Arrival in Tokyo, Japan

What could possibly go wrong

Yongguk was released from the hospital a week after the accident happened. He and Youngjae were so relieved that Yongguk and the baby survived. As Yongguk’s belly grew Youngjae and Zelo would just adore his belly. Youngjae would become more fatherly to Zelo for practice so he could be perfect for Eun-kyung.

Yongguk stood in front of his foster mother’s grave. He placed roses in front of the tombstone and talked to his foster mother’s spirit.

“So I hope you really can hear and see me from the afterlife. I will say all this anyway. I am pregnant with a girl and I want to name her after you. I hope you’re honored. You deserve it.” Yongguk wiped the tears from his cheeks. The baby in Yongguk’s belly was very healthy. He was officially four months pregnant with his first baby. She will be due in early September or late August.

“I’ve been shot three times about a week ago. It’s not safe for me to be here so I’m moving to Japan. It’s for the best. The baby’s safety is the most important thing to me. Thank you for everything umma.”

The pregnant 24 year old walked back to the base calmly but still feared that he could be shot at any moment. Thinking this he felt a tingling sensation in his belly. Could it have been a kick? He rubbed his belly talking to the baby inside him.

“Eun-Kyung-ah, is that you sweetie?” Yongguk asked using a motherly voice. “Are you finally kicking me baby?”

Yongguk lied on the couch while Youngjae rubbed his belly trying to get the baby to kick. The entire group would move to Japan the next day. For Yongguk’s safety he had to stay close to Dr. Akiyama since she was the one he trusted most to be his and his baby’s doctor.

When the group arrived in Japan they found a nice apartment complex to live in all together. Yongguk and Youngjae lived together for the baby. Yongguk would sometimes have to stay with Emiko and her family for easy checkups. Yongguk got along with Emiko’s son Yukito easily. Yukito would translate Japanese and English to Korean for Yongguk. The two would laugh and play games. Yongguk easily got along with everyone of Emiko’s family and friends except for one. Her husband Akiyama Jinki. Jinki is a cop/detective who actually knows about the mobsters in Korea especially Bang Yongguk. Yongguk gave Jinki an uneasy feeling and made him angry at his wife for bringing them into his life.

“Come on Jinki!” Emiko complained. She held her hands on her husband’s arms. “I swear he’s not here to hurt us! He needs medical attention!”

“So he couldn’t just stay in Korea?” Jinki’s voice raised.

“It’s not safe for him there!” Emiko replied.

“It’s not safe for Yukito if he’s here!” Jinki yelled.

“He’s not going to hurt Yukito! Trust me I know he won’t. You’ll find out why soon.” Emiko sighed.

Yongguk couldn’t understand them because Yukito’s parents were speaking Japanese and Yukito was busy watching power rangers and playing video games. Yongguk decided to keep Yukito company while his parents argued.

“Fine.” Onew sighed. “If I find out that he is still dangerous then I'm changing my surname! But until then.”

Jinki walked into the living room where he saw his son and Yongguk talking and laughing. Jinki crossed his arms and spoke Japanese to Yukito

“Yukito, go to your room!” Jinki said calmly but Yukito knew that when his father spoke like that he was to follow his order without question. Yukito got up and ran past his father to his room. Jinki with his arms still crossed took a step closer to Yongguk. He changed to Korean so Yongguk could understand him. “Don’t think I don’t know who you are Bang Yongguk. I am one of the very few people here in Japan who know about Korean mobsters and I may not know why you are in my house or like the fact that you’re here but unless I can be convinced that you are not a threat to my family especially to my son you are to stay away from him. Get me?”

Yongguk just nodded. Jinki walked away to talk to his son who was probably listening in from his room.

“Why doesn’t your husband trust me?” Yongguk asked feeling like he was about to cry.

“Jinki is a police officer so he is aware of everyone and thing that poses a danger to his family. Once he finds out you’re pregnant he’ll ease up and apologize and maybe even teach you useful tips he learned from his pregnancy. Please don’t hold a grudge Yongguk-ah, Jinki just wants the best for his family.” Emiko replied. She handed him something to drink then went to check up on Jinki.

Emiko was right about Jinki being uneasy around Yongguk. Yongguk had no choice but to listen to Onew’s requests and not talk to his new friend.

It only took Onew two days to find out that Yongguk was pregnant and wanted to keep his unborn child safe. He found out when he walked in on Yongguk rubbing his belly and talking to the baby within.

“So.” Jinki started. “That’s why you’re here? You’re pregnant?”

“Yes.” Yongguk replied softly looking down at his bump.

“Why wasn’t it safe for you in Korea?” Jinki asked confused.

“Because of these.” Yongguk stood up and lifted his shirt to show Jinki the scars he got when he got shot three times. “Youngjae was scared this could happen again and I was so terrified of losing my baby before I even got to meet her. Even if she was born I so scared that my enemies would try to hurt my baby because they’d know it would kill me inside.”  Yongguk started sobbing.

“I’m so sorry Yongguk. If I had known you were pregnant I wouldn’t have yelled at you. I just needed to open my eyes wide enough to see the obvious bump on your stomach” Jinki apologized.

“It’s okay Jinki. Emiko told me you picked up some good tips while you were pregnant with Yukito. Would it be too much to ask for your help with this baby?” Yongguk asked.

“I’ll be glad to help you. Is there anything you’re uncertain of?” Jinki asked

“I keep feeling this tingling sensation in my belly. Is it the baby kicking?” Yongguk asked.

“Where do you feel it?” Jinki asked. Yongguk placed his hands on his belly.

“It changes from time to time.” Yongguk replied. He felt the weird sensation in his belly again he quickly placed Jinki’s hands on the spot where he felt the weirdness. “Is it a kick? Is she moving?”

“It’s a kick.” Jinki smiled. Yongguk’s face lightened up hearing those words. “So a girl eh? My brother in law has a daughter. Her name is Akiyama Keiko. She’s half Korean and half Japanese. What are you going to name her?”

“Eun-Kyung.” Yongguk answered. “After my mother. Well foster mother she was more a mother to me than a foster.” Jinki allowed Yongguk to talk about his foster mother. When he got to the part where he remembers watching her die he begins to cry. So Jinki tries to change the subject.

“Would you like to give her a Japanese name?” Jinki asked. “She will be a Japanese born Korean.”

“Did you give your son a Korean name?” Yongguk asked.

“No. I thought of it. Why?” Jinki asked.

“Well aren’t you Korean? How’s your surname Akiyama if you’re Korean. Were one of your parents Japanese?” Yongguk asked. Jinki dropped his head unbelieving the fact he was going to tell someone else about his past.

“Yes, I am Korean. My original surname is Lee but I was abandoned here by my mother when I was just a young child. I was adopted by a Japanese couple. Their names were Ogawa Ami and Zakari. They took me in and a few years later I asked them to change my surnames to theirs so I dropped my Korean surname forever. I didn’t have such a happy go lucky past either but when I met my wife I knew I had a reason to be happy. When I had my son I knew I was going to be the best father I could be. I promised him that six years ago when I found out I was having a baby.” Jinki admitted to the pregnant man sitting next to him.

“Eun-Kyung’s father is also a detective but his co-workers have no idea that we are together or even that I’m four months pregnant. They believe he wanted to be stationed in Tokyo just to be here. We wanted our baby to be born and raised here because of how safe it is here.” Yongguk said.

“Yeah I have seen ten year old school boys walking around by themselves. We are very fortunate to live in such a safe place.” Onew commented. “So a couple of months after you give birth to Eun-kyung what do you plan on doing career wise? It takes more than a cop’s salary to raise a baby.”

“I never finished high school so there’s nothing I really can do.” Yongguk cried.

“There’s a place that will help you get a high school degree.” Jinki said

“Hey Yongguk-san, you’re due for an ultrasound early tomorrow so I’d suggest getting some sleep.” Emiko popped her head in to say while holding a sleeping Yukito.

“Can I see the ultrasound?” Yukito asked tiredly.

“Of course you can.” Yongguk replied smiling. As he got up and walked to the door to go back to his apartment to turned to Jinki. “So to be continued tomorrow?”

Jinki smiled and nodded holding his five year old son in his arms.

“Otōsan?” Yukito asked half awake. “Does this mean I can talk to Yongguk now?”

“Yes Yukito you can.” Jinki responded.

“Do you want to keep my surname?” Emiko asked being cute.

“Of course I do! You will always be mine Emiko.” He leaned in to kiss Emiko. Yukito being a toddler got disgusted.

“Ew.” Yukito said with sassiness. His parents laughed at his reaction. 

Now here's where I introduce characters. Let's start with Jinki 

Name: Lee Jinki/ Akiyama Jinki 

Age: 32

Ethncity-Nationality: Korean-Japanese 

Family: Akyama Emiko (Wife), Akiyama Yukito (Son), Ogawa Zakari (Adoptive father), Ogawa Ami (Adoptive mother), Akiyama Keiko (Niece) Unnamed Akiyama (Brother in law), Unknown Lee (Mother) Unknown man (Father)

Career: Police officer/ detective

Other facts: 

- Jinki was born in Korea but raised in Toyko, Japan

- Jinki remembers the day his mother left him. She brought him to a hospital and told the nurses to help him find a better family. Little did he know that she was too poor to care for him and didn't want him to starve to death.

- Jinki is not the first male in this little family to get pregnant however he is the first to have a baby in his wife's stead.

- Jinki met Emiko for the first time in 3rd grade but she didn't stay long because she lived in Hiroshima and only came back to Tokyo once or twice a year. The two loved each other more everytime they reunited.

Name: Akiyama Yukito (秋山幸人)

Age: 4 (5 in Japanese years)

Ethnicity-Nationality: Japanese/Korean-Japanese

Family: Akiyama Emiko (Mother), Akiyama Jinki (Father), Akiyama Keiko (Cousin), unnamed Akiyama (uncle), Ono Kaori (Aunt) 

Career: N/A (too young to have a career) Primary school student

Other Facts: 

-Yukito is multilingual like his parents, He speaks fluent Japanese and Korean he is still working on English and wants to learn Cantonese which he will soon learn from his aunt Kaori who's part Chinese (Chinese/Japanese mother). 

-Yukito knows a lot more about the world than a 4 (5) year old should. Like the fact his father carried him instead of his mother. He's cool with it but acts digusted with his parents' kissing just for attention and like any toddler would. 

-He completely understands why his father didn't want him near Yongguk at first. After all he is Jinki's son.

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Hey, do you have any preg!Yongguk fics you can recommend me? I'm about to leave home to another city for work and I hope to save as many fics I can to keep me company.
Chapter 10: My favorite line in all of this is "angry pregnant in labor"
Chapter 10: Awwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! So fricken adorable XD I died!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Hahahhaahah how did you not notice the two guys............WHY DID YOU STOP IT THERE?!?!?!?!?
Chapter 7: ohemg!!!!!! This is getting way too cute!!
Chapter 6: Is Yukito Yoogeun? The lil boy that was Shinee's "son" in Hello Baby. The kid in the picture kind of looks like him.
Chapter 5: Yay~~ the world is happy again ^^
Chapter 5: Oh yay, you gave them a girl!! Just like you did with Chen and Kris (hehe!). I love it when the baby's a girl, it feels like there are too many boys if the baby's a boy and the thought of protective daddies are so sweet. One thing though, I kind of don't get the thing with the hydrogen peroxide and his hair colour. Can you that explain that please?
Chapter 4: I nearly choked at 'Yook Sungjae' lol. See, I knew you wouldn't let the baby die. I just hope Bang regains consciousness soon after the transfusion.