will you be mine again?

the daily lives of the six giants.
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genre: fluff, au
au: hyuk is hongbin's longtime ex, hongbin is a college student.(inspired by ed sheeran-one)
featured characters: lee hongbin, han sanghyuk.
a/n: i really like these kind of plots, where the lover is sorta longing to see his ex again. yea ;^;

yet again, his mind drifted to his ex that he dated 2 years ago. he doesn't know what to do at times like these, because he ends up writing music about his ex. he never really published these songs, he only thought of it as a write-and-show to people kind of thing. hongbin did that when he dated his boyfriend, in which he dated for 3 years, until his boyfriend found an addiction that he found out at that time he didn’t like.

han sanghyuk was the name of his ex boyfriend, and sanghyuk was probably the best thing that ever happened to hongbin. to hongbin, sanghyuk helped hongbin find his uality. and hongbin knew that he was gay, because girls just didn't really spark with hongbin anymore. everyday, hongbin and sanghyuk would talk and talk, but after that first step, they gave hugs, and then it moved to kisses, which hongbin loved the most from sanghyuk. it was really amazing with sanghyuk, because a smile would be on hongbin lips everyday, even in the mornings he'd smile because of sanghyuk. but one day, sanghyuk began drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes.

sanghyuk never knew that hongbin didn't like what he was doing, because hongbin wasn't the type of person who was open and told things he wanted to, when he wanted to. hongbin sat in his room, cuddling against his boyfriend until he felt his shift to take a cigarette out, right when he was trying to get used to the smell of the current cigarette scent in their room. "babe," sanghyuk said with a puff of air leaving his lips, causing hongbin to look up and manage a smile, seeing sanghyuk's smile before a kiss was pressed to his lips.


it tasted of smoke, and hongbin didn't like it. but he had to bear with it of course. he kissed his boyfriend back, pressing back softly. but the kiss was stopped, because sanghyuk had to take another puff of the small stick and blow out smoke from his mouth. hongbin pouted at him and mumbled,"can't we kiss any longer?" his boyfriend sent a look at him which hongbin knew what look that was, and that was the look that said no. hongbin sighed, and looked away, hiding in sanghyuk's neck again.


days and days passed, and hongbin was still trying to get used to the smell of the cigarettes. but then sanghyuk brought home vodka and wine. he drank those while they ate, and after they ate. but hongbin never really drank, even if his boyfriend wanted to. and sanghyuk should've known that. "babe, take a drink," sanghyuk slurred as he drank a shot and his lips. "no, hyukkie, i don't want to." sanghyuk sighed and grumbled softly,"whatever."


he couldn't take it anymore. sanghyuk's mouth tasted of alcohol and smoke, and hongbin just hated it. while sanghyuk was sleeping, hongbin took his cigarettes, and tossed them into the garbage, and poured out all his alcohol. once sanghyuk woke up, hongbin acted as if nothing happened as he sat in their living room. he planned to break up with him today.


"babe, where are my cigarettes," sanghyuk yawned and kissed hongbin's lips deeply. h

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