Youngjae! You idiot!


“Tissue for your issue?”


You look up, startled at the stranger’s voice. You can’t help but feel embarrassed – you hate crying in front of people. You wonder how and when he got there.

The stranger waves the tissue once more to gain your attention.


“Hello~?” He calls.


You hold onto the tissue and turn the other way, carefully wiping your tears. You try your best to quietly blow your nose, but it doesn’t quite work out. The sound of snot shooting out of your nostrils vibrates the quiet room and the stranger bursts out into a fit of laughter.

You whip around and glare at him.


“Sorry…s-sorry.” He looks down, but his shoulders are still shaking.

“Don’t laugh at me~” You pout.

He doesn’t look up and his shoulders continue to shake.

“If you’re going to still laugh, might as well laugh out loud.” You pause and wait for him to burst out. “Don’t hide it…”


After a few minutes, the stranger straightens up, wipes his tears and stares at you.


“Sorry.” He says again. “I’m from Korea. My name is Youngjae.”

“Korea?” You repeat after him. “I’m Korean too.”

His brows shoot up and the grin on his face widens.

“Wow! There are a lot of Koreans in America.” Youngjae quickly transitions from English to Korean.

“Hmm, I guess.”

“You live here then?”

“For now, but I’ll be leaving soon.”

“Ahh, do you not like it here?”

You frown and shake your head no.

“I love it here,” You pause, not really knowing what to say, “so much. But there’s just nothing here for me.”

Youngjae nods his head, putting all the laughter and jokes aside.

“What brought you here?”


You pause and look away from him, deeply analyzing his question.

“What did bring me to LA?”


Before you can answer him, a chubby and slightly out of breathe man flies into the room.


“Youngjae! You idiot!” He screams. “We need to go, now.”


You raise a brow at Youngjae, he only shrugs his shoulders and gets up.

“Guess I shouldn’t have wandered off so carelessly. Hope you figure things out soon. I wish you the best.” He flashes you a wink before brushing off his pants and running off to the man. He clings onto the man’s arm and you can hear him whine cutely.


“Hyun~g! I didn’t lose my passport this time~ forgive me?”





This is one I kind of hold dear to my heart. I saw B.A.P live in New York during their tour in 2013. I also discovered heyclaire on Youtube and I just adore her. If you guys don't know, Claire was a freelance makeup artist based in LA, but now, I believe, she works for Youtube. She's awesome and you guys should check her out. 

Anyways, my ideas for this fanfic came from seeing B.A.P live and wondering what it would be like if I were to pick up and live in a big city as a freelance artist. My initial ideas were for "you" and Youngjae to become friends. And since "you" can't afford to live in a big city as a freelance artist, Youngjae talks to some people and you're offered a job as B.A.P's makeup artist...or something of that sort. Of course you have a love affair within the group with Bang YongGuk and Yoo YoungJae. My idea was for "you" to have this undying love for Bang YongGuk, but he has no intentions of furthering your relationship, but he flirts with you and treats you well and you have high respect for the man. His character and value are things you seek in a man. Youngjae likes you, but you've already friendzoned him, or should I say "dongsaeng zoned" him. You're his noona. Again and again, YongGuk will turn you down, and YoungJae is always there for you - you get the picture. That's all I've got! 


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