
Hanbin disturbed (iKON fluff dump)

"Hanbin ah?" Hanbin turned in his bed and let out a deep sigh.

"What is it Jinhwan?" He was so extremely tired and all he wanted to do was to take a nap and momentarily forget about all the responsibilities he had. 


They were currently preparing for their debut which meant a maximum of 3 hours of sleep per night. Needles to say, he was tired.

"Are you sleeping?" The door to his room slowly opened and Jinhwan poked his head inside. He looked at Hanbin who was laying in bed on top of the covers with both arms and legs limply spread out. 

"Yes I'm sleeptalking right now" Hanbin said sarcastically and turned his head to look at his hyung.

Jinhwan just smiled and opened the door fully and walked in, completely oblivious to the fact that Hanbin wanted to be alone at the moment.


Jinhwan sat down on Hanbin's bed and scooted back, leaning against the wall and brining his knees up to his chest.

"You just left without saying where you were going, we were worried" Jinhwan said referring to Hanbin suddenly leaving the practice room and disappearing. 

"Sorry hyung. I just really needed to clear my head and take a nap" Hanbin said and closed his eyes again.


Soon after he felt the mattress shift and opened his eyes to find Jinhwan laying next to him, facing him.

"I'll sleep here with you Hanbin-ah" the older said and smiled as he wiggled closer to the younger and curling his arms around his body. Hanbin mentally sighed and closed his eyes again. There was no way in hell he'd ever push Jinhwan away.


As Hanbin felt his body became more and more relaxed, pulling him closer to dreamland, the door opened roughly. 

"What are you doing?" A indifferent voice asked and Hanbin almost threw his pillow at the newly arrived intruder.

"Sleeping. What does it look like, Junhoe?" The leader didn't even bother to open his eyes.


"Guys! Hanbin is here!" Junhoe screamed loudly. 'Yes we know you have powerful vocals now shut it' Hanbin thought to himself. He almost had a fit as he heard the shuffling of feet coming closer to the room. 

"Hanbin-ah!" Jiwon jumped down on the bed on his back and harshly rested his head on Hanbin's shoulder. 


Hanbin once again had to stop himself from doing something aggressive and shifted his arm slightly allowing Jiwon to cuddle closer. Soon the bed shifted again causing Hanbin to open his eyes only to find Junhoe making himself comfortable as he laid on his stomach between Hanbin's slightly spread out legs and rested his elbows on each side of the olders abdomen, leaning his chin against his abs.


"What are you doing Junhoe?" Hanbin asked annoyed by the fact that his body movements were now greatly restricted. 

"Getting comfortable" The sass master answered as if it was a completely normal thing that happened all the time, which it didn't.


Just as Hanbin though this couldn't get more awkward and annoying, he heard a loud voice coming from the doorway.

"Yah! Why didn't you tell us we were having a sleepover in Hanbin's bed?" Yunhyeong exclaimed sounding offended.

"We're not" Hanbin said as he sighed again for the nth time. 

"Yeah I can see that" Yunhyeong added as he walked up to the bed joining them as he climbed up on the bed pressing himself down between Jinhwan and the wall. He placed his arm around Jinhwan as he let his hand rest on Hanbin's chest.


Hanbin took a deep breath almost fainting at the huge amount of oxygen filling his lungs.

"Yah hyung don't move so much" Junhoe said in a irritated voice as he pressed his chin down into Hanbin's stomach right above his belly button causing the other to groin in discomfort. 

It wasn't long until Hanbin's worst fears were given life as he heard a awkward cough coming from right outside the room. 'Not one more...'

"Chanwoo-yah... come here" he said not even moving an inch. He didn't have to look in order to know that the awkward sound came from the maknae.

"Really hyung?" 

"Just get here before I change my mind" 


Chanwoo let out a happy "mhm" and walked to the bed and curled up between Jiwon and Hanbin resting his head on Jiwon's stomach.


After only a few seconds Hanbin felt another body pressing down on the matress and looked down to find Donhyuk wedging himself in between Jinhwan's legs and Junhoe's side.

"I wanted to join" Donghyuk smiled widely.


"This is cosy" Jinhwan cooed and Jiwon nodded in agreement. 

"This bed can barely fit two people yet we all managed to fit. The power of true teamwork!" Jiwon exclaimed and threw a fist into the air causing the bed to shift.

"Stay still you moron. We're trying to sleep" Junhoe muttered rudely completely ignoring the fact that he should use a more respectful tone towards his hyung.


Hanbin cleared his thoat and cuddled his head closer to Jinhwan's and couldn't help but to think that despite being disturbed and despite having to share his bed with 6 others, this was actually pretty nice. He felt loved.


After a few slight position changes; an arm slightly more to the left and a head tilted to the side, they all fell asleep.



As always, comments are greatly appreciated!  ^^ Hope you enjoyed! 

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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 6: Ahh, this was so good. I had it bookmarked then somehow if wasn't.
winterbell97 #2
Chapter 6: This is so cute! Please update more~~!
kwonnie032 #3
Chapter 6: It's so fluffy! Hahaha dnt worry author nim you didn't fail me :)
miyabi69 #4
Chapter 6: Holy mother of fluff this is so cuteeeee omg everyrhing is so cute i can totally picture hanbin's face when the members came barging on his bed oh goshhhh! Too cuteeeee. T_T
Chapter 6: You don't fail at writing fluff, don't say thattttttt~ Everybody has their own style, and is2g this chapter was super cute because you managed to make fluff with Mr. Koo Junhoe, who is not the easiest character to write fluff with. So, be proud of yourself! And, then, this was really cute *^* Because Jonhoe also needs some love from their leader, it doesn't mind that he is a extremly talented little , everybody wants to be loved by Hanbin~ I really enjoyed the update, i'm sorry I couldn't comment till now ^^'
Have a great day! I'm looking forward to your next chapter ^^
Chapter 6: i want yunbin chapter, pretty please author-nim?
reydahadirah #7
Chapter 6: Awww.. I hope its more longer though... But whatever I'm glad you update ^^
Chapter 6: This is too sweet! Besides the first one with all the members, I like this one the most. (Because it's with Junhoe, duh, this boy makes my heart flutter just by someone mentioning his name.) Anyways, I think everyone needs some love then and now, and I can imagine Junhoe to want a hug sometimes, too. Secretly, because he's too sassy to admit. Anyways, I liked your update!
Is there any double b coming up? If yes, I'm already looking forward to it!
Chapter 6: Don't worry author-nim. It's really hard to make fluffy stories with June in it since he's so sass. I can only imagine him being cute when he's with Jinan. Hahahahah