in both happiness and sadness

. bts ships drabbles and one-shots

to jimin, happiness comes in form of kim taehyung.

pairing: vmin


to jimin, happiness comes in form of kim taehyung and nights spending together, sharing each other stories from the memories of their childhood to the visions of their futures. 


 it also comes in form of the 24th of december, when jimin answers the door to come face to face with a cheerful taehyung and his rectangular smile. afterwards, when they have eaten to their hearts' contents and finished the old, boring christmas reruns, they would lay together on the couch (jimin thinks it needs to be replaced soon) and cuddle and tickle one anothef until either one falls off. people say cuddling between boys are only allowed for the smaller ones, however jimin thinks differently. the warmth from taehyung's exhales and every word he says keeps jimin's heart beating in a fast pace. he supposes it's good for his health as a replacement for exercices that he wholeheartedly detests. 


 then, six days later, it'd be his turn to knock on taehyung's door and jimin can swear the other's face can't shine any brighter upon noticing the cake jimin brings (he always remembers to choose a chocolate one just because taehyung loves, loves chocolate).


 "happy birthday!" he would yell and taehyung would end up hugging him, knocking the air out of his lungs. strangely enough, jimin likes it and he puts in his memory every laughter they share.


 on new year's eve, one day after, they wait hand in hand for the clock to strike twelve. the fireworks are mesmerizing, jimin thinks. taehyung, in the middle of the unforgettable moment, would take out his old vintage camera - jimin still nags at him to buy a newer one - and they smile as if nothing else in the world matters. jimin would say it's partly true, since being with this particular boy brings him smiles and butterflies, and he wouldn't trade him for anything. and it takes weeks for taehyung to remember to develop the photo but in the end, jimin will hang up another picture of them together on the wall amongst loads and loads of other almost identical photos.



 to jimin, sadness comes in form of rain and kim taehyung.


 specifically, he dislikes rainy days in november when the city is covered in such a gloomy shade of gray when it's only late afternoon. the sound of raindrops smashing against the glass panels makes him wince involuntarily. his heart clenches as he buries himself deeper under the blanket. it's a moment where he wishes to have taehyung at his side the most, because taehyung can do miracles no other person can. 


 moreover, it's one of those rainy days when jimin receives the gruesome news. that night, he begs and begs over again that the rain, that has stolen his family from him, won't take away taehyung too.


 jimin completely hates it when taehyung forces his smiles nowadays, trying to prove him he isn't sad or even affected at all. jimin hates it because he knows taehyung better than taehyung himself - because he knows, inwards the former is breaking down in sobs and never-ending pain and everlasting agony. but because taehyung treasures jimin so much, he can't bear to let his walls down and jimin thinks too, because he likes taehyung so much, he can't say a word.


 recently, taehyung has been smoking too and jimin would grit his teeth at the thought, fuming over how much of a fool the other male is. he spots him not too long ago near his house with a cigarette lying in between his lips, smoke ghosting along his fingers and sadness radiating clearly from him - a sight that makes his blood boil. jimin recalls strolling over och grabbing the stick out of his hand, stamping on it and crying until his foot feels numb and eyes swollen while taehyung witnesses the scene with soulless eyes.


 of course, he feels slightly guilty afterwards for storming away without an explanation so one day before new year's eve as usual, he decides on a huge chocolate cake with the letters 'happy bday taehyung' and rings on the said male's door. the latter looks rather surprised at the sudden visit and jimin guesses he doesn't expect anyone, although jimin always comes on his birthday. wanting to break the ice between them since their latest meeting, he beams happily, eyes forming into crescent, and invites himself in before taehyung even gets to utter something.


 "why?" taehyung has asked solemnly when they settle down in front of the television. jimin shrugs innocently. 

 "what? it's your birthday." the answer makes taehyung heave a deep sigh.


 "jimin, i'm dying, okay? there's no need for a celebration. not anymore."


 it's those words that opens the pitch black hole and swallows jimin whole. he continuously hits taehyung square on his chest as he sobs uncontrollably. 


 "you always makes me happy, but now you refuse happiness. that's just cruel, and it makes me sad for some reason."


 taehyung shuts him up with a gently peck and it makes jimin's heart race. he reddens, spluttering random words that come to mind.


 "idiot. don't be sad. promise me you won't ever be sad again."


 jimin makes a pinky promise for the first time. when night comes, he gladly accepts taehyung's offer to spend the night.


 "so we can watch fireworks together tomorrow, like we always do."


 taehyung is all smiles and grins again that night. 


author's note: i apologize if you guys had anticipation then it just dissipated away upon finishing it but anyhow i hope you like this drabble or oneshot how to call it. thank you /throws hearts/

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Chapter 1: i love vmin
this is so gorgeous. your writing style is really unique and beautiful.. i love it so much <3
Chapter 3: you seem to like to relate rainy days to angst a lot :)
you have really nice writing and imagination, the pictures of jimin running away crying falling are really powerful in my head.
nice job, good luck with future awesome updates :)
Chapter 2: the sound of kneecaps smashing against mahogany itself remains etched in yoongi’s sanity and conscience for days, haunting him until he wakes at two in the morning still hearing bones cracking.

heck it hurts badly but yoongi can’t bring himself to cry because out of all people, he thinks the one who deserves to cry the most is park jimin.

oh. my. god.
that's it. you're great.
writing is awesome :) *thumbs up*
Chapter 1: to jimin, happiness comes in form of kim taehyung.
i just nawwed at that for a few seconds before reading
but damn it was bittersweet
nice though :) good luck with chapters, looks good :)
Chapter 3: this chapter is really beautifully written. I especially like the last few lines. ;u;
beck100 #7
Chapter 2: im in love with this chap, so simple yet gave me so much feels
everyone needs a yoongi- someone who will look beyond your imperfections and imbraces you whenever you feel down, insecure, not enough
ugh my feels