

A story, a journey, a life. This is the tale of a young girl, a tale of self-discovery, of growth, maybe even a tale of love. New friendships, growing relationships. A tale of a young girl; but where do Chanyeol and Luhan fit into this? Well, I guess we'll just have to find out, wont we?


Upon the transfer of her father’s job, Serene had once again found herself moving to a new environment, new home – new school. Luckily for her, she'd transferred at the start of the year. Unluckily for her, she lacked the ‘natural’ skills of communication. Her father promised her this would be the last time they were moving – she could trust his promises. She had one chance. Two years. Two years left of her high-school life before she would be thrown headfirst into the real world. 


Serene. The petite girl always found it somewhat strange, ironic almost, how her name literally meant calm and tranquil, when in reality, finding those states of mind was close to impossible. Her mind was constantly bombarded with worries, thoughts – she fretted dubiously over the smallest things. She really could not remember the last time she felt ultimately at peace, without some form of uncomfortable feeling burying itself deep into her stomach. 


Author's Note

Hello, Lavendeer here! This is the first story I'm posting on my new AFF account. Originally, this was going to have no idols in it, thus not being relevent to AFF at all. but then I figured I may as well throw Chanyeol in there because his personality seems to fit pretty well with the story.

This is set in an alternate universe but may have Korean/American(?) references, not really sure. 

Note: This story will most likely be revolving around the self-discovery of Serene, and her character. Chanyeol will play a pretty significant role (probably), but if you're here for some fluffy romance, you may not be in the right place. Still, I would love it if you would give my story a read! 

EDIT: I began writing this at the beginning of 2015; now in 2016 I'm in the middle of Year 12 and I probably won't have time to update. You migth sense a change in my writing style, and maybe some inconsistencies in the storyline, since it's been such a while. 

ALSO, I went back to other chapters and edited some things. Luhan will probably become as prominent as Chanyeol, though I'm not too sure whether his personality fully fits the character I've assigned him.


Sorry for lack of updates -- been terribly busy, but within a day or two the next one should be up! Thank you for your patience!


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Chapter 4: Oh my, your story is great! You know what fascinates me? That I can easily identify myself with Krystal and Serenity, and this makes your story so cool for me. What else...? Ah! I hope your story will only get more interesting~~ ^_^
Chapter 4: oh my goodness.... almost a whole year has passed since I last logged onto AFF. how have you been? school's been all the energy out of me. wow, I can't believe I last commented in January... Now it's December... what is time???/
I'm not sure if you'll see this post because you last logged in in August (haha i'm a stalker) but I want you to know that you should keep writing! I'm in 11th grade as well, so you can vent to me about life and stuff if you ever need to. yeah, idk where this is going so until next time!! ^_^

i'll probably visit this page a few months from now... loool
sorry im kinda hyper right now
thank you for the clarification of her family life, it really does broaden serene's personality
i can relate to her, usually i leave home at 7:30 am but if i get up early i just sit on my bed, waiting for time to go by instead of leaving early.... idk. im weird LOL
can i just express how much i love the mirror scene??? seriously, wouldn't it be interesting to see yourself through someone else's eyes? i just hope that she survives her first day...
hehehe i feel like serene cuz theres so many things im wondering about BUT GOOD JOB ON THIS CHAPTERRRRR
Chapter 1: oo I love the irony of her name and im wondering if chanyeol is going to help her break out of her shell... great beginning, it helps me understand what kind of aperson serene is and makes me wonder why she has social anxiety ^-^ one other thing im also wondering about is serene's home life. was she homeschooled? does she have a good relationship with her father? looking forward to her first day at school!