"Oh no SHINee is training so they don't need me now" She said.
"Wanna go for some breakfeast?" She asked me.
My stumach started to make weird sounds.
"I guess" I said laughing.

We were sitting in a little restaurant and had breakfeast.
We talked for hours we haven't seen eachother for some time now.
Suddenly I remebert the note from YG.
"Oh what is the time!" I said while standing up.
"It's 11:30 why?" Mitsuko said while looking up the me.
"I gotta go I need to be at YG's office at 12:00!" I said and started to run to the YG building.
'Please let me be on time please let me be on time' I screamd in my head.

Finally I reached YG building.
I run to the elevator and walked to YG's office.
I checked my watch 12:00.
'Just in time' I thought and let out a sigh.

I knocked on the door.
"Come in" I heard YG say.
I opened the door and saw YG sitting by his desk but he was not alone.
In the room were 5 boys.
Yep you guessed right it was bigbang.
I walked in a little shy.
"You wanted me to be here at 12:00" I said to YG.
"That's right I wanted you to meet bigbang" He said while pointing to the guys.
I turned to them.
I walked to their leader.
"Hi my name is Mila nice to meet you" I said while streching out my hand.
"Hi i'm G-Dragon the leader" He said bored.
I dropped my hand to my said a little embarressed because he didn't shake my hand.
"Hi i'm Seungri" The youngest looking boy said.
"TOP" Said the guy sitting on the couch.
'Whoo he looks hot' Whaa what am I thinking I just met the guy.
"Hello i'm Taeyang" Said the guy with the cute eye smile.
"Hi there i'm Daesung" Said the last one he grabbed my hand and started to shake it.
"Well Mile is your new stylist" Said YG while standing up.

"She is our what?!" Said GD also standing up.
"Whe don't need her" He said and walked out of the door.
'Great my first day of my new job and their leader allready hates me'
"Don't worry about him noona, sometimes he can be so cranky" Seungri said.
I just smiled to him.
'This is gonna be a long day'

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midnight-writer97 #1
Chapter 10: Really loved your story!! But pleaaaseeeee update again! :) ^^
i love this!! ahhh daraaaa!
the123roosa #3
It was a fun story ^^ too bad you're not updating anymore.. But I really liked it :)
lovis89 #4
lmao gd act like a snob cause he like mila. hahaha XD
Iheartlife #5
New reader...update soon :D
Haha, Mila was jealous of Dara ^^!<br />
That's right Mila, you know you have feelings for Jiyongg !<br />
Otherwise you wouldn't have kissed him xD!<br />
Update soon !
Awwww, Jiyong's being mean again :l!<br />
LOOL, is that Jiyong pulling the blanket closer ?<br />
It has to be him ! <br />
If not, another BB memeber would better ;D.<br />
Make Jiyong jealous ! LOL
KatieLeeberg #9
aw! is it GD? it has to be GD
Kyah~ Jiyongie is sooo cute~~~~ Update soon T^T