snowy roads

. bts ships drabbles and one-shots

pairing: yoonmin

credits to this prompt (

notes: au

i'm sorry i don't have the foggiest idea about companies and so on because i'm still a fetus lmao


jimin wakes up to a gray morning and snow lying five inches deep everywhere he looks out the window.

"damn." is the first thing that comes out his mouth right there because he just happens to walk to work everyday, and today can't possibly be no exception.
a look on the clock pointing at half past seven tells him that the struggle literally is real.



the wind slaps jimin right in the face when he steps out the door in thick padded jacket and scarf covering most of his face. he curses for the umpteenth time at the temperature that has sunken below minus ten and at the long ty winter. just when he thinks the snow storm can't get any worse, his boot sinks immediately right into the white-layered pavement.

it takes him ten minutes to walk two hundred meters, yes he checks his phone every minute because hoseok is never going to forgive him if he comes late again albeit this time it's actually out of his control, and by the time he reaches the end of the road jimin realizes there are almost nine hundred meters left to his work. no way he is there in fifteen minutes.

a honk echoes somewhere behind as a car pulls up beside him a few seconds later. the driver has the window down and jimin thinks he looks pretty handsome in dark red hair and single eyelids.

"excuse me, do you know where hope's company is located? i'm actually running late right now and it's only my first day."

at first, jimin is dazed for a moment, then he laughs because damn. the stranger looks outmost confused, and maybe a little offended.

"i work there and i'm also on my way. but it snowed like five inches last night and i usually walk there but it's not obviously happening today."

"what?" the stranger asks, shifting his gaze to the road then back at jimin.

"what i mean is, would you do me a solid and drive me to work? because we're heading the same way anyways."

a silence ensues after that while the man contemplates his options. to let a stranger into his car or to be late for work on his first day.

"hop in." he mutters under his breath but loud enough and jimin beams before opening the door and making himself comfortable in the passenger's seat.

"park jimin." he exclaims and reaches out a hand, to which the stranger grabs after searching for something on jimin's face.

"min yoongi."



they step out of yoongi's car minutes later. although the latter drives like an avalanche is chasing right behind the last few minutes, hoseok is waiting with arms crossed as soon as they step inside the lobby.

all jimin can think of in the moment though, is that he has escaped the cold for now.

"hi hobie."

"don't hi hobie me, park jimin. this is the fifth time you have come late to work this month." hoseok grits out between clenched teeth.

"i'm terribly sorr -" his sentence is interrupted when hoseok spots yoongi standing wordlessly behind jimin.

"min yoongi? oh my, come come. welcome to your first day in hope's company!"

and then they disappear behind a corner with a distorted jimin left in the lobby because hoseok never leaves his nagging unfinished. this min yoongi surely is interesting.



he works as an accountant, counting numbers and dealing with maths daily. the office is cramped with another person working in the desk next to his.

"have you counted the total amount of the profit last month?" jungkook demands, eyes staring deadly into jimin's.

jimin literally has to beg on his knees for mercy for the days he has exceeded with the supposed hand in of the counting paper. in between playful hits and jimin's dramatic wails, the door opens and in step hoseok and yoongi. the former throws jimin, who is still on his knees while his hands lie on jungkook's hip, a dirty look that is quickly covered by a cheery smile.

"this is jung jungkook and park jimin."

yoongi nods, gaze lingering on jimin a bit too long for his comfort.

"this is min yoongi. he's the vice ceo of our company as of the former vice ceo, kim namjoon, just resigned a while ago."

the statement leaves jimin all gapes and wide eyes. he did not hitch a ride with his vice ceo, even acting all friendly with him. he did not...

"no." he buries his face in his hands after hoseok closes the door and jungkook has to promise him lunch as his treat for jimin to stop sobbing like a freak.



hope's company owns many locals ranked from hotels to resorts to restaurants. the one jimin's working in is more of a sub branch, managing the other locals nearby, in the outer part of seoul.

"one day i'll be working in the main company." jimin states confidently at lunch, the incident from the morning currently forgotten, and jungkook has to suppress a sarcastic 'yeah right' from coming right up. instead he settles with changing the subject to the weather. best one ever.

"ugh don't you even say a word. because of this damn weather, i must have left a bad impression on the vice ceo."

jungkook chokes on his drink. "what?" and after jimin tells him the whole story, he resorts to lean over and pat jimin's back gently.

"it's okay, dude. i don't think he took it to heart. you were just being friendly."

"yeah, right. friendly my . what would you think about meeting someone who laughs at you then tells you to give him a ride and then you see him wailing like a dead seal later on?"

"i think it's pretty amusing." a voice speaks up as a tray is placed on their table. surprised, jimin looks up to meet eyes with no other than yoongi.

jungkook, too, has gone quiet with what the vice ceo just said while jimin begins to splutter, to give up the next second because he can't form the right reply.

"what? didn't you ask a question? shouldn't i answer it then?"

"no, no." jimin reassures hurriedly. "no, absolutely not. you can say whatever you like." (he refrains himself from adding a 'your majesty' there at the end.)

"i have a feeling you wanted to add something."

jimin doesn't answer. however he excuses himself to the bathroom the moment after, or else he thinks he may go insane anytime soon.



hoseok seems to be in a good mood today, since he usually does not come clamping in jungkook and jimin's office exactly at five just to tell them to leave because "it's already five. work has ended so get your asses home" if jimin quotes the man himself. but he doesn't exactly protest either, rather glad he's gotten one hour earlier off work.

however, the walk home is still something he hasn't found a solution for. should he trudge all the way through the snow and end up freezing his off or hitch a ride from jungkook, who lives in the opposite direction, and promise to supply the boy with free lunch for the whole week?

"hobie, please."

"no." the answer is decided ever since jimin opens his mouth, but he tries some aegyo anyways.

"try it again next time because i'm always better. bye."

then he is already driving away through the snow.



"need a lift again?"

after deciding to at least try to walk home while not crying over his pathetic life, jimin is about to walk away when a voice stops him mid-track. he doesn't even think about the chance of the vice ceo staying back later than the employees, but yoongi surely does.

"oh no, of course not." he forces a convincing smile, eyes forming into crescent, and waves his hand dismissively. the offer sounds more than good, but then he would be kicked out of his job before he even realizes it if he is going to keep up with hitching rides with the almighty min yoongi.

"oh, alright then. goodbye, park jimin."

yoongi has just started the engine, when jimin suddenly regrets his life choices and pounds furiously on the window. as he closes the passenger's door, he can swear he hears a chuckle to his left, as if mocking him that yoongi already knew beforehand he would climb into the same car once again.

a/n: first time writing a fanfic without making it go all angsty yay

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Chapter 1: i love vmin
this is so gorgeous. your writing style is really unique and beautiful.. i love it so much <3
Chapter 3: you seem to like to relate rainy days to angst a lot :)
you have really nice writing and imagination, the pictures of jimin running away crying falling are really powerful in my head.
nice job, good luck with future awesome updates :)
Chapter 2: the sound of kneecaps smashing against mahogany itself remains etched in yoongi’s sanity and conscience for days, haunting him until he wakes at two in the morning still hearing bones cracking.

heck it hurts badly but yoongi can’t bring himself to cry because out of all people, he thinks the one who deserves to cry the most is park jimin.

oh. my. god.
that's it. you're great.
writing is awesome :) *thumbs up*
Chapter 1: to jimin, happiness comes in form of kim taehyung.
i just nawwed at that for a few seconds before reading
but damn it was bittersweet
nice though :) good luck with chapters, looks good :)
Chapter 3: this chapter is really beautifully written. I especially like the last few lines. ;u;
beck100 #7
Chapter 2: im in love with this chap, so simple yet gave me so much feels
everyone needs a yoongi- someone who will look beyond your imperfections and imbraces you whenever you feel down, insecure, not enough
ugh my feels