
Luminous Burst: The Collection


Jongin and Junmyeon aren't meant to be together.


We’re not meant to be together. We’re like shoes; I’m the right shoe, and you’re the left one. We walk together, run together, but we’re never meant to be together.




“You’ve never looked as good as today.”

Jongin couldn’t move his gaze from Junmyeon. Jongin couldn’t move his gaze from Junmyeon’s blinding smile. Junmyeon looked really happy; of course he was really happy. Today was his wedding day, after all.

“Thank you, Jongin,” Junmyeon said as he patted Jongin’s shoulder. “You look really handsome too in that suits.”

They couldn’t have a longer conversation since Junmyeon had already had to go to the altar, where his soon-to-be wife had been waiting for him. He gave Jongin the last smile before taking a deep breath and walking away.

Jongin couldn’t move his gaze from Junmyeon. Jongin couldn’t move his gaze from Junmyeon’s back. He closed his eyes, heart aching painfully.





We’re never meant to be together. We’re like shoes; I’m the left shoe and you’re the right one. We walk together, run together, but we’re never meant to be together.




“You’ve never looked as good as today.”

Junmyeon didn’t want to move his gaze from Jongin. Junmyeon didn’t want to move his gaze from Jongin and end up losing the sight of his figure.

“Thank you, Jongin. You look really handsome too in that suits.”

Junmyeon didn’t want to smile. Junmyeon didn’t want to marry anyone but Jongin. Junmyeon wanted to be with Jongin, but he knew he couldn’t; they couldn’t.

It was the time for him to go. His soon-to-be wife had been waiting for him. Giving Jongin one more smile, he walked to the altar.

Junmyeon didn’t want to move his gaze from Jongin, but he had to.




Jongin and Junmyeon weren’t meant to be together. They were like shoes; Jongin was the right shoe and Junmyeon the left one. They walked together, ran together, but they were never meant to be together, and they could do nothing about it.

Sometimes love could be as funny as that.

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ed11xi #1
‏Hello ❤️!

‏Sorry): I'm not good with interdiction.!
‏I just want to ask you if I can translate some of your krisho one shots from English to Arabic ? Of coarse I will mention your full rights.?
‏If you allow me,I would like to translate it and share it in Wattpad with people who can't read English well!
‏I just in love with what you writes and I think it's so great I really love it!
‏if you allow me then it will be my chance to develop my English language,you will give me a really great opportunity,so can I translate it please? Sorry for my bad English! I hope you don't mind): !
These are both beautiful and sad :'<, but I still like them. So I have a request, could I translate your fic into Vietnamese? I promise to keep your credit and link
thecrud #3
Chapter 5: It's like poems, it's really good and kind of have the literature vibe. I like it (I'm a big fab of literature
HikariRyu7 #4
Chapter 5: , these fics are cute and sad¿? Hahahha. ♥ KaiHo is so sweet.
Chapter 4: I really enjoyed this! I liked the star imagery and repetition, and jongin's possessiveness :3
ninimyeoni #6
Chapter 4: thats why never look at his eyes boy! your description of junmyeon's eyes is so spot onㅠㅠ i feel u girl. i feel u jongin.
but i found jongin kinda creepy tho. like he only wants junmyeon's eyes and then keep it in an expensive transparent box..... xD
ninimyeoni #7
Chapter 3: /Clutches heart/ /crying an ocean/ T.T
rheyn001 #8
Chapter 2: this is soooo sad but at the same time, great--
I'm literally crying asghdjka
Chapter 2: I enjoyed reading the stories---they're sad, angsty, wonderful and just sad :) all were lovely written :)