Update and thank you message

Hanbin disturbed (iKON fluff dump)

First off I just want to inform you guys that I am currently without a laptop so updates might delay. Hope you'll still support me TT TT 

Also thanks to all the absolutely wonderful comments from you guys saying you'd love more fluffy iKON onshots from me this'll be where I post them all!

And lastly: thank you soooooooo much for reading and commenting you have NO idea how much it means to me seriously. I know it might not be much compared to other authors (can I even call myself that?) but to me it means the world ;__; So thank you guys sooo much for making me feel all fluffy ;; /aggressively throws hearts at you Woohyun style/ ♥♥♥♥

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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 6: Ahh, this was so good. I had it bookmarked then somehow if wasn't.
winterbell97 #2
Chapter 6: This is so cute! Please update more~~!
kwonnie032 #3
Chapter 6: It's so fluffy! Hahaha dnt worry author nim you didn't fail me :)
miyabi69 #4
Chapter 6: Holy mother of fluff this is so cuteeeee omg everyrhing is so cute i can totally picture hanbin's face when the members came barging on his bed oh goshhhh! Too cuteeeee. T_T
Chapter 6: You don't fail at writing fluff, don't say thattttttt~ Everybody has their own style, and is2g this chapter was super cute because you managed to make fluff with Mr. Koo Junhoe, who is not the easiest character to write fluff with. So, be proud of yourself! And, then, this was really cute *^* Because Jonhoe also needs some love from their leader, it doesn't mind that he is a extremly talented little , everybody wants to be loved by Hanbin~ I really enjoyed the update, i'm sorry I couldn't comment till now ^^'
Have a great day! I'm looking forward to your next chapter ^^
Chapter 6: i want yunbin chapter, pretty please author-nim?
reydahadirah #7
Chapter 6: Awww.. I hope its more longer though... But whatever I'm glad you update ^^
Chapter 6: This is too sweet! Besides the first one with all the members, I like this one the most. (Because it's with Junhoe, duh, this boy makes my heart flutter just by someone mentioning his name.) Anyways, I think everyone needs some love then and now, and I can imagine Junhoe to want a hug sometimes, too. Secretly, because he's too sassy to admit. Anyways, I liked your update!
Is there any double b coming up? If yes, I'm already looking forward to it!
Chapter 6: Don't worry author-nim. It's really hard to make fluffy stories with June in it since he's so sass. I can only imagine him being cute when he's with Jinan. Hahahahah