Strangers Opposite Way

Strangers Opposite Way

I still walk on this lonely street hoping to see you.

But you're nowhere to be found only sad memories linger in my heart.

What can I say?

I guess it was my fate.

The day you left I was nothing.

I felt empty.

Words couldn't describe how I felt.

All I could say is that I miss you.

Tears can't bring you back. But can't I ask you one thing don't you miss... don't you miss us?

You forgot what we had. You left this city, left this street we once walked on.

I stood there in the rain waiting for the day you came back.

I tried to forget but I can't.

I thought I forgot but I  still haven't.

I still walk on this street.

I still walk in this city.

Things are still the same, but one thing has change and that is us.

What made you leave your ways?

What made you leave us?

Memories keep come haunting back.

I still cry myself to sleep but I know eventually I’ll forget.

It was fate for me to meet you.

It was also fate for you to leave me.

It was fate for me to fall in love with you.

I said I’ll forget but why does it still hurt me every time I look at you?

I still walk on this lonely street to find you but you're nowhere to be found.

Sad memories come flowing back.

Another year has gone by we see each other but we act like we never me,

just like strangers opposite ways.

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Kuro_no_Daisy #1
Chapter 1: I don't think the same way as Shina63736.
I think it was brilliant. Perfect.
Of course, would be really good if it could became a multi-chaptered fanfic, but I think it stay better like this: No names, just you and another person, this person being famous... Or not.

This is MY opinion.
cobemuadongxo #2
thanks for your advice. I will try to make it sound more interesting in the future :)
Shina63736 #3
I don't mean to sound too critical! But the story seems kinda flat, And too poem-like. I feel that if you changed it into a story with characters and stuff instead of plainly stating things that happened it would end up being a lot more interesting.
:( still, it was good.