Beware The Frozen Heart


Minseok was supposed to be organising a wedding ceremony.

Instead, he's organising the Four Points to put down a rebellion.

With everything and everyone he loves standing on the trapdoor, he's about to show the Four Points why they really call him 'Frost Gem'.


This is the sequel to 'Frost Gem', which you can read here first:

I know that the title is a 'Frozen' song; I regret nothing.


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Chapter 4: Oh I can't wait until the wedding TT TT Love it love it love it~ ♡
Chapter 3: ohmy! show the glacier what you really got minseok. show him the great strength & power anyone had never seen..
Chapter 2: i was really expecting a romantic and unforgetful wedding of xiuhan instead of kris and tora being captured and the rest engaging in war, but anyways, i still love it. it added another thrill.. :)