Day 1


The excitement obviously can be seen through the couple’s face. Jongup loaded the car with his and Hyunmin’s luggage meanwhile Hyunmin was at the receptionist ready to check out. Once she done with the task, excitedly she walked towards the waiting car and got into it.

“Ready?” Jongup asked with a broad smile plastered on his face. Hyunmin nodded. “Yes!”

“Then let’s move out!”



According to Jongup, the journey from the city to the vacation house might take more than 4 hours or 5 if they stuck in jam. Along the journey, the car full with laughter and giggles. Jongup kept on teasing his wife causing the younger to blush madly. After two and half hour of driving, the car then passed through the road that offered them beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains.

“So prettyyyyyyyy…” Hyunmin awed. Jongup chuckled looking at his wife cute respond. “You want to stop at the village? There’s one village 500 meters from here.”

Hyunmin turned and looked at her husband with sparkles eyes before vigorously nodding her head. “Yes! Of course I want.”

Jongup laughed, “Gosh, my wife is a very city girl. Are you sure you never been out from Seoul honey?”

Hyunmin pouted, crossing her arms. “I’m not joking. Busan is the farthest place I ever been in Korea and Busan is technically is the second most modern city in Korea. So yeah, the uptown feels isn’t really showing out.”

“Aww, pity my wife. It’s okay. After this, let’s find some time and travel together,” Jongup said, smiling while laced his finger with Hyunmin. Hyunmin nodded her head, smiling and showing her husband her eyes smile.



After having some good time at the village, the couple continued again their journey and after awhile of driving, Hyunmin started to feel a little bored and kept on playing with Jongup’s finger. She’s then pouted and looked up at her husband’s face. Jongup who aware with Hyunmin’s stared raised an eyebrow and glanced at her. “Why?”

Hyunmin shook her head. “Is it really far away from city?” she asked, throwing her gaze to the outside view. Jongup chuckled. Even a few minutes before Hyunmin stared at him, he already sensed his wife boredom.

“Yup. But don’t worry. The place is awesome. So calm and peaceful and we can swim at the lake later. Together.”

Hyunmin turned, smiling at the elder before gave Jongup a kiss on his cheek causing the later to blush.


Jongup got out from the car and stretched a little. Thank god they managed to arrive a little earlier than the expectation. Almost 4 hours of driving really managed to give a little torture on Jongup’s back.

Jongup glanced at the passenger seat and a smile crept on his face. A peaceful face of Hyunmin's sleeping really made his heart fluster in happiness. Some part of him still can’t believe that the girl he love the most finally became his. Jongup went to the passenger side and opened the door. Slowly he shook Hyunmin’s sleeping figure.

Hyunmin whined a little before slowly opened up her eyes. She blinked a few times, rubbing her eyes. “Where are we?”

Jongup shook his head, chuckling. “We’re here already. Let’s get inside.”

Once she heard her husband’s words, a smile immediately lighten up her face and she quickly jumped out from the car. Sensing his wife excitement, Jongup quickly grabbed his wife’s wrist. Hyunmin looked at her husband, titling her head a little. “What’s wrong?”

Jongup smiled lightly, before he brought his hand to Hyunmin’s face and closed the younger eyes. Hyunmin giggled. “What are you doing Moon Jongup?”

“Hmm, just follow my instruction okay? Now slowly take 10 steps forward,” Jongup stated softly. Hyunmin shrugged and followed and did what exactly her husband said.

“Good, now turned to your right and take 3 more steps forward.”

Hyunmin sighed and did the things. “Done. Honey, can I see the house now?”

Jongup chuckled, “Aish, you should learn to be patient sweetie.”

Hyunmin pouted, “I learned it from you.”

Jongup laughed. “Okay, okay. Are you ready?” he asked, still covering Hyunmin’s eyes with his palms.

“Totally ready.”

“3…2…1… TADAH!”

“Oh my god!” she exclaimed happily looking at the huge two storey vacation house before screamed in shock when Jongup suddenly took her in the house in bridal style causing the younger later giggling in happiness.




Hyunmin just finished packing out all of their cloths and hung it in the walk-in closet. She glanced around the room and there’s no sign of her husband. She shrugged a little. “Maybe he went out for awhile.”

Hyunmin walked out from the master bedroom and started to walk around the house, exploring it. Along the hallway, there are bunch of pictures and a smile crept on her face once she saw Jongup baby’s picture. She then went to the kitchen section. Her jaw hung wide once she saw the kitchen. “God, what a huge kitchen.”

She explored around the big kitchen before all of her focus had been distracted by one thing. The door to the backyard but Jongup said it wasn’t really a backyard since there’s just a little space before enter the woods.

Hyunmin turned the knob slowly and she about to push the door opened when Jongup called her name causing her to jump in shock.

“Honey, what are you doing?”

Hyunmin sighed in relief. “Gosh, you scared me.”

Jongup chuckled, “Well, I had been calling your name for like a thousand times but you didn’t answer me.”

Hyunmin titled her head, “Really? I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you.”

Jongup walked towards her and used his free hand to pat Hyunmin’s head before went to the table top and placed the groceries that he just brought on it. “Nah. It’s okay. Here, I already brought the things that we been lacking and why don’t you get change while I put all these things in the cabinet.”

“Get change?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. Jongup turned and faced his wife before nodding his head. “Yup. Let’s swim at the lake.”

Hyunmin’s eyes sparked in happiness before childishly and excitedly she ran to their shared room and to get changed. Jongup laughed in amusement watching his wife childish act.




Hyunmin waited for her husband at the front house. She puffed her cheek. “What take him so long?” she mumbled and glanced at the front door. She slowly walked around before she suddenly felt her body on air. She quickly put her arms around the culprit’s neck, scared if she get falls. Jongup laughed seeing her respond but stopped immediately when he sensed his wife deadly glare.

“Sorry,” he said, walking towards the lake with Hyunmin’s in his arm. Hyunmin rolled her eyes. “I can die you know. Can you please put me down Jonguppie?”

Jongup childishly shook his head. “Sorry but I can’t,” he replied, teasing Hyunmin. Hyunmin looked at Jongup disbelief. She knew something must been in her husband’s mind and that something must be horrible.

“Put me down Jongup. I know what inside your mind.”

Jongup smirked and Hyunmin hate that smirk so much. “Oh really? So what’s inside my mind that you know?”

Hyunmin bit her inner cheek, moving her gaze away from her husband’s face before pouting cutely. She knew Jongup to well. Her husband will never put her down even she argue about it.

“Are you ready?”

Jongup sudden question made Hyunmin looked at him. “Ready for… ARGH!”

She hasn’t managed to finish her sentences when Jongup suddenly threw her into the lake. Jongup laughed when he noticed Hyunmin fuming gaze. He later put the dry towel and his t-shirt on the provided wooden chair before jumped into the water to join his wife.

Hyunmin looked deeply into Jongup’s orb before started splashing water at him. Hearing Hyunmin’s chuckled made Jongup chuckled too before he decided to play along and started to splash water at her.

After a few minutes, the couple stopped their childish activity and only sound of their laughter left out. Jongup took a breath before swim near his wife. He then laced their finger together before leaned in and smoothly kissed his loves one. Hyunmin replied the kiss and Jongup can sensed his wife was smiling in the kiss. The pair then pulled apart and Jongup chuckled when he noticed Hyunmin’s blushing face.

But their happy moment stopped when they heard sound of a mini truck from the other side of the lake. The couple looked at the source and saw a sight of a middle aged man came out from the truck.

“That must the neighbour,” Jongup murmured. Hyunmin looked at her husband. “You never meet the neighbour before?”

Jongup shook his head. “Nope. Every time we come here the house always empty but the people at the town did told us that we have a neighbour.”

“Well, don’t you think we should say hey?”

“I don’t know. I guess so,” he replied before moved his gaze to the man who is now walking to his backyard.

“Do you think he can hear us if I shout from here?” he asked without looking at his wife. “I think so.”

Jongup shrugged. “Hello!” he shouted, waving his hand.

The old man tracked stopped and he quickly looked around, searching for the voice.

“Mister!” Jongup called again. Hyunmin shook her head. “When I say about saying hey is we’re going the man’s house not shout from here,” she mumbled.

The old man was still searching but stopped once he spotted them in the lake. Jongup waved his hand high.

“Hey! Nice to meet you! I’m Jongup and this is my wife Hyunmin and we’re live at the house over there!” he shouted while pointing at their house.

The old man looked at the direction before looked back at them. Jongup stopped waving his hand when he noticed the man didn’t even respond to him. After a few seconds, the man walked back towards his backyard without reply their greeting. He totally ignored the couple causing the couple left in dumbfounded.

“Hmm, are we invisible?” Jongup asked. Hyunmin shook her head. “That ahjushhi is weird. It seems like he don’t want us to come here.”

The couple swam to the shore and Jongup helped his wife to get out from the water before passing her a dry towel.

“Maybe he didn’t like to talk to strangers,” Jongup said, trying to think something positive.

“Maybe. Well, this place a little far away from the town and maybe he didn’t use with outsider.”

Jongup nodded his head before walked inside the house, hand in hand with his wife.

A little they didn’t know was, the old man was still looking them for far. Watching and observing their movement before looked away and took an axe and started to sharpen it. His eyes were showing nothing but hatred.


Later on that night, the couple spent their time cuddling on the couch while watching a movie, The Vow. Hyunmin placed her head on Jongup’s chest while Jongup placed his left arm around Hyunmin’s torso.

“If I lost my memories, will you stay or leave?” Hyunmin asked, out of sudden. Jongup looked at his wife and chuckled, “Stay of course. Why would I leave you when you actually need me to fight with you even you didn’t notice it.”

Hyunmin smiled in happiness hearing her husband’s answer before circled her arms around her husband waist and focused at movie.

The movie almost ended when Jongup sensed zero movement from the younger. He pecked a bit and noticed his wife already fell asleep. He slowly released the grip from his wife before carefully brought her into the bedroom at the top floor.

Slowly he placed his wife on the bed and pulled the blanket up, covering his wife little body before he planted a kiss on her forehead. He then went to the bathroom to take a night shower before join his wife into a dreamland on the comfy bed.



Crack….scratch… scratch…

That sound was really bothering Hyunmin’s sleep. She moved her body a little, hoping the sound will went away but instead of that, the sound became more louder. She opened up her eyes and saw her husband peaceful sleeping face. She frowned a little. ‘How can he sleep? He didn’t hear the sound?’ she mentally wonder.

After a few minutes, the sound still won’t go away so she decided to ignore it. ‘Maybe the house is a little old or something.’

She was about to drift away when she heard a scream.


Hyunmin immediately jolted up from her laid and went downstairs. The voice still screaming but it became faint and fainter. She followed the voice and the voice brought her to the door at the kitchen which leading her to the backyard.

She opened the door and a harsh wind suddenly passed her. Right after the wind passed through, the voice totally gone causing Hyunmin to frown in confusion.

She slowly stepped out to the backyard and looked around. Then she sensed that something was moving behind the bushes, a few feet away from her. She’s carefully to steps towards the bushes but her tracked stop when she sensed something behind her. She turned around and noticed there’s a little faint light source from the woods.

She titled her head a little. “There’s people live in the woods?”

Then suddenly something pulled her causing her to scream in fear.





Hey guys! So here's the new chappie. Sorry if there's a lot of mistake cause I havent edit it yet and Im so sorry for the suer later update. Im kinda busy with classes and assignments nowasday. I hope you will understand. 

Enjoy this chapter! 

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Chapter 8: wow! this is just intense.... such twist! gosh.. every tym i read your horror story it just made my heart jumping all over or make me shiver like crazy.. and having goosebumps ... i really2 like your writing style! just my cup of tea.. <3
ZakhirahMeyh #2
Chapter 8: wow. my guess was right.
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 8: Wow, didn't see that coming! I knew Jongup didn't do it! but that's soooo sad T_T. great job, full of suspense & worth the wait :)
Chapter 8: OH MY GOSH!!!!! Great work author nim!!! OMO CHANYEEEOOOLLLLL HOW COULD YOU DO THAT. WHY DID YOU KILL HER!!! I never thought a cute baby wolf like you would do something like that TT^TT
aina21 #5
Chapter 8: My goshhhh this was freaking amazing!!! good job authornimmmm.. AND CHANYEOL HOW DARE YOU KILL EUNSEO WITH THAT CUTIE LITTLE SMILE!!!!TTTT
ckossi #7
Chapter 6: This is freaking awesome! Cant wait for the next chapter.
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 6: Ooh yea, I think it's either a member of exo w/ a deep voice or.... Yongguk???? hmmm the deep voice?
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 6: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....... What a way to have a freaking cliff hanger >_<!!!! OMG, welcome back! can't wait for the next chapter. thank you for updating!