the adventures of nekobean.

the daily lives of the six giants.
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genre: fluff, au
au: fairy!hyuk, neko!hongbin
featured characters: hongbin, sanghyuk, other members of vixx.
a/n: i'll try to make more drabbles that aren't hyuk and hongbin ; A ; i just love these babies so much okay. so this will be a series too, because i think this deserves to be a series. and i'm uploADING ALL DAY WOOHOOOO ;U ;

hongbin didn't know how he became one, but his whole family were what he was too. 

on top of hongbin's head were fluffy, brown cat ears, pointy and soft. one ear had a white spot, and the other had a brown one, which his parents found peculiar since none of their relatives had that before. he thought he was special then. his tail was long, stopped at his calves, and was just like his ears. it was cool to hongbin, who was curious to everything around him. 

"umma," hongbin meowed and walked over to his mother in the kitchen, cooking his favorite fish that he loved for quite a while now, every since he was a little kitten. "is the fish done yet?" he asked as his stomach growled, causing the poor cat to rub his own belly at the sight of his fried fish on the pan. "not yet, hongbinnie, go take a seat and watch tv, alright? i'll tell you when i'm done." a pout formed on hongbin's lips and he grumbled and meowed away in hunger. he couldn't wait anymore. 

the cat tried to get his mind off food as he waited, thinking about how he had to go back to school in a few weeks. he hated that, but he had a lot of friends that were different, and a lot like him. his mother told him he was quite the social cat, even though when he was just a kitten, he was a shy one, and he never really spoke to anyone around him. his thought bubble was popped, due to his mother interuppting it with his favorite fish, just in time. 

the next day, hongbin said he'd go out for a walk. he layered up, putting on his jeans, a hoodie, and another jacket over to keep him warm since it was starting to snow. he wore his boots, and he headed out with his phone in his pocket, and tail swaying away. he planned to head to the park, where he'd just sit and watch the snow fall and think about how the snow did that, or how the snow stuck to the ground. but he was stopped by a person he knew from school, but didn't quite know that well, since they had one or two classes together, but never sat together in any of them. 

"hey," the winged boy said as he tilted his head at him. "you're uh," he faltered and stared at him for a good minute. "hongbin, right? lee hongbin." hongbin nodded and smiled sheepishly. "you're um, s-sanghyuk?" the boy smiled, and ruffled his red hair that held snow in it. "yeah, i am. what's a cute little kitty like you doing here at a snowy park? curious about the snow, huh?" sanghyuk teased, as hongbin face burned a light pink as he denied quickly. "no, i-i just wanted to come out and watch the snow." 

a playful grin formed on sanghyuk's face as he shook his head and dusted the snow off the cat's head and ears. "cute, you're covering up for your curiosity. i don't mind you telling me your thoughts on this snow though, cute little kitty." hongbin's face burned again, feeling hot instead of cold. "um well," he began as he tried to focus on staring at the snow falling, but the snow was too fast for him and it was making him frustrated. "i don't understand how it just, sticks. like is there a special snow glue or something? it's cool to me." hongbin's shoes stomped away and played with the snow under his feet, giggling softly,"and it's cool how they make footprints from my shoes. the snow is like mud, or like grass for the side walk and pavements." 

sanghyuk listened to hongbin, and he thought he was so ing cute. he wanted to pet him, and keep him, and kiss- wait. sanghyuk was pretty sure he didn't like hongbin, right? he couldn't. that thought soon drifted away as hongbin brought up,"and um, i don't know how snow just- molds together to make a cool snowman. is ice just really moldable, sanghyuk?" sanghyuk glanced over and smiled, before explaining,"well, the pavement is cold, hongbin. so if the pavement is really cold, like-" 

"like ice cream or popsicl

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