Sweet dreams

Hanbin disturbed (iKON fluff dump)

"Hanbin hyung?" The leader looked up from his pillow and glanced at the figure, he could barely make out, standing in the doorway. 

"Chanwoo?" He whispered and squinted as if that would let him see better in the dark. 


It was quite for a few seconds before he heard soft footsteps leading away from his room. Hanbin sighed confused but laid down again as his eyes reminded him that he needed to sleep.


Just as Hanbin was about to enter dreamland, the soft shuffling sound of socks against the faux wooden floor, that had been laid out in every room of their doorm, joilted him to attention. He propped himself up on his elbows and shifted so that he could look in the direction of the door.

"Hanbin-ah?" A soft whisper called out followed by the sound of soft sniffles.

"Chanwoo?" The leader sat up on his bed and was just about to get up when the maknae made himself visible in the soft moon light seeping through the window of the bedroom.


Hanbin stared horrified at the sight of a few tears rolling down his cheeks. 

"Chanwoo-ah what's wrong?" He asked worridly and got up from his bed. He walked up to the maknae and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I-I can't sleep" the youngest said and hugged his torso as he shivered slightly. "I miss home.." He added and Hanbin automatically wrapped his arms around Chanwoo, hugging him tightly. "Come here" he said and pulled away from the hug and placed his arm around the youngers shoulder before guiding him to his bed.


Chanwoo crawled up on the bed and laid on his side with his back against the wall. Hanbin joined him in bed and rested his back against the soft mattress and placed his arm out towards the maknae who quickly placed his head on Hanbin's shoulder.

"Don't worry Chanwoo-ah, you'll soon see your parents after we've debuted. And you've made it this far so you have to show them that you're strong enough to do this" Hanbin said as he wrapped the arm the younger was resting on around his shoulders in a half hug.


"Thanks hyung" Chanwoo whispered and wiped his tears. "For everything. You are the best leader ever" Hanbin chuckled and turned his head to look at the maknae who was smiling brightly now.

"Sleep now. You won't think I'm the best tomorrow during practice" Hanbin said and chuckled again.

"That's not true, you're always the best leader" Chanwoo said and yawned.


The leader smiled to himself as Chanwoo cuddled closer. He really liked it when Chanwoo thanked him, even though he was hard on the poor boy it was obvious the younger didn't take it the wrong way. Hanbin just wanted everything, everyone to be perfect and all the members did their best and that was enough. 


"Goodnight hyung and thank you"

"Goodnight Chanwoo-ah. Sweet dreams"




Okay so this isn't the fluffiest and cutest thing ever but I figured I'd post it anyway since I feel bad for making you guys wait x3 like it? :)

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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 6: Ahh, this was so good. I had it bookmarked then somehow if wasn't.
winterbell97 #2
Chapter 6: This is so cute! Please update more~~!
kwonnie032 #3
Chapter 6: It's so fluffy! Hahaha dnt worry author nim you didn't fail me :)
miyabi69 #4
Chapter 6: Holy mother of fluff this is so cuteeeee omg everyrhing is so cute i can totally picture hanbin's face when the members came barging on his bed oh goshhhh! Too cuteeeee. T_T
Chapter 6: You don't fail at writing fluff, don't say thattttttt~ Everybody has their own style, and is2g this chapter was super cute because you managed to make fluff with Mr. Koo Junhoe, who is not the easiest character to write fluff with. So, be proud of yourself! And, then, this was really cute *^* Because Jonhoe also needs some love from their leader, it doesn't mind that he is a extremly talented little , everybody wants to be loved by Hanbin~ I really enjoyed the update, i'm sorry I couldn't comment till now ^^'
Have a great day! I'm looking forward to your next chapter ^^
Chapter 6: i want yunbin chapter, pretty please author-nim?
reydahadirah #7
Chapter 6: Awww.. I hope its more longer though... But whatever I'm glad you update ^^
Chapter 6: This is too sweet! Besides the first one with all the members, I like this one the most. (Because it's with Junhoe, duh, this boy makes my heart flutter just by someone mentioning his name.) Anyways, I think everyone needs some love then and now, and I can imagine Junhoe to want a hug sometimes, too. Secretly, because he's too sassy to admit. Anyways, I liked your update!
Is there any double b coming up? If yes, I'm already looking forward to it!
Chapter 6: Don't worry author-nim. It's really hard to make fluffy stories with June in it since he's so sass. I can only imagine him being cute when he's with Jinan. Hahahahah