Let's party, es!


Bae Yeonhee finds herself in yet another humiliating situation. She had been dating the school’s kingka Woo Jiho up until he dumps her in front of his friends at the ‘party of the year’.


Yeonhee was never the popular girl, in fact, she was quite the opposite. She was the girl that people found annoying - she tried just a little too hard to fit in.


But it was her first time being at a party.

It was her first time dancing with anyone but herself.

It was her first time drinking alcohol.

And it was her first time getting her heart broken.




“How do I look?” Yeonhee twirls around. Her loose curls bounce about as she grins, waiting for a reply.

“Okay.” Sohee, Yeonhee’s twin, shrugs her shoulders. She isn’t the type of person to openly give compliments.

Yeonhee pouts but it doesn’t last. She spins back around and checks herself out once more.


Yeonhee is wearing a skin-tight, leopard pattern dress. It has a low v-cut and stops mid-thigh. Her arms and neck are decorated with shiny accessories, and her feet are tucked into 4-inch black stilettos. Her hair is loose in curls with a fresh coat of hairspray.


“Let’s go. Or else we’ll be late.” Sohee says with a yawn.

Yeonhee whips around. “We have to be late.”

Sohee only rolls her eyes. “Yeah, says who?”

“Only everyone.” Yeonhee joins her sister on the bed. “Only losers show up on time… right?”

“I wouldn’t know.” Sohee says getting up.


She sports a royal purple chiffon shirt with dark black tights. Her hair is fishtail braided and she smells of expensive perfume.


“Let’s just go now before we pass our curfew.”

Yeonhee pouts but nods her head. Her heels click when she walks to her bag and stuffs some cash in her bra. “Let’s go~” She squeals.




The house is alive with teenagers adventuring into activities forbidden at their age. The owners are away on a business trip, leaving their son in charge.



“Let’s party, es!!” Pak Kyung chugs down the bottle of booze he holds in his left hand.




UGHH. This was one of my favourite fanfics to write. I'm pretty I started this when BlockB just debuted. I remember watching their MTV show and loving their crazy antics. I wrote like 5 chapters, but then I ended up deleting it and started anew. But as time passed by, they got into all their controversies and... it was sad. I didn't find the inspiration to write this anymore. Plus, this has them in high school and I didn't want to write them as hormonal high school boys :P

My inspiration for this came from all those fanfics you read of the ugly duckling turning into a total babe to get revenge on their ex. But of course, this is a fanfic, so there's gotta be a twist. Instead of becoming a babe, Yeonhee becomes a hella ugly boy and follows Jiho around. She kind of tortures Jiho as this new person because although he has a tough exterior, Jiho is actually very kind and wouldn't want to hurt a single soul (even though he broke Yeonhee's heart /sadface) So yeah, it was a going to be a fun fanfic with a lot of drama and stupid , but I've lost inspiration to write more :P hope you enjoyed that little tid bit :]








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