I... Love You ~Key~



"AH!!! SHINee OPPA!!! SARANGHAEYO!" shoutings and squealings at high decibel filled the entire airport by a group of fans with huge banners and brightly colored posters. Famous boy band, SHINee, had returned back to Korea from Japan, walking out of Incheon airport with shades on and other staff workers around them. Five of them were walking on the aisle with security guards around and smiles were hanging on their faces as they finally got to return to their country, their home. 
Seungmin was walking to the other exit, dragging a white colored luggage with SHINee's music blasting in her ears through the headphone. She finally made her way out. Stopping her footsteps, she took off the headphone, taking in a deep breath with her eyes closed and exhaled. Home, she thought. Just as she was about to hail a taxi, she notices the loud screamings coming from opposite all this while and a familiar name traveled into her ear, causing her freeze for a moment. "Kibum oppa! Key oppa! Saranghae!~" some fans shouted, making Key to turn and flashed his adorable smile at them before entering the van with the others. It's been a long time, oppa...  she sighed while smiling unbelievingly. Seungmin was there, standing from afar and looking at the boy who used to play with her during childhood when studying aboard, Kim Kibum, Key. The reason that she came back.  
                                                                               -2 Days later-
Seungmin finally settled down and decided to visit Key who doesn't have a slightest idea that she was back. She had planned a little surprise for that clueless guy though she was actually nervous about meeting him. Does oppa still remembers me? Has he already forgotten me? What if he doesn't remember who I am? questions as such had been lingering in her mind since she stepped out of her apartment, on the way to SM building.   
Here it is,  Seungmin reached the building, wondering if Key was inside. "Excuse me, may I know if SHINee's Key is here?" she questioned a lady with a pass hanging down her neck, believing that she's one of the staff there.  
"Ah, may I first know who are you?" the lady asked in reply with her eyes wide. 
"I'm Key's childhood friend and has come to visit him. Can.. I?" Seungmin answered her question, feeling rather worried that she won't be able to meet Key. 
The lady then shot her a curious look. "Ah matta, wait a minute," Seungmin took a her wallet from her bag, pulling something out. "Here, this is Key when he's young and this is me." she pointed at the photo, indicating who was who. It's was an evidence to proof since she knew that the lady wouldn't really buy it and would probably say that she's some kinda obsessive fan of Key that's trying to kidnap him or something. 
"Hmm.. It's really Key," the lady muttered before looking back at Seungmin. "Please follow me then, I'll take you to SHINee's practice room since they're currently having a practice," she smiled and they together walked towards the lift. 
"By the way, I'm SHINee's coordinator, Amy. Nice to meet you! I didn't know you were close with one of our boys." Amy introduced herself politely. 
"Ah, aniyo. I'm not actually very close with Key. We didn't keep in touch for a long time since SHINee's schedule are tight these few months. Speaking the truth, I don't even knows if he still remembers me... Ah, I'm Seungmin. Cho Seungmin. Nice to meet you too!" Seungmin bowed. Her face blushed a little while showing a sense worry. She was filled with mixture of emotions.
 Her anxiety increased every second as they were getting nearer to the practice room. Oppa, please remeber me.. Seungmin wished for the one last time when they finally reached the door of the practice room. 
"Don't worry, I sure Key will remember you." Amy assured her, seeing that she was nervous and knew what she was worrying about. "Kaja!" with that, they entered the room. 
Music was blasting out loud from the speakers, the boys were soaked from the sweat and yet still dancing charmingly as ever. Their moves sync with every beat in the song, it was flawless. 
"Oh," SHINee stopped their dance as they looked in the direction of Amy and Seungmin. Curious looks were playing on their faces, wondering who that cutie would be. "Amy noona, who's that?" Jonghyun spoked, looking clueless like he came from a different world.
"Boys, this is cutie is Seungmin. Key's childhood friend. Key, do you remember her?" the older woman introduced the shy girl standing beside her. 
"Seungmin? Cho Seungmin? AH! The girl I used to play with when I was young!" Key started off a little unsure, but more certain later on. "It's you! SEUNGMIN AH!" Key ran over and gave Seungmin a friendly big hug, despite his sweaty body. He wasn't gonna bother it at that moment.  
"Op-, oppa. Nice to see you again." the girl replied, looking down. She was blushing and hoped that her fringe would help to hide it a little. 
"Seungmin ah! How have you been all this while? Fine? When did you returned to Korea?" Key broke the hug, looking at Seungmin and shot her with lots of question at one go. "Ah, wait. We'll finish practice in about ten minutes time. Go to the waiting room and wait for me, ne?" he continued, thinking of the stuff that they're doing now. 
Seungmin nodded, smiling happily that he does remembers her. Amy then brought her to the waiting room and left for a meeting. There she were, left alone and memories started flowing into Seungmin's mind, accompanied with lots of emotions. Lots of feelings. Lots of happiness...
Once SHINee had their practice done, they went to meet Seungmin, introducing each other and talking about the memories that he and she shared. Every movement and every words Key said, made Seungmin blush. It never really stopped since the moment that she met Key. It sent her to heaven by just meeting the guy she loved, for years. It was kept a secret, Seungmin couldn't been able to confess her feelings for Key. She was worried that he would give answers that she did not wanted. Disappontment was much that she was afriad of, as she knew. She knew that Key had always treated her as his dongseang and that's all. 
The both of them continued to meet up after the first meeting they had. To Seungmin, it's a mini fan meeting for only her. Blushing had always occured. She couldn't calm herself down! Diva's charm had totally caught her. In the other hand, Key had this little sparkle that grew into a big fire in his heart. It was quite a surprise for him. He didn't expect himself to have fallen for Seungmin in that few weeks time. It seem that Seungmin had attracted him in a certain way that it's uncomprehensive. 
As time gone by, Seungmin had an opposite effect. She should be more confident about the confession, but no. It's opposite, she lost confident the more she sees the guy she loved. Key was too perfect to her, there's no way that they'll be together. She decided to return to States with much decisions. 
Heading to the airport, she sent a last minute notice to Key. Thinking he might not be able to send her off due to the recording he's having now. 
 Kibum ah, thanks for precious time spent with me. It's really nice to know that you still remember the memories we had. I thought you'll probably forget cause now you're a busy person. I'll be returning to States, hope to see you again in the future. We'll perhasp meet with your wife and my husband eh? Hahaha! Bye. 
Reading the text from the girl he secretly loves, Key rushed all the way to airport after recording ended. Seungmin ah, don't go yet. Not before I confess... Key had his head leaned back against the car seat, tears flowing down, knowing that she'll be gone. 
"Key, have you called Seungmin?" Jonghyun was by his side with the other members. 
"Yeah. But her phone's not on." Key answered, sounded helpless and lifeless as the tears continued to flow down his cheeks and down his perfect jawline. 
Silence came afterwards. The boys know that Key needed some time to think. As they were on their way, Taemin spotted a familiar figure standing at the traffic light. "Hyung! Seungmin noona!" he immediately pointed out of the window, very sure that he hasn't seen wrongly. 
Key straight away jumped up form his seat, as if some zombie coming alive. "Manager hyung! Please stop the van!" he exclaimed, about to go mad. 
Key got down from the van, making his way to Seungmin. "Ki-, Kibum oppa!" Seungmin blinked her eyes unbelievingly as Key stood in front of her. She certainly did not expect for this situation. 
Before she could say anything else, she was pulled into a embrace. Key had his arms tightly surrounding her, burying his face into the crook of her neck. "Oppa.. People are starting to notice, you should go now." Seungmin spoke, still in his embrace. 
"No. Let them see if they want. I'm not going anywhere, and you. You're not going anywhere too. What rights do you have to leave to me before I confess. Huh? Even if I have a wife, that'll be you!" Key said with a little sense of anger but he knew he couldn't have himself to be harsh on her. She was just too precious.. "I'm not letting go. Ever." Key tightened his arms around her, having no intention of leaving at all. 
"Oppa.. How? I mean, you always see me as a dongseang." Seungmin's face was now covered in tears. She couldn't understand a single thing, after so much had happened. 
"Until the day when you came to see me in the practice room. Babo, I'm falling for you. I don't understand how too. You somehow just attract me a lot.." Key finished his sentence, looking at Seungmin affectionately, wanting her to know that he was loving her all this moment. "Seungmin, don't go. Ne?" he took Seungmin's hands in his.
"Not anymore. Since I already have a reason to stay." Seungmin replied, looking into Key's almond-shaped eyes. A smile formed on her face, lips curved in a perfect angle. 
"I love you." the two said together, following by a trail of chuckles. Key once again took Seungmin in his arms. "Oppa, let's.. go now, ne? I think it's better to leave.." Seungmin said awkwardly, looking around to see how much attention they had attracted. 
"Andwae." Key claimed Seungmin's lips, planting a long sweet kiss as if casting a spell on her. A spell that'll trap her forever.
Now...  MY BRAIN TOOK A LONG TIME TO COME UP WITH THIS STORY. XD In fact, this story also has credits to my BESTIE. :D Her's name's HAEMIN. :) Thanks to her for this plot. Woohoo!!  Hope you all enjoyed all the stories! I will be writing more stories in the future so I truely hope my readers would read and subscribe it, comment or something. :D THANK YOU TO THOSE HAD BEEN READING MY STORIES ALL THIS WHILE. *bows* 
PS: Have you people watched SBS's "Secret Garden"?? IT'S REALLY NICE! I recommend to watch that drama!! It's so touching!! >< The best drama I've watched in this year. :D And, I love the story v.much!! I love the OST too! :) 
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Hmm.. I'm currently working on the next chapter! please look forward!~ ^^ Thank you!
looking forward to it! this is interesting~ please update soon! (;