
The Violets

Three days of owning the book, yes, owning. Minsoo wouldn’t have it any other way. Yes, he got the book from anywhere he doesn’t have any knowledge about, but he considers the book his. For some reasons, he’s convinced that the book was intended for him to find. Why else would it be placed inside his locker if it’s not intended for him to own, right? And so, this is his book.


He was on his bed, his back resting comfortably against the headboard with a soft pillow, he has the book, once again, in his hands, reading about what happens next to Agent M and his gang of zombie slayers.


Can he call that a gang? There are only three of them. Well, that’s what amazes Minsoo. Agent M and his team are being sent to different places in the world to slay zombies. Yes, just the three of them against thousands of flesh-eating monsters. He wonders what the other teams are doing but he figured he’d discover soon enough as he went on reading the story. For now, he’s going to enjoy his pace.


It’s a Saturday. No classes. No club activities. Oh yes, that’s right, Minsoo is a member of the arts and drama club although he never participated in the “Drama” part of the club. On those times that their club would be asked to perform a play at school gatherings, Minsoo wouldn’t have it any other way but he be placed in the arts department where all they have to do is work on the props, the background, even the costumes of the role players. Setting the stage up is  included in the task which others definitely wouldn’t want to take a part on. Well for Minsoo, that’s still better than embarrassing himself in front of a crowd. Plus, he’s more confident in his crafty hands than in his acting. So, that settles it for him.


Minsoo was back to reading when an inspiration suddenly struck him. He wanted to draw. He just had this idea that he can draw the scenes in the book as he read them. That’s right! He can practice his drawing skills like that. Plus, he’s been itching to draw a comics for a while now. This book just presented itself a great opportunity for him.


Getting up,he walked to his study table and from the middle drawer, took out his drawing materials. His study table is situated on the right side of his bed. Although it is called study table, Minsoo doesn’t really study here. No, sir! His believe that studying should be done in school and that when at home, he should do all that pleases him. Being born a natural genius, MInsoo gets away without studying for exams. He takes high pride in his memory and reading skills. At the day of the exam, he would simply browse through his notes and the lesson will be as fresh to his mind as though it was just lectured by the professor that morning. He was often labeled as lazy but he would also always shush the class with his top grades.


Back to the work at hand, Minsoo stared at the blank page of his thick sketchpad as he try to draw inside his head the picture his hand will later transfer onto the paper. That way, it will be easier for him to start and finish the art. He needed to see it in his mind first. And so, he concentrated on the details of the image inside his head. He was about to let the tip of his pencil touch the paper when he heard abrupt knocking on the door. He spun around to see who it was and was greeted by the face of his dongsaeng. He looked agitated which made Minsoo furrow his brows in confusion and slight concern.


“What is it, Niel?”


“Hyung! Hyung!”


“Yes, I hear you! What is it?”




“What about him?”


“He’s gone!”


“What do you mean gone?” Minsoo got even more confused when Niel bridged the small gap  between the door and his study table where Minsoo is seated. Niel grabbed Minsoo’s arm and yanked him to stand.


“Hey, cut it out! Won’t you tell me what’s happening first? Where’s Ricky?  Did something happened? Did you tell mom yet?”


“Mom and Dad are gone for the weekend, remember?”


Oh that’s right. Minsoo remembered. It’s their parents’ 25th wedding anniversary so the two of them are spending the weekend until Tuesday in Guam where they had their honeymoon as well.


That being said, Minsoo is the one in charge of his brothers and of the house. So what happened with Ricky now? Try as he might, he couldn’t bring himself to all-out worry about their youngest brother. He’s probably just out doing what he do best: create chaos! Oh no! That couldn’t be good! Whos’ the victim now?


“Oh god! Who is it this time, Niel?” He asked, pulling at the arm inside Niel’s grip.


“What?” Niel asked, bewildered.


“Did Ricky caused havoc again? Oh  my god! Why did you let him be out of your sight? You know he can be really reckless at times!”


“Some good hyung you are! You’re supposed to be looking after us!”


“Yah! Don’t raise your voice on me! I’m your hyung!”


“Sorry. But.. Can you just hurry?”


“Why can’t you tell me what happened on the way there?” MInsoo asked as he let Niel lead the way. They are now out of the house and is walking towards the backyard.


“I can’t! Just see for yourself, okay?”


Minsoo almost rolled his eyes. It’s not like  he has a choice, right? Finally, they stopped in front of one of the few trees in their backyard. Upon reaching the foot of the tree, Minsoo quickly looked up, thinking that Ricky could be hanging by the branches. This incident happened before. Ricky was crying and calling out to them to help him get down. They asked him how he managed to get up there if he doesn’t know how to climb a tree. With teary eyes, Ricky said that he didn’t know. He just acted on instinct because a huge dog is chasing him and ready to bite his behind.


What is it this time? Minsoo’s confusion grew when he didn’t found his dongsaeng on top of the tree.


“Not there, hyung!” Niel said and Minsoo got even more confused. “There!” Niel pointed down and Minsoo’s eyes grew in size as he look at their youngest brother lying on the ground.


“Is he dead?” Minsoo asked absent-mindedly. Suddenly...


“Ouch! What was that for? And I’m your hyung! Why did you hit me?” Minsoo spat angrily. Niel immediately coiled in fear. Although Minsoo never hit them or go violent on them despite their infamous rowdiness, something about the way their oldest brother stare daggers make the two of them fold in fear in front of him.


“Sorry. But could you at least be a little more compassionate? He’s your brother, you know!” Niel pouted while looking down at Ricky.


“Ya! Ricky-ya! What are you doing there? Get up this instant!” Minsoo ordered but Ricky made no signs that he heard his hyung.


“What’s with the urgency, Niel? He’s just lying down.” Minsoo asked, thinking about the task that he was about to start when Niel barged into his room.


“You see, Ricky has been there since Mom and Dad left this morning. He wouldn’t get up to eat.”


“What’s his issue?”


“He wants to come with them.”


“Stupid brat.”


“Convince him to eat, hyung. It’s past lunch time and he hasn’t eaten anything!”


“Leave him. Maybe he’s fasting. Maybe he finally thought that he’s growing really big these days, especially after all those pigging out he did during the holidays.”


“Hyung! Have you forgotten?” The look on Niel’s eyes tell Minsoo that there is something vital he’s missing here. When the realization hit him, he quickly went to get Ricky to get up.


“Ya! Ricky-ya! I’m ordering you to get up and eat! Now!” Minsoo commanded as he stand near Ricky’s head, willing his dongsaeng to open his eyes and look at him.


When Ricky showed not a slight sign that he’s obliging anytime soon, Minsoo dreaded the thought that what happened last time would once again horrify him. Oh no, he doesn’t want that to happen again!


Sending mute signals to Niel which the other quickly understood, the two of them attacked Ricky - with tickles! Their youngest brother opened his eyes and begged for them to stop.


“No! Unless you get up and eat!” Minsoo said while tickling Ricky’s sides.


“That’s right!” Niel seconded. He was tickling Ricky’s thighs and knees.


“Okay okay! I give up!” Ricky screamed after a while. He got up, dusted his clothes, and looked at his hyungs with contempt!


“Ya! Stop staring at us like that!” Minsoo said, threat in his voice. Ricky gulped and lowered his gaze.


“But I want to go with Mom and Dad.” He said witha small pout.


“You know you can’t! It’s like a second honeymoon for them. You’ll be a nuisance.” Niel explained.


“I know.” Ricky’s pout deepen.


“See that he eats. If he doesn’t, call me. I’m just in my room, okay?” Minsoo said as he walk towards the house and into his room.


Now seated inside the comforts of his room, Minsoo once again faced his sketch pad and started scribbling.



A/N: I don’t know what happened to this chapter. Hahaha!

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Chapter 5: whoa!!!!
do you want a poster for this?
Chapter 4: noooo.... what makes it worse is that in real life he love her so much
sritlaekenoise #3
Chapter 4: OMG minsou killed his mom well it's just a fic update soon ^^
sritlaekenoise #4
Chapter 3: I love it cap niel and Ricky as a brothers so cute cap is a good hyung kkk
randomchick #5
Chapter 3: "Is he dead?"

I burst out laughing and made a bunch a people look at me like wtf?
Great chapter
mamdalida #6
Chapter 3: ricky and niel are such brats... but so cute...
Chapter 2: I realized that I never commented on this..... and I feel TERRIBLE

I love this fic so far, so much action and cool dialogue
Chapter 1: You're such a great writer! I enjoyed Killing Island a lot~ and I'm pretty I'll enjoy this story as well! Keep up the great work!~ (≧∇≦)