
Do You Believe in Love?


It's already 4 PM...

And Soo Hyun still doing nothing while his boss and teammate already working like dogs. 

[Soo Hyun's POV]

'Isn't this too much..? Me, the-greatest-architect-to-be is doing nothing?'

'Maybe I should ask that woman'.

Soo Hyun walks to Ye Jin's desk.

"Team lead-"

"Ah, intern. It's almost 5PM, you can go home.", said Ye Jin.

'WHAT? does this woman underestimate me?'

"But, team leader, you haven't give me work."

"Yeah, you're an intern and you got in here by connection right? Moreover you're from S-University. You always have an easy life right? So I'll give you what you want. I'm busy so you can go now."

'What the hell?!'

"No, Team leader, I want to work here and I'll prove that I'm competent to work in this field, eventhough I got in because connection."

"Oh, really? Then I'll see you tomorrow at 7AM. In front of the office."

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