After the accident

What could possibly go wrong

The ambulance quickly arrived to the scene. Youngjae tried his best to keep Yongguk from bleeding out and dying on him. Him Chan saw Yongguk and ran up to Youngjae.

“Oh my god what happened?” Him Chan cried.

“He was shot three times! Go tell the others!” Youngjae replied helping to get Yongguk into the ambulance. Him Chan ran back to the base.

“That’ll be all sir.” A female worker said.

“You’ll need me for blood transfusions. I have O- blood!” Youngjae replied. The female had no time to argue with the cop so she let him on. The doctors withdrew blood from Youngjae to give Yongguk.

“Do you know what his blood type is?” The nurse asked while she tried to remove the bullets from Yongguk’s body.

“No I don’t ma’am.” Youngjae answered.

“Well Thanks to modern medicine we can find out what his blood type is. Can you take the patient info form and fill it out please?” The young nurse asked. Her hands were busy enough with Yongguk even with the help of another doctor.

“Yes ma’am.” Youngjae retrieved the form and started filling it out.


Patient Name: Bang Yongguk

Gender: Male

Date of birth (Age)/Place of birth: 31 March, 1990 (24)/ Seoul, South Korea

Medical problem(s) and date of accident: Shot three times.  Lower abdomen, just below solar plexus and in the ribs on 16, April 2015

Additional info we should know about? If yes please explain in the lines below

Family: Birth family unknown only known family fact is that the family name is Bang and patient’s name is Yongguk.


Youngjae hesitated wondering if it’d be a good idea to admit that Yongguk was pregnant. Could this info save their baby’s life? They’re doctors so they can be trusted.

Youngjae wrote: “Patient is 3 to 4 months pregnant w/ 1st child (well was if he miscarried.)” on the line provided. Youngjae knew in his heart he did the right thing telling the doctors.

The last blank asked for the names of the doctors. Youngjae didn’t know their names. There was one female and one male. So he asked.

“Excuse me guys but this blank asks for your names.” Youngjae asked politely.

“Akiyama Emiko and Yook Sungjae.” Dr. Yook answered. “If you need spelling look on the front of the clip board.”

Sure enough they were there and he copied them down. Youngjae looked up to see Yongguk fighting for his life with three bullet wounds in his chest. Youngjae broke down into tears.

What if Yongguk dies? Then he’d lose the two people who most the most to him. Dr. Akiyama gave Youngjae a tissue while she also tried to save Yongguk’s life.

In the emergency room the two doctors rushed into a room which Youngjae wasn’t able to go into. Youngjae stayed in the waiting room fearing a doctor would come out and say that Yongguk is dead. He looked at the cross necklace Yongguk gave to him on Valentine’s Day which once belonged to Yongguk. He held it in between his praying hands begging god to help the doctors save Yongguk.

Meanwhile at the base Him Chan had just only arrived. He had to run a total of five miles back to their base and he was crying and struggling to catch his breath. The other members ran up to him worried more about Yongguk’s safety since he was with child. They at first figured Yongguk felt too tired to walk home so he spent the night with Youngjae and fell asleep once they got to Youngjae’s house.

“Hyung what’s wrong.” Zelo asked running to help Him Chan handing him some water.

“Yongguk-ah! He’s been shot three times!” Him Chan cried trying to catch his breath. Zelo covered his mouth and cried.

“Who the hell would do this?” Jong up yelled.

“One of our rivals maybe. Worst case scenario they found out that Yongguk is with child and will do what they can to kill him.” Dae-Hyun said wiping the tears off Zelo’s face. “Yongguk and the baby will survive this their very strong!”

“Dae-hyun, Yongguk was shot in the lower abdomen.” Him Chan informed. “Even if he survives the baby won’t.”

“No.. I know they will both survive this! I feel it in my heart!” Dae-hyun preached.

“We need to get to the hospital to see him!” Zelo yelled.

“We can’t! Youngjae will call us when he knows Yongguk’s condition. We need to remain here and hope Yongguk and the baby survive! The hospital is probably crowded enough.” Dae-hyun replied.

The group just waited for Youngjae’s call. They truly feared the worst but prayed for the best.

Back in the waiting room hours after the accident Dr. Akiyama approached Youngjae. Youngjae looked up that the Doctor giving her his full attention.

“Mr. Yoo, I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?”

“Bad news.” Youngjae figured that good news was an option Yongguk must still be alive.

“Even though we were able to stabilize Yongguk we can’t do anything more than blood transfusions and hope for the best. That’s where we need you.” Emiko started.

“Good news?” Youngjae begged.

“I read that Yongguk is pregnant and checked the baby’s condition. The baby is perfectly healthy. The bullet didn’t even touch him or her. Matter of fact I highly doubt the baby even knows what’s going on. When Yongguk wakes up which I believe and hope he will I’ll perform an ultrasound on him.” Dr. Akiyama reached out to grab Youngjae’s hand. “Come on now. You’re needed for blood transfusions.”

“Alright.” Youngjae followed the nurse into the room where Yongguk was lying on a hospital bed on life support.

“Sit here please.” The young doctor pulled a chair next to the hospital bed. Youngjae sat on the chair. Dr. Akiyama placed started the blood transfusion. “Right now we’re going to take two pints one now and another two later if Yongguk needs it.”

She handed him a little ball to play with to keep the blood flowing in his arm. As soon as the transfusion was finished she gave him some pretzels and water to restock the lost blood. While Youngjae only lost two pints Yongguk lost at least five pints. Two and a half more than Youngjae. While the Doctor worked to change Yongguk’s IV she tried talking to Youngjae.

“Is the baby yours?” She asked.

“Yes.” Youngjae answered silently but loud enough for the doctor to hear.

“Mr. Bang is a criminal isn’t he and you’re a cop?” The young doctor asked.

“Yup.” Youngjae answered.

“Interesting love story.” She commented trying to make Youngjae smile. He did finally.

“If you’re going to ask me questions then I want to ask you one.” Youngjae spoke. The doctor paid attention to his question.

“Are you from here?” He asked.

“Originally no. I live in Japan but work here at least every one or two years.” She answered. “Do you have any idea who shot Yongguk any why?”

“Rival gang member maybe. They might know Yongguk’s pregnant and will try to kill him. God I am so terrified. What can I do to ensure Yongguk and the baby’s safety?” Youngjae asked.

“Move to Japan. Tokyo is the one of safest places on the planet.” Emiko suggested. “That’s one of the main reasons me and my husband are raising our son in Tokyo.”

“Okay then. I guess that’s the only thing I can do to ensure Yongguk’s safety.” Youngjae sighed. He looked at Youngjae whose still in a coma from the shooting. The oxygen mask, IVs and blood transfusions keeping him from dying. He held Yongguk’s hand in his. “Looks like this baby’s going to be a Japanese born and raised Korean.”

So as I introduce new characters I will leave little bios about them if they are going to be seen more in future chapters. Figured I'd start now with Emiko and re-do this when I introduce her family. I will also give background stories on characters. 

Akiyama Emiko/ Emiko Akiyama

Takahiro Emiko

Name: Emiko Takahiro (秋山 恵美子, Takahiro Emiko) 

Age: 32

Ethnicity-Nationality: Japanese-Japanese (purely Japanese)

Family: Akiyama Jinki/Lee Jin-ki (Husband), Akiyama Yukito (Son), Ono Kaori (Cousin but raised as sisters.) Koh Misaki (cousin), Akiyama Akito (Brother), Akiyama Keiko (Niece). 

Career: Doctor/Surgeon 

Other facts:

-Emiko was born in the Hiroshima prefecture but she came to Tokyo to study and live with her cousin Misaki and her mother.

-Her maiden name is Akiyama. When they married Jinki took her last name instead of her taking his. 

-Emiko and Misaki's mothers are twin sisters their names are Harumi and Haruka Matsumoto. Harumi being Emiko's mother and Haruka being Misaki's. Haruka's marriage surname is Koh. 

-Emiko wants to have a daughter so she can name her after her grandmother Ono Yuna (Yuno Ono) out of respect for how strong Yuna is. Yuna is a survivor of the Hiroshima bombings

-Emiko is one of the very few Japanese born people to own a middle name. Only one in her family. Her middle name is Yuna after her grandmother. 


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Hey, do you have any preg!Yongguk fics you can recommend me? I'm about to leave home to another city for work and I hope to save as many fics I can to keep me company.
Chapter 10: My favorite line in all of this is "angry pregnant in labor"
Chapter 10: Awwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! So fricken adorable XD I died!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Hahahhaahah how did you not notice the two guys............WHY DID YOU STOP IT THERE?!?!?!?!?
Chapter 7: ohemg!!!!!! This is getting way too cute!!
Chapter 6: Is Yukito Yoogeun? The lil boy that was Shinee's "son" in Hello Baby. The kid in the picture kind of looks like him.
Chapter 5: Yay~~ the world is happy again ^^
Chapter 5: Oh yay, you gave them a girl!! Just like you did with Chen and Kris (hehe!). I love it when the baby's a girl, it feels like there are too many boys if the baby's a boy and the thought of protective daddies are so sweet. One thing though, I kind of don't get the thing with the hydrogen peroxide and his hair colour. Can you that explain that please?
Chapter 4: I nearly choked at 'Yook Sungjae' lol. See, I knew you wouldn't let the baby die. I just hope Bang regains consciousness soon after the transfusion.