stop, stop, stop.

the daily lives of the six giants.
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genre: angst, au, tw
tw: abuse. you've been warned. 
au: hakyeon is blind.
featured characters: cha hakyeon, and maybe other vixx members.
a/n: here's hakyeonie~ this is basically an overlook of how hakyeon got blind uvu

"you're such a ing nuisance," hakyeon heard someone snarl, flinching at the sudden hit to his cheek. he didn't know who was hitting him, but hell, did it hurt. hakyeon didn't enjoy the repeated hits, and they hurt him badly. "w-why? w-who are you?" hakyeon whimpered and crawled around helplessly. it wasn't his fault that he was blind, it wasn't his fault. 

when hakyeon was 5, he found a cute telescope that he'd taken intrest in as a child. it was intresting to him as a child how everything worked, like how the telescope worked, or how the space or how the sun shined. how the sun shined was the most intresting to hakyeon as a child, because it was so bright, and yellow, and it made his skin turn to a tan shade, which he was complimented for by the aunties that his mother knew. 

one day, hakyeon was given a pair of binoculars. "hakyeon-ah, these are good for looking at animals up close," his dad said as the pair of binoculars were given to him. "thank you appa~" hakyeon beamed and excitedly used them, using them everyday and as much as he could, because hakyeon thought they were special. the following week, hakyeon used them outside, and stared at the sun. 

a shrill scream left hakyeon as soon as he felt th

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