Last chapter

Salty Coffee ??! It's sweet!

At the end of the party, luhan invited seohyun to have coffee with him, she was surprised, but due to being polite, she promised.


Just a short talk,, but it was the happiest moment ever for luhan.This is because he success and manage to have a talk with seohyun .


Seohyun is a straight girl and it is difficult for boys to approach her; according to his friends .


But, all of them are totally false. Because now i and seohyun are hanging out together . And i consider its as my first date!


Both luhan and seohyun sat in a nice coffee shop, he was to nervous to say anything. Well ,it was his first experience to date someone .


"I'm now seat infront of her! In one table accompanied by soft and relaxing song"


"My dream came true,, i guess"


Luhan turn his face and smile. 

While seohyun felt uncomfortable. A few minutes had pass ,but still... luhan don't talk anything .Not even a single word!


She thought, "please, let me go home...."


Suddenly luhan asked the waiter: "Would you please give me some salt? I'd like to put it in my coffee."


 Everyone stared at luhan,so strange! His face turned red, but ,still, luhan put the salt in his coffee and drank it.


Seohyun asked him curiously: "Why you have this hobby? "


Luhan replied: "When i was a little boy, i was living near the sea, I like playing in the sea, I could feel the taste of the sea, just like the taste of this salty coffee. Now every time i have this salty coffee, I always think of my childhood, think of my hometown, i miss my hometown so much, i miss my parents who are still living there".


While luhan saying that, tears filled his eyes. Seohyun was deeply touched. 


"That's his true feeling, from bottom of his heart."


"A man who tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home, has responsibility of home." she thought. 


Then, seohyun also started to speak, spoke about her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family.


Seohyun is not a type of girl that usually share about her own personal life.But to Luhan, she feel glad and happy to share her story to him.Besides, luhan is a good listener. 


No doubt, that's the reason why many of his friends are girls. And that the reason why i always avoid myself from seeing him..The feeling of jealous~ and now I'm totally regret of myself for avoiding him.


That was a really nice talk, also a beautiful beginning of their story. Luhan and seohyun continued to date .

Both of them manage to tell about each other feeling ~ And being an official sweet couple. 


Both luhan and seohyun achieved a great result in their university and planned to get married soon.


Lucky to luhan and seohyun, their relationship was sweet and not having a difficult challenge(crying, begging not to go,scandal,harsh to each other and so on) as they saw in drama~



Then the story was just like every beautiful love story, the princess married to the prince , and then they were living the happy life ...And every time seohyun made coffee for Luhan, she will put some salt in the coffee, as seohyun knew that's the way luhan liked it.


But deeply in Luhan's heart, there are one lie that he cannot tell to seohyun.


"I'm so sorry seohyun~ "


Knowing that he could not tell seohyun the truth in front of her, he write a letter to seohyun and put it in his diary.


"I would give it when I'm 50 years old.That time my seobaby would not able mad at me cause she are too old" said Luhan while imagine how his wife look alike when she old~ kekeke


It's have been 2 years since their marriage. 


"Today is our anniversary lulu oppa!" said seohyun happily. 


"I know seobaby, just wait for me tonight" teased luhan while kiss seohyun forehead.


"In our room" whispered luhan to seohyun ear and make her blushing a lot. 


"haha! you're blushing" luhan laughed and kiss her cheek.


"Bye! I love you!"


"stupid little lulu" seohyun murmured while touch her cheek..


"Ok seohyun! Let's cook ! Today is the special day^_^"


Time passed and the clock is about 10.00pm ..Luhan still not coming home.


"Haishhh,,i wonder what lulu oppa brought for me this time."



Flashback (First anniversary )


Seohyun:Welcome home Oppa!


Seohyun:Lulu oppa, did you brought something for me? [smiling brightly]

Luhan:For what ?

Seohyun:Stop joking around.Faster,give it to me.[show two of her hand to luhan]

Luhan:[push her hand aside] I have nothing for you.I'm so tired. I go for sleep first.Good Night~

Seohyun:But Oppa ,today is our an......

Luhan:Make me a salty coffee . Faster! I'm craving for it.

Seohyun:[her tear were almost fall down but she swept it away] Ok oppa.


Seohyun then open the light in the kitchen and she was so shock.


There was a big goguma cake with a red small box in the middle of it.Seohyun open the box and inside it was a silver necklace with letter 'SH'.


"So pretty! "


Seohyun feel someone backhug her.


"Do you like it? Happy first anniversary dear"


"Yes! Thank you~ "


The sweet night continue in their sweet and soft bed~

*end of flashback*


"Why i suddenly remind of my lulu oppa?"Seohyun smile to herself 


Suddenly, her phone ringing.


"Hello, seohyun speaking.Who is this?"


"Yes,I'm luhan's wife. What happened? "



Seohyun then cry a lot..


"Oppa!! "



"A big basket of goguma, a box of chocolate ,a huge keroro doll and a love from me would be enough for seobaby." kekeke 


"it's late already. I must drive faster" said Luhan to himself. 


"today is the day, i would not lie to my wife anymore.It totally make me want to die. I should end it today"


When Luhan was about to reach at their house, he see a big lorry heading directly to his car..Luhan was about to avoid the lorry but..............




All the goguma and the chocolate are ruined. Including her love one~


It been a week since that accident happened.. Seohyun don't even touch anything that are belongs to luhan. Because it hurt to remind all of their memory together. 


"But, i must arranged all of his things"


While cleaning up their room ,, Seohyun found a letter that are drop from his diary.


"A letter for me? "


Seohyun then open the letter that are wrote by luhan and read it :


【"My dearest, please forgive me, forgive my whole life. This was the only lie I said to you - the salty coffee. Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous at that time, actually i wanted some sugar, but i said salt. It hard for me to change so i just went ahead because I'm manly.(you know it too right~ ). To be honest that was the most embarrassing moment ever because i know that salt and sugar are totally different things. I never thought that could be the start of our communication! I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but i was too afraid to do that, as i promised not to lie to you for anything... Now I'm telling you the truth; i don't like that salty coffee, what a strange, a bad taste.... >_< But i have had the salty coffee everyday in the morning! I seriously want to cry to having that coffee everyday. Since i know you, i never feel sorry for anything i do for you . Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life. If i born for the second time, i still want to know you and have you for my whole life,even though i have to drink the salty coffee again..."】


Seohyun tears made the letter totally wet.


"if only i know that you hate the taste of salty coffee, i would not make it for you everyday "


"if you still alive, i surely make a best, sweet coffee for you"


Seohyun tears drop more rapidly. 


"I'm sorry lulu oppa.."




One day, someone asked her: "What's the taste of salty coffee? "


She replied, "it's sweet.. "









Finally, my first fanfic is finished! Thank you for reading and sorry for waste your time to read my bad fanfic~ Really sorry. ..


But i will improve my writing and write a better fanfic sooner or later~ ^^


《Your comment are totally welcome》


★I really need your comments . cause it my first ff, and i want to know what your opinion about my short ff★ 













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Seohan_ #1
Chapter 2: What happen to Luhan's wife? Imma curious..
Chapter 2: Im pity for seohyun .. Luhan why you dont tell the truth .. omg now i feel angry N sad at the same time .. BTW thanks for update ♥♥♥
Chapter 2: This is so sad... :((
Well I think the plot is too rushed. It'll be very good if you make it a little longer.
But I like this story<3
Chapter 1: Good Story ..
Love It ..
Update Soon ...
Always Support SeoHan .. ♥♥♥♥
ambai90 #5
Chapter 1: seohan fighting !!
Chapter 1: Gosh don't even get me started about luhan leaving:()
But this ff is really good!!!!
Update soon plz^^!
Seororo_Hannie #7
Chapter 1: I love your story ^-^ Hwaiting!! Don't worry, although we won't get to see their moments, we can still pray for them to become a couple one day:) and we all know that Seohyun is starting to have feelings towards Luhan, i believe that Seohyun will do anything and everything to be with the one she Love. ♥
xxgina_nguyenxx #8
Chapter 1: Update soon ^^