

Yifan walked into the gallery and scanned the view. A good amount of people were walking around looking at the newly designed art. Today was the art show the city's gallery held once every month.

Yifan decided to make it a routine to go everytime. He loved art. It was one of the few things he felt relaxed about. Art made him content. He himself wasn't an artist, but he loved to see others create it.

He began walking along and viewed the pieces. He saw a couple of new artists showing off for the first time. The gallery's website had mentioned that there were a few more new artists then there normally were.

That gave Yifan a small smile. He hadn't found his favorite artist yet. He had met some good ones before, but none that stuck to him. New artists gave him a chance to see if he could find the artist he would adore.

He continued to walk around. He stopped at a statue made of wires. It formed the shape of a family running together. He liked the vibe it gave off. It was definitely his favorite at the show so far.

He moved on after complimenting about the piece to the artist. After a good couple of minutes, he felt he had looked at most of the art pieces there. He browsed the room once more and noticed a small stand in the back corner with barely anyone stopping at it. If they did it wasn't more then seconds.

He rose an eyebrow at that fact. He began walking towards it. He noticed the artist sitting there staring at the ground. He had dark hair, a black long sleeved button down shirt, black skinny jeans, and black converses. He was covered in black.

When Yifan got closer he noticed he had a few piercings throughout his ears as well. He stepped up to the painting and looked at it. It was a flowery landscape painted fully in red. It was detailed but not shaded in. It was only the contour of the scene, but it was still beautiful none the less. He looked further down at the description card.


Artist: Huang ZiTao

This piece was created entirely out of the color red to create a peaceful picture.

The red is not paint but in fact blood. My own blood. This piece means more then it shows at first glance.

Kris's eyes widened slightly as he stared at the painting. His heart picked up its speed. Something about it being entirely made from the blood of the artist itself made him love it even more. He wanted to know the deeper meaning behind it all. He wanted to completely dive into this piece, because it was magnificent.

He looked up at the artist and walked over to him. "Mr. Huang?" He smiled slightly. The male looked up at him in surprise. He must not have been expecting anyone to ask him anything. "Hi, I'm Yifan, and I just wanted to say I really love your painting. It's wonderful. Magnificent even."

ZiTao stood up and bowed, "Thank you very much. I'm glad you like it." Yifan could tell he was still shocked about what he had said. "In your description you mention that it means more then at first glance. Do you care to elaborate on that?"

The shorter hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Of course. It's a bit of a dark story though. I don't know if that would bother you or not." Yifan shook his head, "No no. Go right ahead and tell me. Fully detailed if you can. I love the piece, and it would be great to hear even more about it."

ZiTao smiled slightly before nodding. He paused for a moment before speaking. "I made this on a day where I thought about leaving..." "Leaving?" "I have clinical depression... I don't want you to feel sorry for me. It's just something I've dealt with for a while. Anyway... I was weak on that day. I selfharmed and cried. But when I stared at the blood I remembered a quote in my head. 'They won't know until you're dead.'"

He walked over to his art and tapped the glass slightly and looked up at the other, "I had the idea for an art piece that was beautiful but wasn't when you dug in deeper. It's all nice on the outside but deeper in you'll find the terror of it."

He went back and sat in his seat before continuing, "The painting represents when someone's suffering but no one can tell from the outside. When they find out, it's too late...." Yifan stared at him for a moment before looking to the painting.

He walked closer to it. He gazed at it before looking back up, "Are you selling this?" ZiTao blinked. He didn't expect that. He didn't expect that at all. "Of course you don't have to though." The shorter started at his work for a moment. He shook his head, "I'm sorry. I'm really... I'm in love with this piece. I-"

Yifan shook his head, "No, it's completely okay... Do you have other paintings I can see?" ZiTao hummed while looking around. The show had ended and the artists were beginning to pack up. He stood up and also began to pack up his things.

"I would love to show you my works. My portfolio is at home unfortunately. I was in a rush this morning." Yifan smiled, "It's ok. How about we meet up this week so I can see them?" The other grabbed his bag, and they began heading to the door. "If that's what you want, then alright."

The taller smiled again, "Lets exchange numbers then shall we?" They stepped outside and felt the cool breeze of the night brush against their skin. ZiTao nodded. They gave their numbers to each other, and Kris checked the time. He held his hand out, "I'll see you later then?"

The other nodded and shook his hand. They pulled away and waved goodbye. They went off to their own cars. Kris opened the door and sat inside for a moment. He replayed ZiTao's words in his mind. It finally fell into realization that the other had clinical depression and selfharmed.

His heart tightened as he thought about it. He did pity the artist. He also saw that ZiTao was trying to make a saying about how people saw the ones with depression. He admired ZiTao for it. He had a feeling he would become his favorite artist quickly.

Beautiful was the first piece that caught his eyes, heart, soul, and mind. It was just outstanding. He started his car and drove off. He had work tomorrow unfortunately. 

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Chapter 1: Seriously, you are now my favorite author.
Ziilel #2
Chapter 1: .... ; n ;
Chapter 1: I really like this omfg
Chapter 1: The way Kris felt about Tao's painting is how I feel about this fic! hehe :) wonderfully written fic!
Hayami_Yoonaddict #5
Chapter 1: thank you for posting this, it's a really good fic
Chapter 1: Wow this is really well written! I really love your stories!
Chapter 1: Wooowwww so beautiful. >< Please write a sequel!!
Chapter 1: This is just BEAUTIFUL ..
Chapter 1: Wonderful. Well written. Well done